

So we can do it after all, even in IE for Windows! Notice how the border of the main div is bent out of a rectangle so that it runs inside the floated element. Okay, I'm lying. That isn't what's really happening. Instead, I set one-pixel black borders on the right and bottom edges of the float, and no border at all on the top and left edges. Then the float is pulled one pixel up and one pixel to the left, which is accomplished by setting -1px margins on those sides. This causes the float to overlap the border set on the main div, thus covering up the black border with the white background of the float. In most recent browsers, that's enough, but in IE/Win we also have to relatively position the float in order for it to move. The code looks like this:

   div#main2 {border: 1px solid black;}
   div#punch2 {float: left; width: 100px; height: 70px; 
   text-align: center; background: white; color: black; 
   border: solid black 1px; border-width: 0 1px 1px 0; 
   padding: 0 10px 5px 0; margin: -1px 25px 10px -1px;
   position: relative;}            /* fix for IE/Win */
   div#punch2 img {height: 70px; width: 100px;}

The last line really shouldn't be necessary, and why it suddenly makes this technique work in IE/Win is something of a mystery. However, it does work in all the browsers that handled the original boxpunch, and then adds in IE/Win, so we'll not quibble too hard. Let us instead praise and congratulate Big John, who was the first to point out this exact workaround. (Other people had found similar approaches, but they all made the trick work in IE/Win at the expense of other browsers, which wasn't acceptable.)

As in the curvelicious demo, the h1 at the top is simply styled as normal, and its borders and background "slide under" the floated element. This is expected behavior in CSS2. If you were to set a left border on the h1, you'd have to make it at least 111px wide before it could be seen at all! Well, unless it become so tall that it was taller than the float. Then you'd be able to see it below the float. If your browser supports text zooming, try increasing the text size until the h1 is taller than the float. You should see what I mean then.

Like this text? It can be yours for just $19.99! But wait! There's more! If you call in the next ten minutes, we'll throw in a copy of Amaya absolutely free! Don't delay-- act now!

Again with the punching

Of course, if one is floating elements, then one can float anything, not just images. In this case I've floated a div, but it could have been any text element. The borders and margins are set up just like last time. Think of it-- you could put a small navigation panel in that float, or anything else that takes your fancy. A quotation, perhaps? How about a small table of icons or decorative images? You could just float the table itself and be done. Pretty cool, eh?

For that matter, why restrict yourself to floating things into the corner of the box? How about going straight to the right or left from within the block?

"Better to stick to what's needed."

It's the same basic principle as before, only this time we need to draw three of the borders and only pull the float one pixel to the left. We could keep pulling it one pixel upward as well, but that's no necessary here and could (in theory) lead to complications. Better to stick to what's needed. Again, any element could be floated, so you could float links for further reading, more decorative images like folder tabs, a list of short ideas or points that are related to the main text, a table of figures, or the familiar "pull quote" style of taking a short phrase in the text and repeating it in larger text. Like we see here.

   div#punch3b {float: right; width: 25%; text-align: left; 
   font-size: 140%; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; 
   padding: 1em; text-indent: -0.5em; background: white; 
   color: black; border: solid black 1px;
   border-width: 1px 0 1px 1px; margin: 0.2em -1px 0.2em 0.5em;
   position: relative;}                  /* fix for IE/Win */

Note that, due to rounding errors, Mozilla (and thus Netscape 6.x) may not move a right-floated element over as far as it should be. If you resize your browser window enough times, you'll see a black border appear to the right of the pull quote. That's because the float is one pixel too far to the left, and the main div's border becomes visible. Hopefully they'll fix that eventually.

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