p.font-name-1 {font-family: helvetica;}
p.font-name-2 {font-family: Helvetica;}
p.font-name-3 {font-family: "comic sans ms";}
p.font-name-4 {font-family: "Comic Sans MS";}
p.font-name-5 {font-family: comic sans ms;}
p.font-name-6 {font-family: courier, monospace;}
p.font-name-7 {font-family: Courier, monospace;}
p.font-name-8 {font-family: MonoSpace;}

The paragraph has not been styled, and the font should appear different from following paragraphs.

This is a paragraph meant to test the case sensitivity of font names and their interpretation by Web browsers.

This is a paragraph meant to test the case sensitivity of font names and their interpretation by Web browsers.

This is a paragraph meant to test the case sensitivity of font names and their interpretation by Web browsers.

This is a paragraph meant to test the case sensitivity of font names and their interpretation by Web browsers.

This is a paragraph meant to test the case sensitivity of font names and their interpretation by Web browsers.

This is a paragraph meant to test the case sensitivity of font names and their interpretation by Web browsers.

This is a paragraph meant to test the case sensitivity of font names and their interpretation by Web browsers.

This is a paragraph meant to test the case sensitivity of font names and their interpretation by Web browsers.