CSS2 Test Suite: 5.6 Child Selectors
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The style declarations contained within this page:
BODY > P {color: green;}
BODY>P.cl1 {font-family: sans-serif;}
DIV OL > LI STRONG {color: green;}
This paragraph, as a direct child of the BODY, should be green.
[cl1] This paragraph, as a direct child of the BODY and bearing a class of 'cl1', should be green and in a sans-serif font.
This paragraph, which is a child of a DIV, should NOT be green.
- The STRONG text in this list...
- ...should not be green, since it is part of an unordered list.
- The STRONG text in this list...
- ...should be green, since it is a descendant of an LI which is a child of an OL element that's a descendant of the BODY.
- This item contains an unordered list:
- The STRONG text in this list...
- ...should be green, since it is also a descendant of an LI which is a child of an OL element that's a descendant of the BODY.
- One more list item, just for good measure, containing strongly empahsized text which should be green.
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