WARNING: this test can only be passed if the font family in use lacks bold and italic faces. Therefore, a user agent can support font-synthesis and still appear to fail this test.

NOTE: this test uses the font face Myriad Pro Regular. This single face was specifically selected because it lacks both bold and italic faces. If the following paragraphs are in a serif font, then the font has failed to load. If they are sans-serif, then the font has most likely loaded and the test should be valid.

[#p01] This is a paragraph with bold and italic children. There should be neither bold nor italic.

[#p02] This is a paragraph with bold and italic children. There should be bold, but not italic.

[#p03] This is a paragraph with bold and italic children. There should be italic, but not bold.

[#p04] This is a paragraph with bold and italic children. There should be both bold and italic.