CSS2 Test Suite: 14.2.1 background-image

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The style declarations contained within this page:

.cl1 {background-image: url(pix/smgr-bg.gif);}
.cl2 {background-image: none;}
.parent {background-image: url(pix/crosshair2.gif);}
.inh1 {background-image: url(pix/redsqr.gif);}

[cl1] This 'p' element should have a background that completely fills its content-area. This background is a small green grid image that has been repeatedly "tiled" throughout the background area of the element.

[cl2] This 'p' element should have a transparent background that completely fills its content-area; this will allow the background of any ancestor elements that encompass it to "shine through."

[cl1] This 'p' element contains a 'span' that has been given a class of 'cl2'. The transparent background of [cl2]the inline 'span' should allow the 'p' element's green-grid background to "shine through."

[parent] This 'div' element is the parent of another 'div' that is used to test inheritance. The parent has a background pattern of a crosshair image.
[inh1] This 'div' element should have the same crosshair-tiled background as its parent, as it has a style attribute set to inherit the background-image value. If the background is red, the 'inherit' test has been failed. If the crosshair pattern does not re-start itself in the top left corner of this child 'div', then the test has also been failed; by inheriting the image, this 'div' has a pattern independent of its parent.
This is the end of the parent element.

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