CSS2 Test Suite: 5.3 Universal Selector

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The style declarations contained within this page:

* {text-decoration: overline;}
*.cl1 {color: purple;}
.pastoral {color: green;}  /* omitted universal selector should be inferred */
big {font-size: 133%; color: rgb(60%,60%,40%);}

This is a paragraph element, which should be overlined. In fact, all of the elements on this page should be overlined. The word "all" in this paragraph may therefore appear to have two overlines, one consistent with the normal text and one slightly higher than that. (Other renderings may be possible.) However, the overline for the big element should be a dusky yellow no matter where it appears.

This H3 should be black.

This H4 should be purple. [cl1]

[pastoral] An H3 element which should be green.

[pastoral] A paragraph element which should be green.

[pastoral] A blockquote element which should be green.
[pastoral] A PRE element which should be green.

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