CSS2 Test Suite: 18.4 outline

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The style declarations contained within this page:

INPUT {border: 3px solid gray;}
.cl1 {outline: 2px dotted green;}
.cl2 {outline: 1em double green;}
.cl3 {outline: thick solid invert;}
div.parent {outline: none;}
div.inh1 {outline: 10px solid red;}
div.inh2 {outline: 1em inset red;}

Here's an input whose outline (when in focus) should be 2 pixels wide, dotted, and green. The outline should be drawn to the outside of the element border.

Here's an input whose outline (when in focus) should be 1em wide, double, and green. The outline should be drawn to the outside of the element border.

Here's an input whose outline (when in focus) should be as wide as "thick", solid, and invert the background. The outline should be drawn to the outside of the element border.

[div.parent] This DIV has been set with parental styles. The inline elements within this DIV are enclosed in square brackets in order to more easily discern their placement.
[div.inh1] This DIV should have no outline under any circumstances, as it has a style attribute set to inherit the outline value. [/div.inh1]
[div.inh2] This DIV should have no outline under any circumstances, as it has a style attribute set to inherit the outline value. [/div.inh2]
This is the end of the parent DIV. [/div.parent]

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