CSS2 Test Suite: 17.5.2 table-layout

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The style declarations contained within this page:

table {background: gray; width: 300px;}
table td {background: #FF9; color: black;}
.r1c2 {width: 100px;}
.r2c1 {width: 150px;}
.r3c3 {width: 100px;}
.cl1 {table-layout: fixed;}
.cl2 {table-layout: auto;}

In the following table, the cells should extend outside of the 'table' element itself, because their aggregate widths are greater than 300px. The table should not expand to contain the cells.


In the following table, the cells should not extend outside of the 'table' element itself, even though their aggregate widths are greater than 300px. The table should instead expand to contain the cells.


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