Brief (but Incomplete) Mystery Science Theater 3000 Episode Guide

Last updated: February 8, 1993

WARNING: The episode guide is not complete. The KTMA-TV23 season needs more information. The Comedy Channel and Comedy Central lists reflect the production numbers listed in the episode guide published by Best Brains, Inc.

The BLANKS (TM) placed in front of each episode title may be used for checklist purposes. Check off the episodes you have or the episodes you're looking for! (It's new -- from Galoob.)

KTMA-TV23 1988/89 season 

___ K01 Thunderbirds in Outer Space         ___ K1X SST Death Flight
___ K02 Revenge of the Mysterons            ___ K1X City On Fire
___ K03 Gamera vs. Barugon                  ___ K1X Phase IV
___ K04 Gamera                              ___ K1X Death at the Super Bowl
___ K05 Gamera vs. Zigra                    ___ K1X The Chill Factor
___ K06 Gamera vs. Gaos                     ___ K1X Invaders From the Deep
___ K07 Gamera vs. Guiron                   ___ K18 Time Of The Apes
___ K08 Mighty Jack                         ___ K19 The Million Eyes of Su-Muru
___ K09 Cosmic Princess                     ___ K20 Hanger 18
___ K10 Humanoid Woman                      ___ K21 The Last Chase
___ K11 Fugitive Alien                      ___ K22 Legend of Dinosaurs

Comedy Channel 1989/90 season             Comedy Channel 1990/91 season
-----------------------------             -----------------------------

___ 101 The Crawling Eye                  ___ 201 Rocketship XM
___ 102 The Robot vs. the Aztec Mummy     ___ 202 The Sidehackers
___ 103 Mad Monster                       ___ 203 Jungle Goddess
___ 104 Women of the Prehistoric Planet   ___ 204 Catalina Caper
___ 105 The Corpse Vanishes               ___ 205 Rocket Attack USA
___ 106 The Crawling Hand                 ___ 206 Ring of Terror
___ 107 Robot Monster                     ___ 207 Wild Rebels
___ 108 Slime People                      ___ 208 Lost Continent
___ 109 Project Moonbase                  ___ 209 Hell Cats
___ 110 Robot Holocaust                   ___ 210 King Dinosaur
___ 111 Moon Zero Two                     ___ 211 First Spaceship On Venus
___ 112 Untamed Youth                     ___ 212 Godzilla vs. Megalon
___ 113 Black Scorpion                    ___ 213 Godzilla vs. Sea Monster

                    Comedy Central 1991/92 season

___ 301 Cave Dwellers                     ___ 313 Earth vs. The Spider
___ 302 Gamera                            ___ 314 Mighty Jack
___ 303 Pod People                        ___ 315 Teenage Caveman
___ 304 Gamera vs. Barugon                ___ 316 Gamera vs. Zigra
___ 305 Stranded in Space                 ___ 317 Viking Women vs. Sea Serpent
___ 306 Time of the Apes                  ___ 318 Star Force: Fugitive Alien II
___ 307 Daddy-O                           ___ 319 War of the Colossal Beast
___ 308 Gamera vs. Gaos                   ___ 320 The Unearthly
___ 309 The Amazing Colossal Man          ___ 321 Santa Claus Conquers Martians
___ 310 Fugitive Alien                    ___ 322 Master Ninja I
___ 311 It Conquered The World            ___ 323 Castle of Fu Manchu
___ 312 Gamera vs. Guiron                 ___ 324 Master Ninja II

                    Comedy Central 1992/93 season

___ 401 Space Travelers                   ___ 413 Manhunt in Space
___ 402 The Giant Gila Monster            ___ 414 Tormented
___ 403 City Limits                       ___ 415 The Beatniks
___ 404 Teenagers from Outer Space        ___ 416 Firemaidens from Outer Space
___ 405 Being from Another Planet         ___ 417 Crash of the Moons
___ 406 Attack of the Giant Leeches       ___ 418 Attack of the Eye Creatures
___ 407 The Killer Shrews                 ___ 419 The Rebel Set
___ 408 Hercules Unchained                ___ 420 The Human Duplicators
___ 409 Indestructible Man                ___ 421 Monster a Go-Go
___ 410 Hercules Against the Moon Men     ___ 422 The Day the Earth Froze
___ 411 The Magic Sword                   ___ 423 Bride of the Monster
___ 412 Hercules and the Captive Women    ___ 424 Manos: Hands of Fate

                    Comedy Central 1993/94 season

___ 501 Warrior of the Lost World         ___ 513 The Brain That Wouldn't Die
___ 502 Hercules                          ___ 514 Teenage Strangler
___ 503 Swamp Diamonds                    ___ 515 Wild World of Batwomen
___ 504 Secret Agent Super Dragon         ___ 516 Alien From L.A.
___ 505 Magic Voyage of Sinbad            ___ 517 Beginning of the End
___ 506 Eegah!                            ___ 518 Atomic Brain 
___ 507 I Accuse My Parents               ___ 519 The Outlaw
___ 508 Operation Double 007              ___ 520 Radar Secret Service
___ 509 Girl in Lover's Lane              ___ 521 Santa Claus
___ 510 The Painted Hills                 ___ 522 Teenage Crimewave
___ 511 Gunslinger                        ___ 523 Village of the Giants
___ 512 Mitchell                          ___ 524 12 to the Moon

                    Comedy Central 1994/95 season

___ 601 Girls Town                        ___ 613 
___ 602 Invasion USA                      ___ 614 
___ 603 The Dead Talk Back                ___ 615 
___ 604 Zombie Nightmare                  ___ 616 
___ 605 Colossus, the Headhunter          ___ 617 
___ 606                                   ___ 618 
___ 607                                   ___ 619 
___ 608                                   ___ 620 
___ 609                                   ___ 621 
___ 610                                   ___ 622 
___ 611                                   ___ 623 
___ 612                                   ___ 624 

Special thanks to Mike Pearce for providing episode names early and to many other MiSTies from coast to coast.

Credits and Disclaimers

Mystery Science Theater 3000, its characters, and situations are copyright 1993 Best Brains, Inc. This publication is not meant to infringe on any copyrights held by Best Brains, Comedy Central, or its employees. The information herein is subject to being wrong. This episode guide is free to distribute as long as this notice remains intact.

This version of the Mystery Science Theater 3000 Episode Guide is edited and modified by Eric Meyer ( from a version edited by Matthew Duhan ( from a version edited by Lisa Jenkins ( from an originally compiled list from the Satellite of Love Newsletter edited by Rich Kulawiec ( As you can see, a lot of people went into making this possible. E-mail corrections or additions of the information presented herein to Matthew Duhan (, and please include "EpG" in the Subject: line. If you have suggestions or comments regarding this Web page, e-mail them to Eric Meyer (, and please include "SEG" in the Subject: line.
Eric A. Meyer -- About this server -- Copyright Eric A. Meyer -- Unauthorized use prohibited