UNIOR ATHLETES (GRADES 1-6) can start off on the right foot to Gold Medal Fitness at the Museum's nutrition and exercise
summer program. Kids discover how food helps to build healthy bodies, and they get to make a tasty treat at The Training Table.
They'll exercise their muscles and find out how muscles work in Marathon Muscles. And for safety's sake, Bumps & Bruises helps them learn how to protect themselves from accidents and gives tips on first aid for minor injuries. The program wraps up with an Olympic Search to earn a Gold Medal! Pre-schoolers (ages 3 - 5) can bring their parents to the Museum for nutrition fun with King Wundle of Grundle, games, music, exercise and visit to the Family Discovery Center.
- Grades 1-6 from 10 a.m. - noon or
1-3 p.m. ($4.00, $3.00 members)
- Pre-school Programs (one hour) will rum at 10 a.m., 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. ($2.25, $1 .80 members)
Call the Youth Education Dept. at ext. 117 for more information