CSS2 Test Suite: 5.5 Descendant Selectors

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The style declarations contained within this page:

H1 EM {color: blue;}
P STRONG {color: maroon;}
DIV * P {color: green;}
LI * STRONG {color: green;}

This headline is very important

The EM text in the previous H1 element should be blue.

The strongly emphasized text in this paragraph should be maroon.

The strongly emphasized text in this paragraph should be maroon, despite being the child of an EM element.

In this paragraph we have an anchor which contains emphasized text, which in turn contains a citation, which in turn contains strongly emphasized text-- and that text should be maroon. Here goes: The W3C Web site contains a great resource called The CSS2 Test Suite (if we do say so ourselves).

This is anonymous text within a DIV, followed by:
...another DIV, with more anonymous text, followed by:

...a paragraph, which should be green in color.

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