Reset Reloaded

Published 17 years, 5 months past

After a bit of time to bake and a few more suggestions from readers, I have what I’m willing to call the final version of my take on the topic of reset styles.  To wit:

html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe,
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre,
a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code,
del, dfn, em, font, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp,
small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var,
dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li,
fieldset, form, label, legend,
table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	border: 0;
	outline: 0;
	font-weight: inherit;
	font-style: inherit;
	font-size: 100%;
	font-family: inherit;
	vertical-align: baseline;
/* remember to define focus styles! */
:focus {
	outline: 0;
body {
	line-height: 1;
	color: black;
	background: white;
ol, ul {
	list-style: none;
/* tables still need 'cellspacing="0"' in the markup */
table {
	border-collapse: separate;
	border-spacing: 0;
caption, th, td {
	text-align: left;
	font-weight: normal;
blockquote:before, blockquote:after,
q:before, q:after {
	content: "";
blockquote, q {
	quotes: "" "";

So what changed from the last iteration?

  1. I added background: transparent; to the first rule.  It’s probably not as necessary as some of the other bits here, but it seemed like a good thing to add.

  2. Added a :focus rule to try to suppress link outlining.  Why?  So that you remember to define your own.  You should make sure to define an outline, as it’s an important accessibility aid.  If you have a universal default, one that applies no matter what the project, then replace my rule with your own.

  3. There’s now a body rule that sets a baseline line-height that will be inherited by the rest of the document (and can be overridden easily), and sets a foreground and background color.  Originally, I avoided setting the colors, but decided it was better to put them in.  Of course, if you have preferred color defaults other than black on white, edit the declarations to suit your taste.

  4. The a img, :link img, :visited img rule has been dropped.  This is because the only browser family it really affects is Gecko line, and they all honor author styles as having precedent over user agent styles (as they should!).  So this is already covered by the first rule.

  5. Added a rule for caption, th, td to be left-aligned and normal-weight.

  6. Added a blockquote, q rule to suppress quotes by way of the quotes property.  This has the same intent as the previous rule, but approaches it along a different route.

I also asked for help in figuring out how to simulate inherit in IE/Win.  In the end, it seems to me like doing so isn’t really necessary for most people.  As I said before:

[The inherit] effects, as seen in my development environment, will still serve the purpose of reminding me to build up the styles I actually want, and not use the browsers’ defaults as a crutch. There is the possibility of my forgetting that (for example) IE/Win italicizes em when I don’t want it to, but that’s something I’ll catch during the browser testing phase.

So that works for me, and I think for most people who have outlooks similar to mine.  But maybe you develop primarily in IE/Win, or you really want to have IE/Win handle as many of these resets as humanly possible.  In that case, you have two basic choices.

  1. Use the script and syntax contributed by Jonathan Snook and Dean Edwards.  Note, however, that Dean himself doesn’t recommend doing this, feeling that it’s too computationally expensive for such a small effect.  Dean has a lot of experience with scripting around IE/Win’s limitations, so I give his views on this a lot of weight.  On the other hand, I’d like to see IE/Win be able to honor inherit, or at least get the same behavior, so I might still use the script.  (Though I’d be even happier with a script that just tacked itself onto instance of inherit in a style sheet, like Dean’s IE7 script does for other CSS stuff.)

  2. Put in your own expressions, along the lines suggested by Priit and thacker.  It’s not quite the same thing, but it’s a pretty decent approximation.

Like I say, these aren’t necessary unless you’re really sold on the idea of IE/Win being forced into line with everyone else and don’t mind paying the computational overhead.  If so, then you can extend your own reset styles as needed.

That’s much of the point here: that this is not a case of “everyone must use these styles in a certain way without alteration”.  Nor am I saying that everyone must use them or else be cast into darkness.  Remember before that I termed these “my take on the topic of reset styles” (emphasis added).  Your take may be subtly or greatly different.  Think of these as a starting point for creating your own defaults, in addition to being a way to illuminate the nature of browser defaults.  Simply the act of taking those defaults into consideration and thinking about them closely puts you ahead of 99% of your peers.  I do think that reset styles are quite useful; otherwise, I wouldn’t have written about them here, and certainly not to the extent that I have.  My hope is that people will use them as a launch pad for their own resets and for deeper thinking about styling and browsers.

My thanks to everyone who commented, not just those I linked above.  And yes, I’m going to get to that “weirdness of form elements” post in the near future.

Addendum 2 May 07: I edited the CSS to change background: transparent to background-image: transparent, as it was supposed to be from the outset but I somehow didn’t see in any of the three times I looked over the declarations.  So I guess that makes this post now “final.0.1”.

Addendum 4 May 07: background-image: transparent?  There’s a big ol’ WTF.  Apparently my cold medication has warped me a lot more than I believed.  I’ve taken out that whole declaration and will not be editing the styles any further until I’m off the meds.  So, not quite final, apparently.

Comments (683)

  1. I must say that I am equally as impressed with this as I am by the refining process. It was very pleasing to read the comments, to see how input helped shape the reset. Kudos to you for being so open and objective. I really am very impressed that you do not seem to subscribe much to the “Cult of Meyer” (I do, even though the robes we wear are a bit funky) and remain very open to comments and constructive criticism. You remain tremendously helpful. Thanks for this; I’ll be deploying it in my next project.

  2. Meyer–

    You put a lot of thought and work into this. Put up a Paypal link — you deserve payment for this. Thank you.

    I am going show some blatant ignorance with this question:

    Is this reset beneficial for print and handheld media style sheets?

    Thank you very much.

  3. Pingback ::

    »Reset Reloaded«: Browserstyles zurücksetzen: DECAF°blog

    […] Eric Meyer: Reset Reloaded […]

  4. Pingback ::

    »Reset Reloaded«: Browserstyles zurücksetzen – SELFHTML aktuell Weblog

    […] Eric Meyer: Reset Reloaded […]

  5. Another “blatantly ignorant” question. What is the best way to use this? Should you have a “resets.css” page that you link to and then link to another page that has your css? Or do you modify the “resets” as you go?


  6. Thanks for the time you put into this Eric.

    Though I’m going to be sticking with the “Universal Reset” for the time being, the refinements you made with the table, :focus and blockquote elements are great as I invariably end up writing something like that but then have to do battle with the CSS. Nice to get those things cleared off-the-bat.

  7. Tim–

    The way I am using it .. understand that I am not an expert so take it in that vein, please.

    I use the reset as a separate style sheet with a designated media type of projection and screen. [I have done this until I gain some insight into the impact upon hand-held and print devices of this reset. Braille media types generally ignore CSS, if not mistaken.]

    I use a significantly modified reset on some existing content where I have depended upon a few browser defaults, ie. list and definition types. Again, it is a separate style sheet.

    Meyer has sold me on the issues of tossing browser dependency default styles and of the logic behind semantics.

    During development, I toss in the inherit JavaScript IE CSS within a conditional commented style sheet. This may very well be overkill but before deployment to a production server, the IE JavaScript CSS is removed.

    From there, individual style sheets are added to style the specific content.

  8. Thanks for the clarification thacker! That was going to be my initial approach but then I wondered about which style would be applied. I know if you assign the same element different styles on the same stylesheet it takes the last one, but I didn’t know how to ensure that it would take “my” style (as opposed to the reset style) when they are on different sheets.

  9. Pingback ::

    Peter Kröner - Die Kunst des Machbaren » Archiv » Browserstyles loswerden mit Reset Reloaded

    […] dies etwas einfacher zu gestalten, hat Eric Meyer heute die finale Version seines Anti-Stylesheets veröffentlicht. Dieser setzt zuverlässig alle Browserstyles außer Kraft und erlaubt es dem […]

  10. Only border: solid 0 transparent rule can remove ugly border from FIELDSET element in Opera 7, so it may be helpful.

  11. Maybe I”m just missing something, but … why not just write “html, html *” for the first rule?

  12. Pingback ::

    Fatih Hayrioğlu’nun not defteri » 02 Mayıs 2007 Web’den seçme haberler

    […] CSS’in Üstadı Eric Meyer CSS başlangıç dokümanını yenilemiş. Link […]

  13. Why not add padding: 0; to the td’s styles instead of requiring old-style markup? I’ll admit that I don’t know if IE will honor it in quirks mode, but I’d be willing to bet that anyone using the reset CSS will be putting IE into standards mode anyway.

  14. Pingback ::

    BarelyBlogging » Blog Archive » links for 2007-05-02

    […] Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded Final “reset css” code. (tags: css) […]

  15. Maybe it is good idea to use *{} for first rule. I use that option.

  16. The rules for body could just as well be set on the root element: html. That would be my preferred option. Any argument for targeting specifically body ?

    Oh, and nitpicking :-). border:none instead of border:0, as border-style trumps other border properties.

  17. How about cursor: default; or cursor: text; ?

  18. Pingback ::

    Keys to Consistent CSS | W3 EDGE | Boston, MA

    […] Eric Meyer has done it again (yes I’m a cult follower). It was awesome to sit through the live walk through of most of the principles that Eric presented in his final version. […]

  19. Hi!
    In first rule better is:


    Why? All popular browsers has default font size equal 16px. If we set font size equal 62.5% then font size is equal 10px at screen (but not set 10px, IE6 not resize this rule). Now we have 1em = 10px, so 1..1em=11px etc. It is easyer way to calculate font size.

    // sorry for terrible language.

  20. Pingback ::

    CSS Reset für Browser

    […] Meyer, seines Zeichens CSS-Guru, hat jetzt eine Lösung gebaut, mit welcher die Designer bei allen Browser mehr oder weniger die gleichen Voraussetzungen […]

  21. Pingback ::

    Heiko Eckert - Blog - » Browser-Standard-CSS rücksetzen

    […] zu überschreiben um sie dann im Laufe des Codes neu zu deklarieren. Eric Meyer hat dazu eine nützliche und unglaublich praktische Vorlage […]

  22. Is there any hope for our dreaded <hr>s, our awful horizontal rules?

  23. I noticed that your line-height value didn’t include a unit… Isn’t a unit required for all non-zero values?

  24. Hey, great job. I’m glad I found this – its a task I often have to approach when designing new layouts and I’d recently considered creating my own ‘reset’ file.

    Its nice to see I was thinking along the same lines as other developers, and I welcome not having to write/test this in my own time.

    Kind regards,
    – Markavian

  25. Pingback ::

    The New Basement Tapes » Reset Reloaded

    […] Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded […]

  26. Eric, you may want to include a fix for the IE button padding issues.

  27. hm, wouldn’t it be easier, if we write something like this:

    * {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    border: 0;
    outline: 0;


    for the first 2 entries?

    i know, with the star selector everything is catched but i always have to play with borders and fonts for input, textarea and so on.

    am i on the wrong way?

    thanks in advance
    regards, tom

  28. #11: Becuase you don’t want some elements (for example <input>, <select> and <textarea>) from being restyled (and break their appearance) in many cases.

  29. Pingback ::

    The Spanner» Blog Archive » My two favourite word in the English dictionary… DE-FAULT!

    […] So, rather than me try to list a half-arsed set of defaults, I direct you to Eric Meyer, whose written what he considers to be his “final” version of a reset for CSS. […]

  30. Hi,

    Is anyone else still getting the header tags in IE6 and 7 as bold?


  31. I know it doesn’t really matter, but why are “font” and “s” included in the first rules tag list? No one should really be using these, as they’re depreciated, and if you include these, then why no the likes of “strike”, “u”, and “center”? For the same reason, why “applet”?

  32. Hmmm, oops, I just noticed you do have strike, my mistake, but I still don’t get why are some depreciated tags in there, and some not?

  33. Jack: The word is deprecated (expressed the disapproval of) rather than depreciated (reduced purchasing value) although a enough people seem to mix them up that it’s in danger of changing the meaning and blurring the distinction between the two.

    While I like the idea of this stylesheet, I’m not sure I’m happy with the effect on the <q> element. While I see the reasoning, the web has been held back a lot by people pandering to IEs inability to meet particular standards. Removing the expected styling will cause people to either not use <q> (There’s no point – it does nothing) or use it incorrectly by adding their own quotation marks.

  34. Why, thanks Eric, this looks sweet. My only suggestion would be to exclude the ol-tag from the margin reset because it will disable the browser to automatically determine the space needed based on how much space the numeration actually needs. Defining this manually is fine as long as you have control over the number of li-tags inside any given ol but if you have to deal with ol’s of varying length it can be helpful to leave this to the browser.

  35. Woops, actually it’s the padding I was talking about, not margin.

  36. Why not:

    * {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    border: 0;
    outline: 0;
    font-weight: inherit;
    font-style: inherit;
    font-size: 100%;
    font-family: inherit;
    vertical-align: baseline;
    background: transparent;

  37. It seems that background:transparent in the first rule breaks the following rule in Explorer 6:

    #head {
    background:url(/cimg/bkg_head.png) repeat-x 0 100%;

    About every other time I reload the page, only half of the background image is shown. It helps if I give my #head-element layout, but if I remove background:transparent it works without giving layout.

  38. Hello Everyone,
    Does any one know, how does this compare to YUI CSS Reset? I use it everyday to see if there is an advantage to switching.
    Thank you

  39. @Philippe and Holger
    If you use the Firebug extension in Firefox and select any element in a page with any * or html * declaration, you will notice the style is computated in each and everyone parent element to the one you are inspecting. It undoubtedly must create some computational overhead, and should probably be avoided.
    But I’m not 100% sure on this, and probably Eric could clarify this one.

  40. Is it really necessary to name all tags for the reset, isn’t it possible to describe them as *?

  41. Pingback ::

    CSS Reset Reloaded | monc’s kitchen

    […] Meyer has yet another refined take on a CSS reset technique. Interesting ideas, even though I do not agree on all of it. I prefer the […]

  42. Pingback ::

    David Golding Design | | Web and Print Solutions

    […] at has put together a nice package of CSS trickery that will reset the styles for all browsers. I encourage you to check that out as well as his […]

  43. What about radio input boxes???

  44. Gareth Adams: Oops, my mistake :) . I thought it looked wrong, but I Googled it, and you’re right, a lot of people make that mistake.

  45. Some one-to-one responses. A couple of one-to-many responses (on universal selection, form elements, etc.) to follow, either as a comment or a post.

    Jason: table cells have their padding zeroed in the first rule.

    Philippe: ah, but border: 0; is functionally equivalent to border: none solid 0;, so I did what you suggest, only with three fewer characters.

    Jeff: an interesting suggestion, but I’m deeply wary of messing with the browser’s UI (as opposed to default document layout). One interesting fence case is the underlining of links: I intentionally don’t reset link decoration. It’s just too much like a UI behavior. My choice probably makes total sense to some, and is total nonsense to others—but the latter can always add a decoration reset.

    Trey: not so far as I know. It would be nice, wouldn’t it? If someone comes up with a really good reset rule for <hr />s, I’d love to see it.

    Brownspank: please see “Unitless Line Heights“.

    Oliver: yes, that will happen without addding in the IE inherit simulators mentioned in the second half of the post. There’s no other way to un-bold them without endangering the usual inheritance behavior, as documented in earlier posts on this topic.

    Jack: I included deprecated elements that are inline, and things like applet and embed because they still get used an awful lot. I can’t really explain why I left out center (for example) and kept font. So, in the absence of any clear reason, feel free to make the alterations that suit you.

    Gareth: at this stage of the game, it only makes sense to strip off automatically-generated quotation marks. To some degree, it is catering to IE, but we have to cater to all browsers we support. Does anyone take issue with catering to Firefox’s (and everyone besides Safari’s) lack of support for text-shadow by not doing white-on-white text with a black shadow? To another degree, it’s also suppressing generated content that maybe shouldn’t be generated, though that’s a huge debate we probably don’t want to have in the comments of a post. The subject of generated content in general is kind of touchy and fuzzy, all at once.

    Jochen: zeroing out all list indentation is intentional, even given the issue you bring up. It’s up to the author to figure out how much they need; besides, so far as I’m aware, most browsers don’t automatically calculate an indentation distance based on the number of list items.

    Martin: that shouldn’t happen at all. Not that I doubt you; just there’s no CSS reason on God’s green Earth why there should be a problem. Do you have a test case you could post, along with information on which IE versions evince the problem? Thanks!

  46. I”m going to get to that “weirdness of form elements” post in the near future.

    After a troublesome approach of achieving consistent flexible forms, I”m looking forward to it, Eric! We are about to discuss the reset of form elements at the (german speaking) SELFHTML-Blog right now. In my opinion, it’s not that beneficial to touch them and therefore lose their default browser styles – at least concerning the borders. That’s why I’m really interested in your upcoming thoughts about resetting form elements.

  47. A lot of you commenting about the use of * instead of listing individual tags needs to read a prior post of Eric’s, “Reset Reasoning”.

  48. I too wondered how this compares to the Yahoo Interface Library (YUI) CSS Reset.

    Eric, can you elaborate on why you may have chosen not to use (or build on) the YUI CSS Reset?


  49. Pingback ::

    Eric Meyer el gurú de css saca su versión de Reset.css · Diseño Web

    […] estilo del navegador y podrás identificar más facilmente lo que aún tienes pendiente, además de otras grandes ventajas. El archivo css es: PLAIN TEXT […]

  50. And now, the one-to-many responses.

    To those who advocated using the universal selector, please see the post “Reset Reasoning” for an explanation of why I specifically don’t want to use the universal selector. Some disagree with me, and that’s no problem. The fifth paragraph in that post, beginning with “This is why so many people zero out their padding and margins on everything by way of the universal selector.”, is where I address that particular point.

    That’s also where I explain why I left out various form elements like input and textarea. I haven’t dug into that topic in detail yet, but I at least give a high-level overview of the reasons as part of that post.

    For those who asked about a comparison of this to Yahoo!’s reset.css, I mentioned in “Reset Styles” that their styles go too far in some areas, and not far enough in others (in my opinion, of course). I started with their styles and made the changes I thought were needed or desirable. So you could consider my work a variant on theirs, or a fork, or a sequel, or maybe just an alternative.

    I hope this helps clear things up a bit.

  51. Finally a solution that will cure my textarea/input woes! Thank you!

  52. Glad to see someone making a standard base for css in an “open source” fashion. Can’t wait for final version 2.0.

  53. I’ve made a test case for my Explorer bug, take a look at

    As I said in my previous comment, the background image of my #head div disappears when I have background: transparent in my main reset rule, but it appears if I give the element layout. However, if I remove the background declaration from the rule, the image shows up as it should, even without layout.

    I’m running IE6.0.2900..2180 on Windows XP under Parallels in Mac OSX. The bug is also present in my stand alone version of IE5.5 in the same environment.

  54. Doing this will probably makes the page take more time to render… someone confirm this

  55. Thanks, Martin! I’ll hit it with various versions of IE and see what transpires.

    Not likely, Alfred—at least, not so much slower that it would be perceptible to humans—but I’d like confirmation one way or the other myself. If using reset styles does cause a perceptible slowdown in multiple browsers, that’s obviously something people should know.

  56. Pingback ::

    Game Makker » Blog Archive » CSS Reset

    […] A huge thanks to Eric for this time-saving file. Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset. Start on a blank canvas. […]

  57. I’m a little confused, so I just have a question. Why would we want CSS to remove quotes from Q tags, when browsers are supposed to insert the quotes and nest them on their own? If we have CSS remove those quotes, then content authors are more likely to insert their own quotes into the document. But, the very idea of inserting quotes into Q tags goes against the (W3C) way of using Q tags.

    “Visual user agents must ensure that the content of the Q element is rendered with delimiting quotation marks. Authors should not put quotation marks at the beginning and end of the content of a Q element.” – W3C

    I know that IE bungles this, but I get the feeling like your solution just encourages improper use of the Q tag, violating the above statement. Would you explain this decision for us? Thanks.

  58. Great Work, Eric. But what about some quite uncommon things like cursors and auditive elements?

  59. Good stuff Eric, I remember you talking a little about this at AEA-Boston.
    This is how I deal with my <hr/> tags:

    <style type="text/css">
    border: 0;
    border-top: 1px solid #555;
    margin: 0;
    height: 1px;

    <!–[if IE]>
    <style type="text/css">
    hr{ position:relative; top:-7px;}
    hr + *{ position:relative; top:-14px; }

    This doesn’t work in IE6, but I imagine dean edwards’ script can deal with that. It’s still pretty close.

  60. Pingback ::

    strom und meer » Blog Archive » Links am 02. Mai 2007

    […] CSS reset reloaded a default css style, useful for greasmonkey and all kinds of applications […]

  61. The Martin background transparency issue, also, affects IE7. Whenever a color value, including transparency, is assigned to the background element within the reset.css, the background image is not recognized within IE [the inherit value aside]. Its gets even more strange — if JavaScript is used to assign a transparency value to background within the reset.css, the issue does not occur within IE — and the JavaScript CSS is only recognized by IE from what I understand. I have no idea what is going on or why.

  62. Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but I thought it was relevant – I use Tantek Celik’s undohtml (formatted file: undohtml.css). It’s similar to what you are doing here, but not as hardcore.

    (Minor side note: the URL to Tantek broke your comment preview.)

  63. Oh, bother. The background: transparent was supposed to be a background-image: transparent and with that change, it shouldn’t cause any problems (I hope!). I hereby nominate myself for “World’s Worst Self-Editor” for not catching that; I’ve updated the post accordingly and will addend the post to say so.

  64. zeroing out all list indentation is intentional, even given the issue you bring up. It”s up to the author to figure out how much they need; besides, so far as I”m aware, most browsers don”t automatically calculate an indentation distance based on the number of list items.

    I just tested this with a 10,000-item “ol”-list and no CSS. All three browsers that I tested it in (Firefox2, MSIE6 and MSIE7) failed to calculate a suitable indent. But the problems started at 10,000. Everything up to that was OK.

    But that was with a default font-size! If I up the font-size a bit. The problems start much earlier.

    Adding the reset CSS made things worse, of course.

    But no big deal in real-life, I guess.

  65. Pingback ::

    TechMount » Archive » Daily Friction #237

    […] CSS Reset Reloaded – Eric Meyer, CSS Guru gives us a run down on some extreme CSS Reset. Think of these as a starting point for creating your own defaults, in addition to being a way to illuminate the nature of browser defaults. […]

  66. Eric, how do you feel about the YUI font stylesheet? In your opinion does it (or something like it) have a place along-side your reset stylesheet?

  67. Pingback ::

    links for 2007-05-03 « Joost’s weblog

    […] Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded Eric Meyer (from the CSS book) has worked on a way to standardize how browsers render basic pages. He calls it CSS reset. Could come in handy. (tags: css html webdev programming) […]

  68. In my reset.css I always set object to display:block due to a 1 pixel gap in some browsers.

  69. Pingback ::

    Eric Meyer’s Reset Reloaded · Rizm

    […] For a detailed description, please visit Eric’s site. […]

  70. Pingback :: | everything design

    […] Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded (tags: css) […]

  71. Pingback ::

    links for 2007-05-02 |

    […] Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded (tags: css) […]

  72. Thanks for putting this together, mate. I’ve always had trouble with resetting my CSS, but now it’s a piece of cake.

  73. Pingback ::

    Carl Hage » The ultimate IE web design hacks

    […] a more recent one I’ve found:,  you can use this to start any design with. It will reset all your stylesheets and you can go […]

  74. Pingback ::

    Turulcsirip - doransky

    […] néha megver az Isten sitebuild feladatokkal, akkor ezért a cuccért térdelni fogsz: doransky — 2007. 05. 03. […]

  75. What are you using background-image: transparent; for ?

  76. Anybody know how to get a:focus (or like IE – a:active) to work in Opera? I seem to just be getting a default “background-color: #0a246a; color: #fff“… Or is this unchangeable behaviour like Safari & forms?

  77. Blah. Head-cold had me in a daze for a few days. Confused cellpadding with cellspacing, and then didn’t bother to check what I was saying anyway. Having just run a check in Win/Ff, Win/IE6 and Win/Opera, I’ve found you don’t need to use cellspacing if you use the border-collapse and border-spacing rules, even in quirks mode, so you can most likely delete that comment.

    I’d personally add empty-cells: show to that sheet, but that’s a personal preference based on how I’ve always figured table cells ought to behave (I always thought it was dumb to have to put a &nbsp; into a cell to make it appear correctly back in the pre-CSS days).

    And if I can rehash an old complaint? Please do something about that preview area. It pins my 2.4 GHz P4 Celeron at 100% for almost a minute while refusing to accept keystrokes in the textarea after a while. Editing my comment in Notepad is really annoying for something that nearly every other comment system in the world pushes to a new page. (Blogger, I think, doesn’t, and it has the same problem. Luckily for me, I never feel the need to comment on Blogger blogs.)

  78. Jason: IE/Win ignored border-collapse, border-spacing, and empty-cells at last check (see, which is why I put in the comment. If they’re supported in your copy of IE, you must have found the super-secret full CSS support install that everyone else would also like to have.

    Also, I’ll be happy to replace my preview area plugin when someone points me to a better one for WordPress (and it needs to be be a plugin). The one I have now doesn’t cause any slowdowns in my browsers, but then I’m on a Mac. It does cause weirdness in Safari when there are links in the comment, but since I haven’t found a better one yet, I’ve lived with it.

  79. How about the scroller bar??

  80. Very comprehensive list of styles.

    Like amine, I wonder why you have changed from background: transparent to background-image: transparent. The main problem with the latter is that it won’t validate.

  81. What scroller bar, nanang?

    I think my cold medication has wacked me out a lot further than I thought. You’re absolutely right, Simon. Rather than edit it again, I’m taking it out until after the cold has passed.

  82. Pingback ::

    �Reset Reloaded�: Browserstyles zur�cksetzen - XHTMLforum

    […] zur�ckzusetzen, um eine einheitliche Umgebung zu schaffen. Threat im SELFHTML weblog Eric Meyer: Reset Reloaded __________________ Gruss Dieter selfhtml | css4you | layouts ohne tabellen | warum frames out […]

  83. Pingback ::

    reset reloaded « nineowls

    […] Erics Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded “…the final version of my take on the topic of reset styles…” […]

  84. transparent is not an allowed value for background-image

    I assume you meant background-image: none???

  85. I may have just missed it, but is there a license on this?

  86. Those small inconsistencies that don’t validate and produce errors or warnings, such as proprietary properties or the {background-image:transparent} declaration, place them within a separate style sheet titled, nonvalid.css or some other adequately titled style sheet.

    Knowing that any particular code chunk, script, style, whatever will produce an error or warning is important.

    Standards are not so dogmatic that judicious deviation from them is never justified. Knowledge of why the deviation was made, adequate reference and notation of the deviations for future changes that may be necessary and the insurance that any error/warning does not adversely impact rendering of the content are probably more important criteria.

    The background-image declaration, for example, is important to me. It may not be important to others. The Meyer Reset is a starting point. It is intended for adjustment for individual coding style, project dependency, etc. It will aid in creating consistency of rendering between user agents. It will not guarantee that any given design will render exactly the same between user agents particularly in complex designs. Nothing will do that. Close is good enough with design used for Web browser dependent communication.

    Thank you very much.

  87. Pingback ::

    Chicago Web Designer » Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded

    […] Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded […]

  88. here is a style reset I always use:

    u {
    text-decoration: none;
    background: #FFFF00;
    padding-right: 2px;
    padding-left: 2px;

    Awesome CSS Code Thanks for posting this!

  89. Eric: border-spacing is ignored in Win/IE if you don’t use border-collapse. Team the two declarations up and you’re just fine. Ditto for empty-cells. By itself, an empty <td> doesn’t appear; in conjunction with border-collapse: collapse it works just fine. Apparently border-collapse has a little voodoo with it. I’ve put up a demo on my site to show what I’m talking about. In fact, it looks like is saying the opposite of what you’re saying: cellspacing overrides border-collapse but isn’t required to make it work. I’d say that empty-cells needs to be changed to “incomplete” at least for IE6 (I’d presume IE7 as well, barring a regression).

    As for the “better” preview, I was thinking of what you usually see in web forums: you click a preview button, and you go to a preview page to look at what you typed, and the text-editor is pre-filled for you if you want to make changes. I realize it’s probably a Javascript issue with Ff causing the slowness, but it doesn’t make things less annoying for me.

  90. Trackback ::

    Agencia Web

    Eric Meyer lanza Hoja de Estilos CSS por Defecto…

  91. I think Brownspank (#23) has a good point. Why doesn’t the line-height value have a unit. Setting it to just ‘1’ seems odd, any particular reason for doing that?

  92. Ouch, sorry I didn’t see your reply as a I searched the comments for a reply only on the word ‘line-height’…

  93. I have added the clearfix to my reset.css file, for me, it’s a standard.

    /*///////////////////////////////// CLEARFIX ///*/

    .clearfix:after {
    content: “.”;
    display: block;
    height: 0;
    clear: both;
    visibility: hidden;

    .clearfix {display: inline-block;}

    /* Hides from IE-mac \*/
    * html .clearfix {height: 1%;}
    .clearfix {display: block;}
    /* End hide from IE-mac */

  94. Very cool reset.
    I’m happy that you had perfected the method of reseting styles.

  95. There are lots of things to address here:

    1. font-family: inherit; doesn’t work in opera or IE6. font: inherit; works but not in IE.
    2. There are still default styles set for a, b, code, del, ins, i, s, strike, u, textarea (font face), isindex, menu, dir etc.
    Shouldn’t they be addressed too?

    The idea of disabling all visual styles is appealing, especially with deprecated tags so the author can decide how each tag will be displayed or not. Are you purposely missing some deprecated tags? You are fiddling around with the font tag, why?

    Here is my take. and here is a HTML sample.

  96. A couple of points. I have been using resets similar to this for a while now, and was just about to upgrade mine to the Yahoo reset-min.css when I saw this post.

    I have performed a scary operation and put your version into one of my clients sites and found that it has made things better, though looking at my old code I am unsure as to why – and that is the scary part.

    I am hoping that it is something to do with the ‘inherit’ in my fonts.css (based on tha Yahoo css)

    A note now to Koziołek regarding font-size:62.5%;

    I believe I know why you want to do this. Making the baseline font equal to 10px makes sizing divs which will expand on ctrl+ very simple, however if you really need this, there are some problems…

    Firstly IE – try it, and size a div to 700px, then to 70em – they are not the same width in ie!

    Secondly, I recall a few years ago doing a load of work regarding the Mac/Win font-size issue, then going to my sisters Mac and finding that my work had been mostly a waste of time, and that the font sizes were consistent across the platforms for almost all the browsers I tested. (Maybe someone can explain this to me – has something changed in Mac OSX, or do Safari/Camino take the dpi into account?), but for IE there was definitely an issue.

    I hope the below sorts this out once and for all, though it is unbelievably inelegant.

    An outer-wrap div, enclosing an inner-wrap div in the markup, then:

    /* reset the font sizes to the base font size that we want */
    body {font-size : 100.01%;} /* For Stupid Opera */
    body {font-size : 62.5%;} /* Resets 1em=10px: */
    #outer-wrap {*font-size:101%;} /* For Stupid IE */
    #inner-wrap {font-size:100%;}

    rather unnecessarily (I think) I then put in conditional comments, a stylesheet for Non-IE with:
    body {font-size : 10px;} /* for Konqueror, I hope this doesn’t screw up any other browsers */

    After this I use a stylesheet to set font sizes specifically for elements like p, tables, forms etc, but take good care with these, as you may sometimes find some strange results when tables contain form elements etc.

    I await the barrage of comments pointing out my lack of understanding, but thanks to blogs like these, I am starting to get it… cheers Eric.

  97. Pingback ::

    Remove CSS rules

    […] This is a listing of style rules which removes all default browser formatting. Could be useful. […]

  98. Pingback ::

    Blog do Isra » Zerando tudo no CSS

    […] era a melhor solução, porém através da lista webstandards-br , o Djspark enviou-me uma dica do Eric Meyer onde este dá uma releitura e coloca como o código CSS pode ser melhor escrito de forma a zerar […]

  99. Pingback ::

    Max Design - standards based web design, development and training » Some links for light reading (7/5/07)

    […] Reset Reloaded […]

  100. It might be worth adding position: relative to all ul, ol and dl elements. It solves some bugs associated with floated list-items in IE and doesn’t create a negative affect on other browsers.

  101. I have seen articles advocating 76%, 62.5%, and so on. So, why font-size 100%?

  102. Pingback ::

    The best way to start any web design proyect in CSS · BlogoCola

    […] Eric Meyer has made an implementation of a reset stylesheet, a very useful CSS file that will neutralize any default style from the browsers. Use it to see only your style and not the browser default style. […]

  103. Pingback ::

    mediaFetish » Blog Archive » CSS Reset ala Meyer

    […] The Ultimate CSS Reset from Eric Meyer – this guy knows his stuff. […]

  104. Pingback ::

    Peter Kröner - Die Kunst des Machbaren » Archiv » Default-Stylesheets in der Praxis

    […] ich vor kurzem zwei Projekte begonnen habe, in denen ich Eric Meyers universalen Anti-Stylesheet einsetze, komme ich nicht umhin, diesen praktischen CSS-Schnipsel nochmals ausdrücklich zu […]

  105. Pingback :: » Blog Archive » Myer’s recommended CSS base

    […] 9th, 2007 in Links Eric Meyer’s recommended base CSS setup, a good default to start with when building new CSS-styled […]

  106. Thanks Eric! I find myself using some form of reset CSS more often these days, mostly due to experimentation with vertical rhythm and trying to “set type” on a computer screen. Your collection of reset styles seems to be more closely aligned to what I use as opposed to the Yahoo! resets. I admit that I too was a little surprised to see the FONT declaration and its’ brethren in there, but I also realize that there are still quite a few CMS’s (and their embedded WYSIWYG editors) that produce bad markup. At least this will give the author some control over those pesky deprecated tags.

    As always, you rock! Thanks again for sharing your insight.

  107. Maybe Yahoo! can update their reset file based on Eric’s suggestions here. Just started using the Yahoo one by linking directly to it and hope that they will always update it according to the best and most current wisdom.

  108. Pingback ::

    CSS Reset | Building better than beta.

    […] Eric Meyer […]

  109. Pingback ::

    70 Expert Ideas For Better CSS Coding | Smashing Magazine

    […] both margin and padding for all elements at the top of their stylesheets. Eric Meyer’s Global Reset, Christian Montoya’s initial CSS file, Mike Rundle’s initial CSS file, Ping Mag’s […]

  110. Pingback ::

    Links for 5/13/07 [my NetNewsWire tabs]

    […] Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded — Do you use the reset.css shipped with the Yahoo! UI Library? Eric’s version is a bit more sane (so he says) […]

  111. Pingback ::

    Style Evolution - Dynamic CSS Part 2 at Alex Jones

    […] most seasoned professionals make use of a style sheet that resets all the browser rules (see Eric Meyer’s version) to make life […]

  112. Pingback ::

    Les formulaires de reset

    […] css avant de commencer à metre en forme. Voici deux modèles de reset : Yahoo! et celui d’Eric Meyers (que […]

  113. Pingback ::

    error is the mother of all inventions

    […] the unexpected”.. but here in this css reloaded it’s close 2 what i expected >> No Comments so far Leave a comment RSS feed for comments on this post. TrackBack URI […]

  114. Pingback ::

    eyedeas » Blog Archive » forms baving badly…

    […] Eric’s posts on resetting styles and particularly reading his recent post on ‘formal weirdness‘ – the strange results […]

  115. Great writeup Eric. I’ve been personally using a revision that rooted from Shaun Inman’s summer/reset CSS presentation a while back. Meanwhile,

    This is why so many people zero out their padding and margins on everything by way of the universal selector. That”s a good start, but it does unfortunately mean that all elements will have their padding and margin zeroed, including form elements like textareas and text inputs.

    What % of browsers have the same setting for those form elements? Is it too big that using the universal selector might be a step backward? Thanks, and I look forward to your reply.

  116. As Jason mentions, the reason why you still have to use cellspacing=”0″ is due to the fact that border-collapse:seperate; should actually be border-collapse:collapse; This brings all browsers into line and the spacing with IE will disappear.

  117. In terms of tables, I seem to find myself consistently using the following in my reset: table{border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;width:100%;} Do you see drawbacks in setting that width to 100%?

  118. Pingback :: » links for 2007-05-18

    […] Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded CSS reset (tags: reset css) […]

  119. For comment #115, I just saw this: “Formal Weirdness

  120. Pingback ::

    Netlus » Blog Archive » 5 Perguntas para 12 Designers

    […] mais concentrados na execução dos trabalhos: Image replacement. Seguida de perto pelo global reset hehehe. Mas esse último não conta, já que é padrão. Marcelo Glacial Na codificação HTML […]

  121. Pingback ::

    Redwall_hp » 29 CSS and AJAX Resources

    […] CSS Reset – Remove browser defaults […]

  122. Pingback ::

    Cómo resetear el CSS predeterminado del navegador

    […] q:before, q:after { content: “”; } blockquote, q { quotes: “” “”; } Más información sobre Reset CSS Etiquetas: css, diseño — […]

  123. Pingback ::

    Matt's Daily Diigo Post 05/21/2007 « Matt’s Cuppa

    […] Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded […]

  124. I think this might be of great help too: ol {list-style-position: inside;}

    @Tim: Regarding the position:relative for ul, ol, and dl–I would think that’s more of a IE/Win bugfix than a “reset” rule. It helps to know though, and would be great for your IE-filter CSS files.

  125. Regarding my ol’s list-style-position, I guess this is more of a workaround to deal with situations where your list goes from 1-digit to 2-digits, to 3 and so on. That is, no need to keep changing margin-left as the list grows. Though it makes the ol quite weird looking, it does the job.

    Unless… there’s a better way?

  126. I’m really not a fan of resetting styles. It causes so many maintenance issues that in the end it is not worth it.
    Setting patterns is fine, I do that all the time. Zeroing or resetting is just not a good idea. At least not on the scale that is done here.

  127. Pingback ::

    Now Is A Long Time Too » Web Design Linkage

    […] Eric Meyer has developed an ultimate CSS reset,  which I suspect I’ll be putting to use sooner rather than […]

  128. Pingback ::

    BogeyWebDesign : Designing for cross browser compatibility

    […] After getting your markup done it’s time to style your site. The easiest way to avoid compatibility issues later is to reset the styles on all elements. This is done because different browsers use different styles for elements. One might naturally put 10px of padding on a p tag and another might put 10px of margin. This is the root cause for many rendering issues found later. A good reset style sheet was posted recently on Eric Meyer’s site. […]

  129. Pingback ::

    Surlignage » Restons simples

    […] et systèmes d’exploitation est tout à fait impossible. Eric Meyer, qui a mis au point une feuille de style supprimant les attributs de style propres à chaque navigateur, s’est d’ailleurs bien […]

  130. Pingback ::

    The Power of Zero -

    […] works zero to bring all the variables together, then reset the common values. Eric Meyers, for one, offers some insights in this task. Roger Johansson also offers some insights here as it pertains to form […]

  131. I read lot of comments about bugs with background: transparent;
    Of course, background is a shorthand property.

    What about using background-color: transparent;


  132. Many thanks for your reset sheet.
    While testing with Konqueror 3.5.5, I noticed I had to add font-variant:normal; to the first rule (for abbr and acronym).
    Also with Konqueror 3.5.5, the q:after rule seems to bring a bug (a square after the q element).

  133. Trackback ::

    Dutchcelt's blog

    CSS Reset…

    I've been reading, to my surprise, the positive reactions on resetting or rather zeroing CSS for crossbrowser conformity. I've had pretty much the opposite experience when I started writing resets years ago. A lot has changed since then so ta…

  134. Trackback ::

    FrogLace WebDesign

    Meyer’s Reset…

    I find the writings of Eric Meyer to be a great source of information and inspiration. So when I learned about Eric Meyer’s “Reset Reloaded” I was ready to try it out.
    As I was planning to use the reset on a separate style sheet, I di…

  135. Pingback ::

    Hostgator » Blog Archive » CSS Reset Reloaded

    […] defaults into consideration and thinking about them closely puts you ahead of 99% of your more | digg […]

  136. Pingback ::

    Blogpotato » Blog Archive Das button-Dilemma [2x upd] »

    […] die Materie einsteigen wollen: Eric Meyer beleuchtet als Reaktion auf Kommentare zu seinem Artikel Reset Reloaded die Probleme sehr ausführlich und auch Roger Johansson nimmt sich aktuell dem Thema […]

  137. Pingback ::

    Metacosm · links for 2007-05-30

    […] Reset Reloaded All browsers have presentation defaults, but no browsers have the same defaults. It is thus important to define styles that are as consistent as possible across browsers to first reset the defaults. (tags: css design reference) […]

  138. In working up, I was getting annoyed at how the masthead (an h1) looked fat, while the large headline (a span) was nice and slim, despite calling the same font.

    If I change the
    font-weight: inherit;
    font-weight: normal;

    I can get them to match.

  139. Like heulman said about background. It’s a shorthand property that is not very well supported when you don’t specify all the values (unlike border, for example).

    The first rule could be as heulman suggested, or specify it fully like so:
    background: transparent none repeat scroll left top;
    … and then body { background-color: #fff; }

  140. Pingback ::

    » Webdesigntips uit de grote doos (2) - Wolf’s Little Store -

    […] Alvorens aan de stylesheet voor een website te beginnen is het een goed idee om de stijlen over alle browsers heen te normaliseren. Dit impliceert wel dat je voor elk element opnieuw marges en padding moet gaan bepalen, maar geeft je wel meer controle over je stijlen. Hoe je dit doet, legt Eric Meyer je graag uit in Reset Reloaded. […]

  141. Pingback ::

    Webkrauts » Verrückte Formulare

    […] Eric Meyer sein Reset-Stylesheet vorgestellt hat, wurde er gefragt weshalb er nicht einfach den universellen CSS-Selektor (*) […]

  142. Pingback ::

    Insomniaonline » Blog Archive » links for 2007-05-31

    […] Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded CSS-Reset Styles und Überlegungen dazu. Mal bei Gelegenheit näher anschauen und mit den bisherigen Resets vergleichen. (tags: css reset webdesign browser) Du kannst die Kommentare dieses Artikels mit diesem RSS-Feed verfolgen. Du kannst auch einen Kommentar abgeben oder einen Trackback von Deiner Seite setzen. […]

  143. Pingback ::

    F-LOG-GE » Blog Archive » Eric Meyer auf Deutsch

    […] Eric Meyer hat vor kurzem in seinem Blog das alte Thema Basis-Stylesheet aufgewärmt. Kurz gesagt geht es darum, alle browsereigenen Styles ausser Kraft zu setzen, damit man eine […]

  144. Pingback ::

    Psychic Origami » Blog Archive » A little re-theme

    […] got around to theme-ing this blog. I’ve taken the default theme and stripped it down, then reset the css and started from there. Nothing fancy at all, just a bit more personalised and suitable for the […]

  145. Pingback ::

    Der CSS-Validator mag meinen Reset nicht | TechNovelty

    […] (Pflichtlektüre für alle die sich mit CSS befassen) findet sich ein Beitrag mit dem Titel Reset Reloaded, welcher ein Beispiel für das Rücksetzen der eingestellten Browserwerte enthält. Meine Variante […]

  146. Pingback ::

    Aritz Oiaga Blog » Blog Archive » Reseteando estilos

    […] Eric Meyer”s Global Reset […]

  147. Pingback ::

    the designer’s pages » Blog Archive » Expert Ideas For Better CSS Coding

    […] by zeroing both margin and padding for all elements at the top of their stylesheets. Eric Meyer”s Global Reset, Christian Montoya”s initial CSS file, Mike Rundle”s initial CSS file, Ping Mag”s initial CSS […]

  148. What about:

    html, body { height: 100% }


  149. I know it’s kinda of topic. Below is a reset rule for the “hr” element:

    hr {
    border: 0;
    height: 1px;
    background: black;
    color: black;

    If you wonder why there is a color attribute it’s because of the way IE family interprets the “hr” element. I came with this idea back in the days, but haven’t used it at all. I usually don’t use “hr” elements, or if I do — I am not concerned with how it looks.

    I hope you find it useful.

  150. re: #148

    html, body { height: 100% }

    scratch that!

    I was having a brain fart.

  151. Pingback ::

    Best Practice: Reset.css » Sabre UX - We Make Things Work For People

    […] Eric Meyer’s reset.css (slightly more agressive) […]

  152. Pingback ::

    Blank Wordpress Theme at cannontrodder’s world - cannontrodder - Getting nothing done since 1975.

    […] to help the style sheet remain consistent across browsers. Many thanks to Eric at for working them all out! June 14th, 2007 | 04:58 pm | Web development | […]

  153. The :focus rule causes performance problems in Opera 9.01. I have a CSS dropdown menu which runs fine normally but slow ways down with the :focus rule.

    Otherwise, great reset sheet.

  154. Pingback ::

    links for 2007-06-16 at The New Reader

    […] Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded (tags: css code development) […]

  155. @nanang:
    For the scroll bar use this
    width: 100%;
    margin-bottom: 1px;

    This force the vertical scrollbar on firefox (like in IE) and fixes visual movements when changing from small pages to big pages (no scrollbar->scrollbar), for example on centered pages.

  156. Pingback ::

    Aritz Oiaga Blog » Blog Archive » Hoja de estilos maestra


  157. Pingback ::

    Andrew’s Blog » Blog Archive » Reset Stylesheet

  158. Pingback ::

    Wordpress CSS Tip: Design for Sandbox Theme in a sandbox « //engtech - internet duct tape

    […] by zeroing both margin and padding for all elements at the top of their stylesheets. Eric Meyer”s Global Reset, Christian Montoya”s initial CSS file, Mike Rundle”s initial CSS file, Ping Mag”s initial CSS […]

  159. Pingback ::

    Réinitialisation des éléments HTML

    […] Feuille “Reset CSS” proposée par Eric Meyer. […]

  160. Pingback ::

    Can’t All Browsers Just Get Along?

    […] Meyer baked up a respectable version of the CSS reset and I would recommend starting there to get acquainted with it but of course you could develop a […]

  161. I first used reset about a month ago.

    Since then i have really done some great cross browser website builds

  162. Good stuff, but I’m wondering about the font-size: 100%;
    Assuming we are not to assume anything when it comes to cross-browser AND cross-version stuff, is 100% really a “reset”? This would actually (if I understand it right) set the font-size to the UA-default. Wouldn’t a “true reset” be supposed to make the font-size equal in all browsers? In other words it should be UA independant.

  163. Pingback ::

    A CSS Framework → The Jim Whimpey Weblog

    […] abstraction into separate files can be really useful is with the use of a reset style sheet and in the use of browser specific hacks. IE6 and IE7 stylesheets can be served based on […]

  164. Pingback ::

    Open Source Web Design » Blog Archive » 70 Expert Ideas For Better CSS Coding

    […] by zeroing both margin and padding for all elements at the top of their stylesheets. Eric Meyer”s Global Reset, Christian Montoya”s initial CSS file, Mike Rundle”s initial CSS file, Ping Mag”s initial CSS […]

  165. Pingback ::

    Les intégristes » Blog Archive » Et alors, ce Reset CSS, on l'utilise ?

    […] Meyer a récemment publié une nouvelle version de son fameux Reset CSS. Il s’agit de quelques lignes de code CSS ayant pour but de remettre “à zéro” […]

  166. Apologies for such a basic question, but I’m curious as to why you’ve included “html” in the reset declaration. Everything in the visible page is included within “body”, so why define “html” as well? Is there some inherent padding/margin within the page but outside of “body”, or is there some other reason? This is really puzzling me – if someone could enlighten me I’d be very grateful.

  167. Pingback ::

    » Dicas para trabalhar com CSS- Web Bem Feita - Usabilidade, Acessibilidade & Afins

    […] erros em navegadores como no Opera, por exemplo. H� v�rios arquivos CSS prontos para isso, como esse do em ingl�s. N�o se esque�a de ler as observa��es, elas s�o importantes (principalmente sobre o […]

  168. Pingback ::

    The Nested Float » Revisiting the Expanding Box Bug

    […] there were two things that triggered this bug. First, I’ve started using Eric Meyer’s CSS reset rules. I had forgotten that the reset sets a default line-height of 1 – the unitless […]

  169. Hi,

    Is it possible to apply this reset-css on a single div (and everything in it) on a css-styled page ?


  170. Pingback ::

    Reset all Margins & Padding

    […] If you wanted to go completely bat poop crazy on reseting every possibly everything, check this out. […]

  171. Pingback ::

    dot… » 70 Expert Ideas For Better CSS Coding

    […] by zeroing both margin and padding for all elements at the top of their stylesheets. Eric Meyer”s Global Reset, Christian Montoya”s initial CSS file, Mike Rundle”s initial CSS file, Ping Mag”s initial CSS […]

  172. Thanks for this, Eric. Your work on this article and the comments from your sharp readers were extremely educational.

  173. Pingback ::

    CSS Reset von Eric Meyer | i-fekt | Themen rund um Webdesign, Barrierefreiheit, CMS, HTML, CSS, PHP, Web Developement und Kultur

    […] Firefox gewinnt Marktanteile in Europa › […]

  174. Pingback ::

    Css reset with Eric Meyer » Fat Agnus

    […] you should reset all the browsers default style values and Eric Meyer has made a nice little set of styles that you can copy/paste and use in your own […]

  175. Pingback ::

    Shamus Writes » Blog Archive » Resetting HTML

    […] reset the margins for the html and body tags. I was also directed to this fabulous CSS entry called Reset Reloaded, which provides global resets for just about everything in a basic web page. I applied these and […]

  176. Pingback ::

    CSS Reset etwas ausführlicher… Reset Reloaded

    […] vollständigen Artikel “Reset Reloaded” (mit Erklärungen) findet man bei […]

  177. Pingback ::

    Reset CSS « BlocNotes

    […] Reset Reloaded chez Eric Meyer. […]

  178. Pingback ::


    […] If you”re having trouble making your spacing match the design”s spacing, download MeasureIt for Firefox, and use it to count the pixels between elements. If you know it looks wrong and can”t figure out why the spacing won”t do what you tell it to do, consider resetting browser defaults. […]

  179. Pingback ::

    Transatlantic Technical Services » Blank slate for CSS

    […] Added:  Eric Meyer’s version […]

  180. Pingback ::

    links for 2007-07-28 at James A. Arconati

    […] Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded After a bit of time to bake and a few more suggestions from readers, I have what I”m willing to call the final version of my take on the topic of reset styles. (tags: reference tips usability web-developer web-developer/css) Search […]

  181. Pingback ::

    » Sticky footer tutorial - Wolf’s Little Store -

    […] Zorg dat je een global reset van je HTML-elementen hebt gedaan. Als je niet weet wat dit is, neem eens een kijkje bij Eric Meyer. […]

  182. Pingback :: » basic css setup

    […] I didn”t end up creating a default css menu, since those change every time I do a site. My website is setup using these css files, with the id”s and such renamed to work with wordpress. I loosely based my default.css file on”s example. […]

  183. Pingback ::

    JDev :: Resetting default browser styles :: August :: 2007

  184. Pingback ::

    Weird Div/Link problem - DesignersTalk

    […] your tags too – helps a lot; no need to reinvent the wheel or fumble in the dark, have a look @ Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded __________________ I LICK YOU WRONG TIME | I KILL HELP […]

  185. @sjapp,

    Yes, you should have an id on that div (example: div id=”reset” ) and then just put that id before each selector and separate it with a space (example: #reset div, #reset span, #reset applet, #reset object, #reset iframe, #reset h1, and so on).

  186. Pingback ::

    XHTML » 70 ideas expertas para una mejor codificación CSS

    […] el margen y rellenándolo para todos los elementos en el top de sus hojas de estilo.Eric Meyer”s Global Reset, Christian Montoya”s initial CSS file, Mike Rundle”s initial CSS file, Ping Mag”s initial CSS […]

  187. Pingback ::


    […] 元ネタはEric Meyer’s reset.css page 基本のリセットスタイルシートとリセットをかけたあと、追記すべき項目というのが記されています。 […]

  188. The style of <pre> is not reset in IE6 – it still uses a proportional font unlike Gecko.

  189. I’d like to echo Jeff – is there a license on this?

    In the absnse of any explicity statement saying we are/ are not welcome to pinch it for our projects, I get the impression that you would consider it “PD, acknowledgement appreciated though”. But an unsubstantiated impression doesn’t really wash in corporate land :)

    PS no offence but this comment preview thing is absolutely appalling, it makes my typing appear in the text box at (literally!) ~ one character per second. Truly, truly painful – I’ve taken about 15 minutes to type this short comment (Using ff

  190. Pingback ::

    Reset It And Forget It

    […] reduce the pain and suffering of web designers. The version I like to use is the one created by Eric Meyer. By all means, it”s not necessary to use this particular reset.css file (or any other for that […]

  191. Pingback ::

    藍滴葛格Blue » Blog Archive » [2007/07/26 - 2007/08/14] 閱讀的書籤

    […] Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded […]

  192. Pingback ::

    47 CSS Tutorials, Techniques, and Resources » Webmaster-Source

    […] CSS Reset – Remove all browser defaults. […]

  193. Pingback ::

    5 Perguntas para 12 Designers « Blog do kraudio

    […] mais concentrados na execução dos trabalhos: Image replacement. Seguida de perto pelo global reset hehehe. Mas esse último não conta, já que é padrão. Marcelo Glacial Na codificação HTML […]

  194. A very minor alteration / question about the RESET CSS Optimizimg good / bad?(now used by Google in the blueprint CSS framework)

    I haven’t noticed any problems browser support wise when I remove All white space, has anyone else found any problems with some browsers not understand white space reduced CSS?

    If not it would be good practice to use a tool like


    body {



  195. Pingback ::

    Surreallis » Dicas para trabalhar com CSS

    […] erros em navegadores como no Opera, por exemplo. Há vários arquivos CSS prontos para isso, como esse do em inglês. Não se esqueça de ler as observações, elas são importantes (principalmente sobre o […]

  196. Pingback ::

    Wolf’s Little Store » Re: CSS Frameworks

    […] van een framework. Voorlopig zijn er maar 2 dingen die bijna altijd terugkomen in mijn CSS files: Eric Meyer’s Reset Reloaded en een lichtjes gemoderniseerde versie van de […]

  197. Pingback ::

    moving forward on ‘quiet design’ - a CSS framework « schblog!

    […] establish a CSS framework based on grids for page layout. It includes Eric Meyer’s ultra-fine CSS reset styles and other CSS for creating fairly good grid-based layouts that are pretty browser compatible. There […]

  198. The line-height:1 in the body was driving me crazy because IE6 kept putting spaces everywhere b/w divs.

  199. Pingback ::

    Frage zum Umgang mit dem "html" - Tag - XHTMLforum

    […] dich ist "Universell plus Restaurierung" nicht einfacher als "Differenziert ala Eric Meyer". Das glaube ich dir aufs Wort, aber du bist auch ein "sehr erfahrener CSSler" […]

  200. Pingback ::

      Tripoli by

    […] του. Προσωπικά για reset method χρησιμοποιώ την τεχνική του Eric Meyer και μετά αρχίζω το styling των element που θέλω. Όποιος πάντως […]

  201. Pingback ::

    Please do not Use CSS Frameworks - Monday By Noon

    […] have, however, recently started using Eric Meyer’s Reset Reloaded CSS by default when I begin projects (as will be the case with a redesign of this site). Having a […]

  202. Trackback ::

    Resettare gli stili CSS…

    Quando ci si trova a dover creare un foglio di stile CSS si sbatte sempre la testa sulle differenze tra i vari browser (soprattutto sui valori di default).
    L’ideale è quindi quello di resettare gli stili CSS in modo di partire da una base comune…

  203. Pingback ::

    Сброс CSS | Каждому своё...

    […] один из вариантов CSS, который был предложен на этом […]

  204. Pingback ::

    pixeladas aleatórias ∙∙∙∙ Visie: Code Show

    […] font-family no código todo! Lembrete para mim mesma: escrever algo sobre boas práticas para CSS, reset.css ou mesmo sobre CSS […]

  205. Pingback ::

    lillbra » Blog Archive » CSS-ramverk på gott och ont

    […] använda hela ramverk utan kan plocka ut lämpliga delar från dem – till exempel Erik Meyers”s reset css för att ta bort all browserdefault styling på elementen. Russinen ur kakan så att […]

  206. Pingback ::

    Man with no blog : » Treading Lightly with CSS Frameworks - Gary Barber

    […] can see the point of aspects of the Blueprint CSS framework being of a benefit. Eric Meyer’s Reset Reloaded, separation of the structural frame of the css, from the typography. However it is the grid section […]

  207. Pingback ::

    {Daniel T Ott} » Thoughts » CSS Tips #1: Use A Reset

    […] could write your own, but there’s no need for this. Eric Meyer has already done it for us: The Eric Meyer CSS Reset. Is this the only one? No. The Yahoo! User Interface Library has a reset, and I’m sure there […]

  208. Pingback ::

    Javascript News » Blog Archive » Should we use CSS frameworks?

    […] writers do list the positive aspects of CSS frameworks and both appeared to like Eric Meyer’s Reset Reloaded baseline set of styles as a starting point for an […]

  209. Pingback ::

    Should we use CSS frameworks? « outaTiME

    […] writers do list the positive aspects of CSS frameworks and both appeared to like Eric Meyer’s Reset Reloaded baseline set of styles as a starting point for an […]

  210. Pingback ::

    links for 2007-09-13 « manalang

    […] Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded a better version of YUI’s CSS reset (tags: css design framework webdesign reset) […]

  211. So do you use two stylesheets, this one and the one you use to style and override or is this one just for testing and then removed?

  212. The one thing that is missing from this is

    html {overflow: scroll}

    This forces ff/opera, etc to have scroll bars, even if its not required. It’s important because IE has scrollbars regardless of the content.

    This stop things like layout jumping on ‘center’ based designs.

  213. Pingback ::

    » Eric Meyer - Secrets of the CSS Jedi (Neatly Sliced)

    […] Use Eric”s as a guide, but make your own, and through this we have an idea of what elements are included: […]

  214. Pingback ::

    fredlee » Blog Archive » CSS Reset

    […] Eric Meyer’s CSS reset.  Found here. […]

  215. Pingback ::

    CSS Frameworks + CSS Reset: Design From Scratch | CSS

    […] CSS Reset Reloaded by Eric Meyer A “reset” or “baseline” set of styles, not based on the universal selector. As Meyer says, “the styles should list all the actual elements to be reset and exactly how they should be reset.” […]

  216. Pingback ::

    CSS Frameworks + CSS Reset: Design From Scratch .

    […] CSS Reset Reloaded by Eric Meyer A “reset” or “baseline” set of styles, not based on the universal selector. As Meyer says, “the styles should list all the actual elements to be reset and exactly how they should be reset.” […]

  217. Pingback ::

    Marking Up Websites From The Inside Out | Gabe Boning

    […] marking up a website, you shouldn’t even think about what the tags will look like. If you reset your CSS correctly, everything will look the same, no matter what tag it […]

  218. I’m not really sure why all those tags need to be defined.

    why not use an asterisk at the top of your stylesheet:

    * {
    ...set attributes/styling...

    am i missing something here?

  219. Yes, Dale, you’re missing something here. Follow the link in the article to and you’ll find some explanation along those lines.

  220. This is exactly what I was looking for. This will save me time and my clients money. Will be using this for now on. Thanks Eric.

  221. Pingback ::

    css, php, dhtml и java статьи и скрипты » 70 способов улучшить CSS код

    […] всех элементов в самом начале файла стилей. Eric Meyer”s Global Reset, Christian Montoya’s initial CSS file, Mike Rundle’s initial CSS file, Ping Mag’s […]

  222. Pingback ::

    links for 2007-09-24

    […] Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded (tags: CSS Hacks Reference WebDesign) […]

  223. Pingback ::

    Thoughts » CSS Reset - Starting with a Clean Slate

    […] Eric Meyer’s website for the […]

  224. Pingback ::

    Neutralizar los estilos del navegador : Intrópicos

    […] permiten empezar de cero. Hay unos cuantos, yo le he estado echando una ojeada a las de el conocido Eric Meyer y las de […]

  225. Pingback ::

    Theodicius » CSS Reset

    […] Meyer recently posted an update to his CSS reset file, and that plus other commentaries I’ve been reading made me […]

  226. Pingback ::

    70位专家谈CSS设计 | 一个全新的 WordPress Blog | PureCSS

    […] Eric Meyer”s Global Reset(全局重置), Christian Montoya”s initial CSS file(初始化CSS文件), Mike Rundle”s initial […]

  227. Pingback ::

    YAML: Smart, cross-browser CSS layout » Freelance Escape

    […] a completely un-styled base with no browser style interference. It includes resets, like the one Eric Meyer has created, but it also separates typography from layout nicely giving you much easier control over typeface […]

  228. Pingback ::

    مریخ » بایگانی وبلاگ » فریم‌ورک برای سی‌اس‌اس؟

    […] که همیشه و در هر پروژه‌ای تکرار می‌شن. در همین زمینه reset.css آقای اریک میر رو می‌شه مثال زد که نمونه‌ی خوبی از […]

  229. Pingback ::

    » CSS Frameworks + CSS Reset: Design From Scratch

    […] CSS Reset Reloaded by Eric Meyer A “reset” or “baseline” set of styles, not based on the universal selector. As Meyer says, “the styles should list all the actual elements to be reset and exactly how they should be reset.” […]

  230. Pingback ::

    Julian Harris, Social Computing Guy » Cross browser HTML using portable CSS: Eric Meyer on ‘Reset CSS’

    […] Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded “After a bit of time to bake and a few more suggestions from readers, I have what I”m willing to call the final version of my take on the topic of reset styles. To wit:” […]

  231. Pingback ::

    Julian Harris, Social Computing Guy » How to make headings and paragraphs appear the same in IE7 and Firefox

    […] 21/9: see Yahoo’s reset css for the full solution, and Eric Meyer’s views on Yahoo’s reset CSS.           0 […]

  232. Pingback ::

    Five essential CSS tips from top developers » Broken Links

    […] cause more work for you. Instead try something like Yahoo!’s YUI reset or Eric Meyer’s Reset Reloaded. […]

  233. Pingback ::

    La blogosphère s'intéresse au frameworks CSS

    […] enfin un excellent article d’Eric Meyer sur le reset.css qui fait réfléchir. css […]

  234. Pingback ::

    2007 octobre 01 | GulY dev-emotion

    […] enfin un excellent article d’Eric Meyer sur le reset.css qui fait réfléchir. css […]

  235. Pingback ::

    Ghost in the Machine » Blog Archive » Sass CSS Reset

    […] those that have embraced Eric Meyer’s css reset work, here’s a version of css reset in […]

  236. Pingback ::

    Dicas para trabalhar com CSS | Lucas Pascoal

    […] erros em navegadores como no Opera, por exemplo. Há vários arquivos CSS prontos para isso, como esse do em inglês. Não se esqueça de ler as observações, elas são importantes (principalmente sobre o […]

  237. Pingback ::

    YUI y otros Frameworks CSS —

    […] Como quizás sabran, la idea de un framework CSS no es nueva, y de hecho podríamos encontrar uno de los primeros intentos en los hojas diseñadas para “resetear” los estilos predeterminados que los distintos navegadores aplican a cada uno de los elementos de una página. La cuestión es la siguiente: esos estilos predeterminados no son iguales en todos los navegadores, por lo que la solución sería “emparejar hacia abajo”, “limpiando” todos los estilos para luego volver a declararlos mediante tu propia hoja de estilos —es lo que hace Eric Meyer con Reset Reloaded. […]

  238. Pingback ::

    CSS Reset Reloaded « Design News

    […] read more | digg story […]

  239. Hi

    Thanks for this, I’ve been using variations of it for a while now. I’ve also just bought CSS Sculptor from NetAssist which has increased productivity 100 fold.

    I have one small problem that I just can’t figure out. I use TopStyle Pro 3.12 to edit my style sheets and the “applet” element in both this reset and the code generated by CSS Sculptor causes TopStyle to crash. If I remove ‘applet’ out the code things are fine.

    Is this a TopStyle problem or is there something about ‘applet’ that I need to be aware of.

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and assisting in the production of a great tool.


  240. Pingback ::

    CSS Reset

    […] Meyer’s Reset CSS looks brilliant. Some have suggested that his reset css and Richard Rutter’s […]

  241. Eric – encountered something peculiar while using the reset reloaded styles last week. If you have an image and use the align=”left” or align=”right” values to indicate which way text should flow around the image (the case I was looking at had a heading to the right of the image) – IE will ignore them. You can still use float left/right but for older content or people that still like to use the align left/right values it could be an issue. I’ve checked with the IE developer toolbar and by default there’s no assigned vertical-align attribute specified to images in IE by default.

    Just thought I’d let you know.

  242. Pingback ::

    Consejos CSS «

    […] Reset reloaded […]

  243. Pingback ::

    المشروع » 10 نصائح لصفحات أنماط انسيابية (CSS) أفضل

    […] [Reset Reloaded] […]

  244. Pingback ::

    Padrões Web e CSS - Caio J Ruman » Css Framework

    […] reset.css é o arquivo de reset do Eric Meyer, com pequenas modificações, como a inclusão do button no reset e a remoção do line-height: 1 […]

  245. Pingback ::

    kobak pont org » css reset

    […] hasonló gondolatok indították Eriket arra, hogy megcsinálta a css nullázó kódját. […]

  246. Pingback ::

    Stop the Hate - IE6 Isn’t So Bad! | Notes from Phazm

    […] There are two main differing behaviors in browsers: Their default rendering of HTML elements, and how they handle CSS. To start with, I recommend you always (or whenever possible) use a CSS Reset. Resetting the CSS takes away one of the differing behaviors between multiple browsers. For example, IE6 and Firefox both give <h2> tags a default margin, however, that margin is slightly different between both browsers. When you eliminate that behavior, and set everything to have no default(browser) styling, you make your job a whole lot easier. Eric Meyer has created a fantastic CSS Reset which you can find here. […]

  247. Pingback :: » 70 Expert Ideas For Better CSS Coding

    […] by zeroing both margin and padding for all elements at the top of their stylesheets. Eric Meyer”s Global Reset, Christian Montoya”s initial CSS file, Mike Rundle”s initial CSS file, Ping Mag”s initial CSS […]

  248. Pingback ::

    CSS Reset : Only Human

    […] I was reading this article on A List Apart and remembered that during “An Event Apart” Eric Meyer had promised to post a “reset.css” file to “zero-out” browser defaults and thereby make it easier to apply CSS more consistently. Just as promised, here it is. […]

  249. Pingback ::

    Workflow: Getting Started | Rasim Coşkun | Web Tasarım | Web Design

    […] by zeroing both margin and padding for all elements at the top of their stylesheets. Eric Meyer”s Global Reset, Christian Montoya”s initial CSS file, Mike Rundle”s initial CSS file, Ping Mag”s initial CSS […]

  250. Pingback ::

    Reset your way to cleaner, faster HTML/CSS “coding” | *shrug*

    […] personally use Eric Meyer’s reset.css because he graduated from the same college I did. And because he is generally well-respected in […]

  251. Pingback ::

    Intenta » Blog Archive » CSS inicial de Eric Meyer

    […] Vía Eric Meyer […]

  252. Trackback ::

    Rootserver - Blog

    CSS übersichtlich gestalten…

    Mit den immer höheren Anforderungen moderner CSS-Sites werden die Stylesheets immer unüberscihtlicher. Man fängt irgendwann an sich ein halbgares System zu entwickeln, welches aber nie 100% durchdacht wird. Peter Müller von jetzt hat e…

  253. Pingback ::

    Kickstart 0.2 - rudimentäres Framework » Pixeldrama >> Webdesign und mehr

    […] notwendigsten Elemente, die aber validieren. Beigelegt ist noch default.css von Stefan Nitzsche und reset.css von Eric […]

  254. content:"" creates pseudo-elements. If you want to remove them, you should rather use content:normal.

  255. Pingback ::

    It’s Samuel » Blog Archive » CSS Reset, A Quick Introduction

    […] Eric Meyer writes about this subject in greater detail, and I can’t fault his ‘Reset Reloaded‘. […]

  256. Pingback ::

    Oops: Phone Not Supported

    […] link to Reset Reloaded, something I definitely need to do for my own site. I keep running into margin and padding […]

  257. Pingback ::

    Ein Paket xHTML + ein Päckchen CSS bitte » Jared

    […] und es kommt zu weniger Darstellungsfehlern… Ein Beispiel für solch eine CSS ist bei Eric Meyer (englisch) und auf (deutsch) zu […]

  258. Pingback ::

    (re)fresh | burningHat

    […] un thème conçu sur la base de SandBox et du Reset CSS d’Éric Meyer […]

  259. Pingback ::

    70位专家谈CSS设计 | 晨风·社

    […] Eric Meyer”s Global Reset(全局重置), Christian Montoya”s initial CSS file(初始化CSS文件), Mike Rundle”s initial […]

  260. Pingback ::

    FCSS, framework css. Uno más « CuatroXL - Cuatro Xl

    […] el reseteado de ls valores de css que por defecto traen los navegadores, es el de Erick Mayer(uno de los mejores, para […]

  261. Pingback ::

    RobMoffett » Blog Archive » Giving credit

    […] Eric Meyer […]

  262. Firefox doesn’t like when you font-weight: inherit the strong tag. It uses 400 as the default value. Would it be most appropriate to define the strong tag in the CSS?

  263. Pingback ::

    Development Collaboration at Ryan’s Blog

    […] your elements Finally.  One I can agree on.  There are even great pre-setup CSS files for resetting styles.  I’m in on this one… except that they’re completely against reseting […]

  264. Actually, that’s part of the point, Chris. Having set the weight of that element to be equivalent to its parent (which is most likely going to be weight 400) you can now decide exactly how you want to style strongly emphasized content. Boldface? Italic? Boldface and italic? Make it slightly bigger? Put a highlight background on it? All of the above?

    The same is true for the element em, which will end up with a style of normal instead of italic.

  265. Excellent point, kL. Except I think none would be better than normal in this case. The two are equivalent for :before and :after, so it really doesn’t matter, I suppose, but since I want no generated content there I feel like I ought to say so instead of relying on an equivalence.

  266. Pingback ::

    Using ems for font sizing in css | rdmey

    […] a reset styleheet — I like Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset Reloaded — to set everything to that base […]

  267. Pingback ::

    Safari’s New Web Inspector: Really Quite Good » grenade sandwich by Steven ‘Sven’ Merrill

    […] Firefox is my web development platform of choice. The Web Developer toolbar gives us web developers and designers an amazing array of tools, and Firebug gives us not only JavaScript debugging, but also an array of helpful CSS tools, especially tools that will help sniff out traces of the browser’s built-in stylesheet (margins remaining on headings and the like, which often confuses beginning web design students who aren’t using some kind of browser-style reset.) […]

  268. Pingback ::

    CSS Continued… Part 1:Organization Boot Camp |

    […] the Eric Meyer CSS reset or some variety of […]

  269. Pingback ::

    » How I CSS — Ryan Imel

    […] Meyer’s reset.css is the best, which is why I use it. […]

  270. Pingback ::

    blueprint--css framework研究 | 孙飞龙博客

    […] Reset Reloaded: […]

  271. Pingback :: » geeked out on the web

    […] Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset […]

  272. Pingback ::

    W.ordPress » YUI y otros Frameworks CSS

    […] Como quizás sabran, la idea de un framework CSS no es nueva, y de hecho podríamos encontrar uno de los primeros intentos en los hojas diseñadas para “resetear” los estilos predeterminados que los distintos navegadores aplican a cada uno de los elementos de una página. La cuestión es la siguiente: esos estilos predeterminados no son iguales en todos los navegadores, por lo que la solución sería “emparejar hacia abajo”, “limpiando” todos los estilos para luego volver a declararlos mediante tu propia hoja de estilos —es lo que hace Eric Meyer con Reset Reloaded. […]

  273. Pingback ::

    Scarf*oo » Blog Archive » 5 CSS Tips to Make IE (You) Happy

    […] will render the page as similarly as possible. To do so, you can use one of the many suggested templates to create a reset.css file and include it before you include any other of your style […]

  274. I would add:

    outline: none;

    Just to remove the anoying dotted line on links in Firefox.

  275. I am using FCKeditor to allow selected users to add content to various pages. Of course each page that displays the content has a standard heading (logo etc) and footer (copyright, links etc). Also the user content is limited to a certain area of the page (eg centered & width of 600px), there being standard ‘margins’ on the sides.

    What I would like is a method that does something similar the Eric’s but only for the user content.

    Are there any ways to do that?

  276. Pingback ::

    Fudge » Blog Archive » CSS Frameworks

    […] to read anything. I usually pay attention with Eric Meyer does something about it, like he has here (somehow I missed the article on A List Apart – probably because recently I’ve been telling […]

  277. The rules for q and blockquote can be replaced by one line:

    q {quotes:none}

    Blockquote is rendered without quotes by default.

  278. Blockquotes are rendered without quotes by default now, but there’s nothing that says they will stay that way forever. However, I agree (as I think I did with earlier commenters): none is a better choice than ''. I need to update this bad boy anyway, so hopefully there will be a post in the near future.

  279. Trackback ::

    Resetear los estilos HTML por defecto…

    Existe un aspecto muy fastidioso dentro del uso de hojas de estilo CSS en XHTML y es los estilo que por defecto tienen asignados una serie de propiedades de estilo, que nos pueden traer de cabeza, sobre todo cuando necesitamos que nuestras páginas sea…

  280. Why does the W3C give me a parse error when I use this:

    Parse Error – html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code, del, dfn, em, font, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp, small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td { margin:0; padding:0; font-family: “Arial”, “Verdana”, “Sans-Serif”;}

  281. Pingback ::

    kalle Saas | Blog » Master-Stylesheet

    […] Wohl der wichtigste Abschnitt. Hier werden die vom Browser vorgegebenen Style-Definitionen auf feste Werte gesetzt. Sehr hilfreich wenn man keine Überraschungen in den verschiedenen Browsern erleben will. Quelle: Erich Meyer […]

  282. Pingback ::

    Improving Your Process: CSS Techniques Part 2 - Monday By Noon

    […] I’ve written before, I keep a copy of Eric Meyer’s reset CSS lying around to take care of browser defaults as opposed to using the universal selector. His […]

  283. That’s great news that you’re still not settling on this reset.css! Do you think you’ll be able to get the next version out this month or by SXSW? Lookin’ forward to see your changes!

  284. Pingback ::

    雨中人 » Blog Archive » 70位专家谈CSS设计

    […] Eric Meyer”s Global Reset(全局重置), Christian Montoya”s initial CSS file(初始化CSS文件), Mike Rundle”s initial […]

  285. Pingback ::

    First post « Richard Eskins

  286. Should post a link to your newest revision on this.

  287. Others have asked already, but I haven’t found an answer, so… is there any kind of license protecting this? Of course, by now, so many people have used this reset that this question might not have much sense now, but I was just looking at a national newspaper site (I’m from Chile) and found this on their CSS: /* remember to define focus styles! */ and I remembered I have seen it somewhere… of course, it was on your reset… and there’s absolutely no credit for you there, check out:,,,00+en-USS_01DBC.css

  288. Pingback ::

    Usufructo y atribución —

    […] conocida: /* remember to define focus styles! */, que tras un rápido googleo, pude situar en el Reset Reloaded de Eric Meyer. La hoja contenía lo […]

  289. Pingback ::

    pixeladas aleatórias ∙∙∙∙ CSS livre, leve e solto

    […] Mesmo que você não seja fã de CSS frameworks, use pelo menos um conjunto de parâmetros CSS para limpar todos as definições de estilo nativas do navegador. Causa um estranhamento no início, mas é bem mais rápido de implementar. Além disso, evita várias definições para limpar estilos espalhados pelo site e hacks para tentar igualar as definições de um browser para outro. Veja sobre reset.css mais no site do Eric Meyer. […]

  290. Pingback ::

    Reset CSS à la Eric Meyer - BIGOD:NET

    […] ist der Reset-Style von Eric Meyer. Hier findet man noch ein paar Anmerkungen […]

  291. Funny how I posted a perfectly legitimate question comparing this reset to the YUI reset only to find today that my comment had been removed. So stupid of me to even consider using this for real projects. I’m sticking to YUI. Boo.

  292. Pingback ::

    Origo CSS / Quiltro

    […] utiliza como pieza fundamental el CSS Reset (que está en el archivo neutra.css) creado por Eric Meyer, que permite eliminar los valores de […]

  293. Pingback ::

    CSS Reset

    […]  Segue Exemplo de uma limpeza mais bruta: […]

  294. Pingback ::

    SitePoint Blogs » CSS Reset Reloaded. Again.

    […] year Eric Meyer documented his thoughts on resetting the styles of a web page to a common baseline. For designers that crave pixel-perfect layouts, differences between the default styles that each […]

  295. Pingback ::

    kashit » CSS Best Practices

    […] of the most popular browser resets is of CSS Reset by Eric Meyer. As Meyer says, “the styles should list all the actual elements to be reset and […]

  296. Pingback :: - Design Graphics Blog - Onur Oztaskiran » Blog Archive » 6 Default Selectors I Use on My Every Project’s CSS Document

    […] also some really helping css reset snippets I use sometimes; like Eric Meyer’s Reset CSS and YUI Reset CSS. This is pretty much like how I manage things and prevent future […]

  297. Pingback ::

    fcicq's » Blog Archive » links for 2008-02-11

    […] Eric”s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded (tags: css webdesign) […]

  298. Pingback ::

    Dan Peverill - Front-End Web Developer » CSS Reset

    […] originally started by using Eric Meyer’s CSS reset. After I while I realized that I needed to make one based on my own coding style. Not every CSS […]

  299. Is their a reson you’ve done

    html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe,
    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre,
    a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code,
    del, dfn, em, font, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp,
    small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var,
    dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li,
    fieldset, form, label, legend,
    table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    border: 0;
    outline: 0;
    font-weight: inherit;
    font-style: inherit;
    font-size: 100%;
    font-family: inherit;
    vertical-align: baseline;

    Rather then..

    * { margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    border: 0;
    outline: 0;
    font-weight: inherit;
    font-style: inherit;
    font-size: 100%;
    font-family: inherit;
    vertical-align: baseline;

    and do you need to have

    font-weight: inherit;
    font-style: inherit;
    font-family: inherit;

    I would use;

    body { font:100%/1.25 arial, helvetica, sans-serif; }

    This way your set the font size to a 100% so you have a standard cross browser starting point for the size of the font if the user increases the browser text


  300. ArkRep, please see the other reset posts and material on the site for the answers to your questions.

  301. I see your thinking…. I’ve always gone with a wild card for the last year or so and its done the trick a treat.. I’ll be reading this discussion with great interest.

  302. Pingback ::

    CSS Frameworks + CSS Reset: Design From Scratch » » Google Adsense News

    […] CSS Reset Reloaded by Eric Meyer A “reset” or “baseline” set of styles, not based on the universal selector. As Meyer says, “the styles should list all the actual elements to be reset and exactly how they should be reset.” […]

  303. Pingback ::

    Dave Woods - HTML, CSS, Web Design » CSS Reset

    […] plenty of different reset methods already available and I’ve been using Eric Meyer’s method for some time now but have started to realize that in most projects, I only use a fraction of the […]

  304. I’m not sure, but I think I remember reading somewhere that using
    * { /*attributes*/ }
    is slower than using
    /*elements*/ { /*attributes*/ }

    If I find the article again I’ll post it here, but maybe that can clear things up.

    Also, people have stopped using the universal (*) element because it’s not considered “good code” anymore. Even though it uses every element in the language *lol* I think writing out every one is better than using the asterisk.

    That’s just my opinion. Feel free to do whatever you want!

  305. Pingback ::

    New Poll: What Kind of CSS Reset Do You Use? - CSS-Tricks

    […] Meyer offers a popular reset and the star selector reset also enjoys some popularity. Both of these styles have their advocates […]

  306. Pingback :: » Reset Reloaded Stylesheet

    […] global reset.css file is a must for anyone who develops in Cascading Style Sheets.  Eric Meyer’s Reset Reloaded will likely fulfill all of your needs. February 24, 2008 | In Uncategorized […]

  307. Pingback ::

    links for 2008-02-28 « 11Pixels

    […] Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded (tags: cssreset css development) […]

  308. Pingback ::

    Gekauft! » webstandards » Pixeltapete

    […] stammt wie der Name vermuten lässt aus der Feder des CSS-Guru Eric Meyer, von dem u.a. der geniale Resetstyleblock stammt, den ich regelmäßig verwende. Auch auf seinem Mist gewachsen ist das HTML basierte […]

  309. Pingback ::

    /home/hakan/ » CSS Varsayılan Stiller

    […] derlemesinide dikkatimi çekti bunlardan biri Yahoo Reset CSS ve diğeride Eric Meyer‘a ait bu kod parçası […]

  310. Pingback ::

    CSS Concept » Frameworks & CSS Reset

    […] Reset Reloaded […]

  311. Pingback ::

    small problem - Page 2 - Graphic Design Forum and Web Design Forum

    […] not use the * reset. start a separate css file and base your reset if not it its entirety: Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded __________________ – my personal website – my blog, please […]

  312. Trackback ::

    Free Web Resources - Web Resources Depot

    Do You Use Reset.CSS?…

    Browser compatibility issues with how they render HTML differently is a common problem for web designers and developers.
    Reset.CSS, if you are not already using it, can save some time from the CSS editing process.
    What is Reset.CSS?
    Reset.CSS is simply…

  313. Pingback ::

    Design Time: CSS Timeline Part 1 | media|extranet

    […] Most people who have done this a few times will start out with a good building block, I recommend Eric Meyers’ CSS Reset as a starting point. This technique tends to cut down the time it takes to tweak issues you will […]

  314. Pingback ::

    Reset CSS - LXS - digital media

    […] mich die letzten Wochen wieder vermehrt mit CSS beschäftigt. Für ein Projekt wäre sicher die Reset CSS vom Herrn Meyer ganz hilfreich gewesen, um die Standard-Formierungen der gängigen Browser zu […]

  315. Pingback ::

    El mejor CSS para formatear los estilos por defecto | Kabytes

    […] CSS Reset que elaboro Meyer es el siguiente: html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, […]

  316. Pingback ::

    CSS Resets to improve website its browser compatibility » - Webdesign Blog

    […] people been talking about this? Ofcourse, lots of. A lot of CSS developers didn’t want to use any CSS styles they didn’t […]

  317. Pingback ::

    Alternative IE-Only CSS Hack (or the CSS Reset?)

    […] this isn’t the purest method of getting cross-browser css compatibility, the ubiquitous CSS Reset is another way to get easier cross-browser satisfaction, with Yahoo and Google providing their own […]

  318. Pingback ::

    الدكتور نت » 9 حيل css تحتاج لمعرفتها

  319. Pingback ::

    css reset |

    […] preoccupazioni per i diversi tipi di rendering dei diversi browser. Eric Mayer propone un ottimo css reset che sarà quello descritto in questo […]

  320. Pingback ::

    pixeladas aleatórias ∙∙∙∙ Uma outra visão sobre CSS Frameworks

    […] a opção testada pelo Eric Meyer com algumas pequenas revisões […]

  321. Pingback ::

    Wellcome to My World » Reinicio de Estados

    […] Aquí el enlace […]

  322. Pingback ::

    Blah! » Blog Archive » CSS Reset

    […] CSS Reset for all browsers […]

  323. Pingback ::

    Reset CSS?

    […] plan to create a new theme for this blog, and am seeking opinions. Should I base my CSS on this Reset Reloaded […]

  324. Pingback ::

    Graphic Euphoria » CSS Reset: the first step to browser compatibility

    […] while ago i stumbled across a basic CSS reset script and after some research i discovered Eric Meyer’s CSS Rest Reloaded script. Eric has created a really comprehensive script but as ever i felt the need to edit it for […]

  325. Pingback ::

    CSS Frameworks II | gEEK tHE pLANET

    […] me gusta usar el CSS Reset Reloaded de Eric Meyer: PLAIN TEXT […]

  326. urghh…. everbody should know how to use these or even if to use these.

    In example: if your customers are using a CMS or Blog-System, they could (unmaintained by CSS) use ul/li or others and there is a good reason then for a default behaviour.

    You forgot a lot of IE optimization in your reset, for example setting images as block-elements to avoid undercutting line-heights…

    just saying that: your body:line-height misses a measure, like ‘P’ or ’em’

    and no… I disagree, you dont deserve money for it :0)


  327. Setting default values in a xhtml or css format in order to prepare a website standard for another developer is one of the most stupid thing i ever heard about. I am well informed about the idea and the defaults but i also reset most of them and its really makes things more difficult and it seems to me stupid that standards add non standard settings in the standard world we live in for the new website development….

    What is the usability in that idea! ???

    Michael Persson dot com

  328. Pingback ::

    Стили CSS - финальная версия RESET-стилей от Эрика Мейера » Как создать сайт бесплатно? Как сделать сайт? Журнал для веб-мастеров и блогеров о

    […] статьи: Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset ReloadedPopularity: […]

  329. Pingback :: » Blog Archive » Battling with IE - 4 CSS methods

    […] bit of code to break some of the major issues you will run into with IE. You can see them at his Reset Reloaded article, which I found on this webiste, Keys to Consistent CSS. Here’s the code in case you […]

  330. Pingback ::

    Reset Reloaded: CSS Reset | Valuable Tools for Web Designers and Developers at

  331. Pingback ::

    Globalny reset domyślnych stylów CSS przeglądarki |

    […] UI Library. Inną alternatywą (przeznaczoną jednak dla bardziej zaawansowanych twórców) jest arkusz opracowany przez guru CSS – Erica Meyera. Charakterystyczne dla powyżej wymienionych rozwiązań […]

  332. Pingback ::

    Life, it is a Travesty… » links for 2008-03-30

    […] Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded Eric Meyer’s reset.css (tags: css framework reset) […]

  333. Pingback ::

    JTVN's tutorials

    […] Reset Reloaded […]

  334. Pingback ::

    mf.BLOG » CSS Reset

    […] The code itself is courtesy of Eric Meyer. Please visit his blog regarding this particular topic at […]

  335. Pingback ::

    emptyconcept » Blog Archive » 關於模板的兼容性問題和CSS Reset

    […] Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded 全球最多人使用他的重設CSS設定,比Yahoo!提供的還要厲害。 […]

  336. Pingback ::

    Uma outra visão sobre CSS Framework | Manoel Franklin

    […] a opção testada pelo Eric Meyer com algumas pequenas revisões […]

  337. Pingback ::

    CSS Reset, how to start from the same base | Your Site Is Valid

    […] The one I personaly use, and I think the most famous CSS reset is developed by Eric Meyer:…/reset-reloaded/. […]

  338. Thanks for the great work!
    I changed “vertical-align: baseline” to “bottom”, cause of the appearence of an bottom-margin to the next image.
    To the first statement I added the “input” tag.
    Now it works fine for me =)

  339. Pingback ::

    Steve’s Blog » Archive du blog » CSS Reset

  340. Pingback ::

    ifoh designs » Blog Archive » 10 More awesome coding tips - Web Design That Is Neat.

    […] you do any coding, save yourself some pain, and reset your styles. Luckily enough for you, Mr. Eric Meyer has already done […]

  341. Pingback ::

    Reset CSS: un bene o un male? :

    […] standard su cui costruire la pagina. Inizialmente si trattava di qualche riga di CSS, fino alle tecniche suggerite da Eric […]

  342. Pingback ::

    Getting Org Charts Right « Webdev at MOE

    […] now we have a very simple nested list. If you’re removing all browser-set CSS styles (and you should), you’ll need to style the visual cues that’ll make this nested list […]

  343. Pingback ::

    Level the Playing Field with Reset Style Sheets - CSSnewbie

    […] (YUI) library. Eric Meyer, a full-fledged CSS Jedi, has also done a lot of work on a robust reset style sheet. Both are excellent, and I recommend studying and adopting either (or parts of both) of them into […]

  344. Pingback ::

    » Styles CSS par défaut : après Reset Reloaded, Eric Meyer fait encore risette avec Resetting Again « css4design : des css pour votre design html

    […] plus grand plaisir, Eric Meyer – le gourou des CSS – a mis à jour son célèbre Reset CSS. Après Reset Reloaded, voici donc Resetting Again ! Le plus gros changement est la suppression de l’héritage […]

  345. Pingback ::

    » Pour rétablir le flux après un float, vous êtes plutôt HR, BR ou DIV ? « css4design : des css pour votre design html

    […] avec les marges ou la hauteur pour espacer les éléments. Or, depuis que j’utilise le reset.css d’Eric Meyer, j’ai tendance à supprimer les marges de tout ce qui bouge, mais cette […]

  346. Pingback ::

    CSS Frameworks and the Anatomy of Web Design - The Frontend

    […] have a lot in common, both focus on first adding a reset CSS to the document and then use a grid for creating all types of design grids you could ever dream up. […]

  347. Pingback ::

    Howto: Become a Web Developer | Blueprint Design Studio

    […] Understand the global reset […]

  348. Internet Explorer shows text inside the address tag as italic and every other (ff,opera,safari) browser shows it as normal text. Shouldn’t the reset CSS have “font-style:normal;” or am I missing something here? :)

  349. Pingback ::

    Arjan Eising » :focus on your links

    […] designers dislike the outline, and try to hide it. Also some CSS reset methods (like the popular reset method by Eric Meyer) ‘reset’ the […]

  350. Pingback ::

    Resetowanie ustawień CSS | Ikeris Sp. z o.o.

    […] zresetowań ustawienia CSS? Eric Meyer ma swoją propozycję: Niemniej jednak możnaby użyć jeszcze np. * { padding:0; margin:0; […]

  351. I still think a global reset is the right thing to do. Remember, this is a file (or inline code) that you can reuse from site to site. That means setting your baselines (to 0) and modifying each site as needed. Some sites might need larger padded form elements and some smaller. This is what I use:

    html {
    body {
    * {
    font-weight: normal;
    table {
    ul,ol {

    I can then set list bullets, form margins, table borders as needed on each site.

  352. Pingback ::

    David Barredo » reset css

    […] código CSS desarrollado por Eric Meyer resetea las principales propiedades de los elementos HTML: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 […]

  353. This is a note to my comment #339:
    After some tests I removed the img tag from the first statement and defined it sapartely: img { vertical-align:bottom }

  354. Pingback ::

    Design em Foco » Resetar os estilos iniciais de CSS

    […] Reset Styles de Eric Meyer. […]

  355. I’ve found that <HR> is not even remotely consistent across browsers. I use the following to reset it:

    hr {
    border: 0;
    border-top: 1px solid #999;
    background-color: #999;
    color: #999;
    height: 1px;
    margin: 1em 0;
    clear: both;

  356. Pingback ::

    CSS Brasil » Frameworks CSS

  357. Pingback ::

    » Blog Archive » 70 идей экспертов для улучшения CSS кода

    […] всех элементов в самом начале файла стилей. Eric Meyer”s Global Reset5, Christian Montoya’s initial CSS file6, Mike Rundle’s initial CSS file7, Ping […]

  358. Pingback ::

    Usando CSS: HTML es para contenido — Tordek

    […] mucho usar un CSS reset, para evitar dolores de cabeza porque los márgenes son cualquiera. Reset Reloaded, de Eric Mayer es bueno, pero también toca cosas como el tamaño de los headers, así que ojo. […]

  359. Pingback ::

    Resetting CSS to be cross browser | XHTML CSS Web Designer / PHP Web Developer / SEO Specialist from Auckland, New Zealand

    […] alter these differences for every element again. 2 popular Reset.CSS styles are YUI Reset CSS and […]

  360. Pingback ::

    100%DIRK - » CSS: Reset CSS Tripoli

    […] than causes the work of adding single style values again) like the common reset css solutions (e.g. eric meyer or yahoo! developer) tripoli is doing more: afterwards it sets all the browsers to the same to […]

  361. Pingback ::

    CSS Tutorial: Cleaning Up Footer Code |

    […] Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset Stylesheet […]

  362. Pingback ::

    Best practices and advices | Ionut Staicu - Webdeveloper Blog

    […] personally don’t use any of existing CSS reset file and i use only few line for this, including the blamed * {margin:0; […]

  363. Pingback ::


  364. Pingback :: » Blog Archive » CSS Frameworks + CSS Reset: Design From Scratch

    […] CSS Reset Reloaded by Eric Meyer A “reset” or “baseline” set of styles, not based on the universal selector. As Meyer says, “the styles should list all the actual elements to be reset and exactly how they should be reset.” […]

  365. Pingback :: » Blog Archive » From PSD to CSS/HTML in Easy Steps - Part 1

    […] and basic colors from the PSD and set up up CSS defaults for these including your favourite Reset CSS snippet. Also set up the default font-size structure that will allow for text to be resized in IE6 […]

  366. Pingback ::

    gabriel mcgovern (dot com) | » WebVisions: CSS Trasformations

    […] Recommends using css reset. […]

  367. Pingback ::

    » 5 Reset CSS à la loupe pour une remise à zéro des valeurs par défaut des navigateurs « css4design : des css pour votre design html

    […] C’est sûrement ce que c’est dit Eric Meyer lorsqu’il s’est penché sur son Reset CSS. (L’exemple donné ci-dessous est la mise à jour en date du 15/01/2008, cf. Resetting Again) […]

  368. Pingback ::

    » CSS Collection II 2008 CSS Concept: CSS can be just that easy..

    […] Eric’s Archived Thoughts […]

  369. Pingback ::

    Reset degli stili css « Fedeweb

    […] Questo in quanto ogni browser interpreta i fogli di stile “a modo suo”. Un modo per cercare di mitigare questo problema è fare un reset degli stili, cercando quindi di uniformare, in parte, l’interpretazione da parte dei diversi browser. Per ottenere questo, utilizzate il seguente codice, scritto da meyerweb. […]

  370. Just thought I’d let you know, in case you didn’t already, that border-collapse:separate; adds a 1px margin around all table cells in ie6 and ie7… so I’ll be leaving that one out of my clear defaults stylesheet… otherwise, thanks for taking the time to post it – the single most useful css resource I’ve found on the web.

  371. Pingback ::

    validation matters » A CSS-only Image Gallery

    […] get out of hand here and create headaches. I used Eric Meyer’s method that you can find at … thanks […]

  372. Pingback ::

    5 Little Known Way to CSS Styling Your Blog

    […] it is important to reset your CSS before you attempt to pimp your blog. Based on Eric Meyer’s Global CSS Reset, here’s my reset […]

  373. Though I do like this reset script, there is one little problem with it. You removed the outline property from all elements, which I admit makes the site look better. However, this can cause a real problem for people who navigate the website through the keyboard only (using the tab key mostly). When they press the tab key, they can’t see the “dotted outline” telling them where the focus is on the page! I suppose it might not be a huge problem, but it could cut some of your visitors off from reading your posts. (You can read an article on this here.)

  374. Take off line-height: 1; on your body element because it causes gaps in block level lists on ie browsers.

  375. Pingback ::

    CSS Browserreset « CSS + Xhtml

    […] den meisten meiner Webseiten, insbesondere in den jüngeren, wird man am Anfang der .css Datei Eric Meyer’s Browserreset finden. Irgendwann hatte ich es mal ausprobiert und für gut befunden. Durch den Browserreset […]

  376. Pingback ::

    CSS - Reset all Default Styles « Path to Web Dev Enlightenment

  377. Pingback ::

    global reset und Joomla - - Forum

    […] dazu? Ist das etwas zuviel des Guten? Wie sieht dieser reset in Verbindung mit Joomla1.5! aus? Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe,h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre,a, abbr, […]

  378. Pingback ::

    10 CSS Tips For New Designers | Capsize Designs

    […] that need resetting and then reset them all together, rather than resetting EVERYTHING there is. Eric Meyer’s “Reset Reloaded” is pretty much the big papa here, although YUI! has a pretty popular one […]

  379. Pingback ::

    How To Write Modular CSS, Round 1: The Preparation

    […] good one you can use to get started (wink wink), which is of course based partly off the work of Eric Meyer, the Blueprint framework, et al. This will save you tons of code, and tons of […]

  380. Pingback ::

    CSS Hacks ou comentários condicionais? « O Webmaster

    […] entre as definições CSS dos navegadores. Tente eliminá-las completamente, utilizando um CSS Reset e simplificando o layout de forma que as pequenas diferenças de renderização não atrapalhem […]

  381. Pingback ::

    CSS-Reset -

    […] CSS-Reset auf von Eric Meyer […]

  382. Pingback ::

    Input margins!! - TalkPHP

    […] Are you using this mass reset? Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded […]

  383. Pingback ::

    70 Expert Ideas For Better CSS Coding | Hayes Potter

    […] Meyer”s Global Reset, Christian Montoya”s initial CSS file, Mike Rundle”s initial CSS file, Ping Mag”s initial CSS […]

  384. Pingback ::

    Ethos Blog » Blog Archive » 20 useful web development tools

    […] His work was, and is, truly revolutionary. I attribute my appreciation and understanding of “resetting CSS” to […]

  385. Pingback :: » Blog Archive » 70 Expert Ideas For Better CSS Coding

    […] Meyer”s Global Reset, Christian Montoya”s initial CSS file, Mike Rundle”s initial CSS file, Ping Mag”s initial CSS […]

  386. Pingback ::

    Home Again

    […] theme from scratch. I’d like to thank Big Contrarian for the inspiration for the design, and Eric Meyer for the “reset” CSS style […]

  387. Pingback ::

    Global white space reset « CSS idiots

    […] Meyer has updated his global reset document. You will find more examples on Yahoo’s developer network, […]

  388. Pingback ::

    blogstyle » Blog Archive » css reset

    […] is pretty damn good, and i use it. Blogged with the Flock Browser […]

  389. Pingback ::

    six0blog » Reset A Reset

    […] only thing I can really “tweak” in the reset I have been using (Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset) is the link selector that gives you no outline around a link, a link being a text link that is. I […]

  390. I need a style sheet applied to the whole page with the exception of a particular div tag.

    Any ideas ?

  391. Pingback ::

    Fatih Turan ile XHTML, CSS ve WordPress üzerine konuştuk

    […] Biz şu anda Eric Meyerin CSS Resetini kullanıyoruz onunki daha gelişmiş oludğu için ve ilk kullandığım için onu kullanıyoruz […]

  392. Pingback ::

    ifoh designs | » CSS Frameworks, just make your own | Web Design That Is Neat.

    […] (this is where you will reset all your styles to try to achieve better cross browser […]

  393. Pingback ::

    AH Studios | Bloggy Thingy » Blog Archive » Cross Browser Styling Issues

    […] Where to begin, well first things first I would apply a global reset stylesheet to my design before I begin coding. This ensures that all margin’s and padding are reset to try and prevent browsers from rendering certain browsers rendering certain markup differently. The global reset that I use is Eric Meyers and can be found here […]

  394. Pingback ::

    CSS-Grundeinstellungen in allen Browsern • cssforge

    […] Darstellung in (beinahe) allen Browsern zu erreichen, empfehle ich zu Beginn einer Umsetzung das reset.css von Eric Meyer einzubinden. Es reduziert die Unterschieden zwischen den Browser auf nahezu Null und ist eine […]

  395. Pingback ::

    Reset Reloaded | JimSquared

    […] Reset Reloaded […]

  396. Pingback ::

    CSS Sıfırlama Tekniği

    […] Kaynak: Videoda kullandığım Eric Meyer’in CSS Sıfırlama tekniği […]

  397. Pingback ::

    Write a well structured CSS file without becoming crazy

    […] Nothing else. Very rarely table elements (《table》, 《tr》 and 《td》). In any case, for a complete overview about CSS reset technique take a look at these links: – Yahoo! UI Library: Reset CSS – Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded […]

  398. Pingback ::

    What is global CSS reset? | HTML-Advisor

    […] CSS Reset Reloaded by Eric Meyer As Meyer says, “… the styles should list all the actual elements to be reset and exactly how they should be reset.” […]

  399. Pingback ::

    Default CSS file for faster development | Dennis Kempin's Blog

    […] completly free in layouting your website without any issues due to default styles in web browsers. Eric Meyers wrote a nice Reset Framework which I use for my CSS default […]

  400. Pingback ::

    龙舍·嬴皇志 » 翻译: 编写具有良好结构的CSS文件

    […] – Yahoo! UI Library: Reset CSS – Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded […]

  401. Pingback ::

    IE compatibility issues - DesignersTalk

    […] Better yet: make a clean start and use a reset stylesheet and work your way up from there. Tackle IE6 (and possibly 7) at the very end by making use of conditional commenting. More on reset: Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded […]

  402. Pingback ::

    Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset | True Media Concepts

    […] little bit of code from Eric Meyer is very helpful when building a website that is compatible with many different browsers. Ehem… […]

  403. Pingback ::

    70 Expert Ideas For Better CSS Coding | Cổng thông tin

    […] by zeroing both margin and padding for all elements at the top of their stylesheets. Eric Meyer”s Global Reset, Christian Montoya”s initial CSS file, Mike Rundle”s initial CSS file, Ping Mag”s initial CSS […]

  404. Pingback :: » Blog Archive » Reseteado de hojas de estilos

    […] CSS Reset de Eric Meyer […]

  405. Pingback ::

    Compatibilidad de tu web con distintos navegadores ::

    […] CSS al principio de tu hoja de estilos, y después todo lo que tu vayas creando. El código de Eric Meyer es una de las formas más conocidas que tenemos de resetear el CSS de nuestra web, muy […]

  406. Pingback ::

    Monofactor - Design Graphics Blog by a Freelance Web Designer/Art Director, Onur Oztaskiran » Blog Archive » 6 Default Selectors on My Base CSS for Every Project

    […] more techniques about base css documents and resetting selectors like Yahoo’s Base CSS and Eric Meyer’s Reset CSS. Just take a loot at them and see how timesaving they […]

  407. Pingback ::

    Weekend Quick Tip: Create Your Own Reset.css File - NETTUTS

    […] you wish to have a 100% reset file, I recommend that you refer to Eric Meyer’s popular “Reset CSS” file. Alternatively, you can check out the YUI Reset CSS. See you on Monday! Enjoyed this post? […]

  408. Pingback ::

    Cross Browser CSS Reset | From the Land of Meh...

    […] Over at, Erik has a create file that he has culled together for use as a full reset across browsers, so in theory, when you add your css back in after calling it, your css will look the same across the main browsers and versions. Here’s the link to the original article. […]

  409. Pingback ::

    Weekend Quick Tip: Create Your Own Simple Reset.css File at CnoVo

    […] you wish to have a 100% reset file, I recommend that you refer to Eric Meyer’s popular “Reset CSS” file. Alternatively, you can check out the YUI Reset CSS. See you on Monday! « […]

  410. Pingback ::

    Web Wisdom » Blog Archive » » The latest CSS tools

  411. Thanks for the well thought-out and researched implementation of CSS reset. This is much more efficient than others I’ve seen.

    Could you possibly outline the formalities regarding focus:outline?

  412. Hey, thanks for this thing. I haven’t dissected it yet, but this fixed all of the incompatibility issues with IE7 on the website I’m working on now.

  413. Eric, I’ve been using my own little brew for months now that basically incorporates ideas and portions of the Yahoo Grids, the 960 Grid and some other tidbits and now with your reset I can polish my work up a bit more.

    More stuff for a post I’m working on now about grid solutions.
    This is an excellent post Eric;

    ~ Jared Ritchey

  414. Pingback ::

    My CSS is Cat -(categories with css)

    […] Although definitions have default styling applied, such as margins, we can simply get rid of that using one of the many reset techniques available. I am using a global reset for purposes of the demo but I suggest you look into more thorough methods. […]

  415. Pingback ::

    [Webdesign] Quelques bonnes pratiques CSS | Le grand BETA !

    […] un “reset” des styles par défaut du navigateur à l’aide d’une feuille reset.css, ensuite séparer vos styles dans différentes feuilles, global.css, structures.css, typo.css. Cela […]

  416. Pingback ::

    5 Steps Towards Great Web Design | My Ink Blog

    […] good idea to use some kind of CSS reset. I usually use the one provided by Eric Meyer. Check it out here. I also commonly use PHP scripts that pull data from a MySQL database in my sites. In order to test […]

  417. Pingback ::

    CSS Reset » unijimpe

    […] Meyer”s CSS Reset Esa un tecnica desarrollada por Eric Meyer en Reset Reloaded y basado en YUI Reset CSS con algunas modificaciones. Esta técnicas es una de las mejor logradas y […]

  418. Pingback ::

    The Anatomy of a Stylesheet - CSS Hints & Tips | ProgTuts

    […] above exmaple was created by Eric Meyer, a CSS pro. For more information on why some things are in this reset then see this […]

  419. Pingback ::

    CSS Tip: Reset Browser Defaults | Webmaster-Source

    […] Reset Reloaded […]

  420. Pingback ::

    Blog - Adam Ducker - Web Developer/CSS Professional

    […] the subject of starting from scratch is Eric Meyer’s reset CSS. From the beginning I’ve been uneasy with the idea of a reset CSS document. Over at […]

  421. Pingback ::

    cross browser issues - TalkPHP

    […] why IE renders shit different and how to prevent IE doing it. F.e. the double margin bug. Also the mass reset ‘hack’ from Eric Meyer is a good thing to start with when you’re building a new website. Good […]

  422. I dont agree with the “font”.

    When someone will use fo0, it will not change the size because of the CSS.

  423. Pingback :: » Blog Archive » CSS reset

    […] have added CSS reset, and finding it quite easier to deal with CSS now. But, of course, I need to fix a bunch of styles […]

  424. Pingback ::

    6 Default Selectors on My Base CSS for Every Project | Design Inject - Daily Dose for the Web People

    […] more techniques about base css documents and resetting selectors like Yahoo’s Base CSS and Eric Meyer’s Reset CSS. Just take a loot at them and see how timesaving they […]

  425. Pingback ::

    Best Practices in Web Development: Part 4 | Joe Dolson Accessible Web Design

    […] If you disable stylesheets on a web site, you’ll see an extremely plain view of the site. It is not precisely “unstyled,” however — the design has simply been reduced to the default styles applied by the browser. In general, every browser has very similar defaults — but they’re not exactly the same. This is one of the reasons that it’s common to begin a stylesheet with a set of reset styles. […]

  426. Pingback ::

    UCL Web Services Blog » Blog Archive » Taking a look at CSS frameworks

    […] ad nauseum. I’ll also always use Eric Meyer’s reset.css code, and so in effect I’ve already constructed a very basic framework of commonly used […]

  427. I use a modified form of the reset file you have listed above and the following base element definition:

    A:, A:link, A:visited, A:active, A:hover, A:focus {
    font-size: 10px;
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
    text-decoration: none;

    However, in firefox all my A.classes were showing up underlined.

    I added ‘text-decoration: inherit‘ to my reset list and it fixed the problem!!!!

  428. Due to the FF-hidden-input-bug you can/should add this to your reset.css:

    display: none !important;


  429. Pingback ::

    Short Cipher » CSS Reset File

    […] I am just using the reset file he defined on his blog. I may eventually modifiy it to match my particular style and usual defaults, but for now I just […]

  430. Pingback ::

    8 tips for “scaling” CSS Development at Design and Development

    […] means your CSS works tabula rasa. No more wrestling with inconsistent browser defaults. Try these reset rules. Make sure you document any exclusions for bandwidth saving […]

  431. Pingback ::

    CSS frameworks : Αξίζουν ή όχι |

    […] πολλά κοινά στοιχεία, όπως για παράδειγμα το κλασικό CSS reset file (πάντα του Eric Meyer), κάποια default styles για τα σημαντικότερα […]

  432. Pingback ::

    Pathfinder Development » What does your CSS Swiss Army knife look like?

    […] reset stylesheet:: Sometimes I plug Eric Meyer’s latest reset in wholesale, while sometimes I pick and choose which parts make sense for my project. Regardless, […]

  433. Pingback ::

    70 идей экспертов для улучшения CSS кода - Design For Masters

    […] всех элементов в самом начале файла стилей. Eric Meyer”s Global Reset, Christian Montoya’s initial CSS file, Mike Rundle’s initial CSS file, Ping Mag’s initial CSS file. […]

  434. In Safari –and some other browsers as well– IMG when nested in a DIV, and in some other situations, has a 3px space underneath.
    The following reset could be added to remove it.
    img {display: block; }

  435. Theres a problem with

    body {line-height: 1;}

    if you have text-decoration:underline it wont show up in internet explorer, it is cropped out because it would appear below the line, make it something like

    body {line-height: 1.1;}


  436. Pingback ::

    Design | CSS Layout: A Good Base | Six Degrees - Arizona Full Service Branding and Creative Advertising Agency

    […] which I won’t get into here). For an all purpose solution to this problem I recommend using Eric Meyer’s solution. This solution is a tried and true method for resetting all browser default […]

  437. Pingback ::

    Dressed In Value: New work: Pedale Design

    […] showPic image gallery, and Dagon Design’s form mailer script. Aside from Eric Meyer’s CSS reset, all the CSS was handwritten — and despite this being a very image-heavy site, I made sure all […]

  438. Pingback ::

    dawnerd » Fixing Common CSS Issues In IE6 and IE7

    […] can find the file here. I have been using it on all of my projects recently. In combination with a css reset stylesheet and the IE7 JS file, I have had a lot less headaches. I say you give it a shot. it’s not like […]

  439. Pingback ::

    The css reset file | devesto

    […] huge thank you goes to Eric Meyer. His css reset was the base for the one that I am offering, all I really did was remove all th […]

  440. Pingback ::

    Un rondin dans la toile » Que le plus spécifique gagne !

    […] Dans la pratique, il est vrai que peu d’utilisateurs redéfinissent leurs propres style. Cela pourrait entraîner des déformations dans le rendu prévu par le concepteur de la page, mais ça peut être également très utile pour les populations souffrant d’un handicap, visuel notamment. De plus, comme les propriétés par défaut du navigateur peuvent varier d’un navigateur à l’autre, on a souvent recours à des feuilles de style de remise à zéro [2]. […]

  441. Pingback ::

    studionashvegas » The Blog » Creating a WordPress Theme from a .PSD file – Part 2 (Photoshop File to HTML) » Nashville's Freshest Web Design, Marketing, and Social Media.

    […] and allows me to start with a blank canvas.  For more information on “CSS Reset”, visit Eric Meyer”s site where he documents the need for / use of a CSS […]

  442. Pingback ::

    Ma petite pêche du jour

    […] Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded […]

  443. Pingback ::

    Thiago Fasano

  444. Pingback ::

    Different Browser CSS Stuff « Introduction to web design

    […] Reset Stylesheet […]

  445. Pingback ::

    Thiago Fasano // Blog

  446. Pingback ::

    Guy and his Travelling Macbook… » Blog Archive » Blog theme fixed

    […] is mostly thanks to Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset which makes all of the above browsers behave roughly the same. I did find that IE seemed to ignore […]

  447. Pingback ::

    10 Técnicas para Reset CSS » Pinceladas da Web - Reflexões sobre XHTML, CSS, PHP e WebStandards

    […] com certeza deve ser o mais utilizado entre os desenvolvedores, proposto por Eric Meyer, é o que eu utilizo […]

  448. Pingback ::

    techblog » Blog Archive » Clearing a Browser’s default CSS stylesheet

    […] Clear a browser’s default CSS stylesheet […]

  449. Pingback ::

    Cant get top margin to disappear - DesignersTalk

    […] margin:0; to your body selector – you should also look at using a CSS Reset like the one by meyerweb. __________________ I made 100 posts and all I got is this stupid […]

  450. Pingback ::

    Errores de CSS que no deberías de cometer

    […] el Eric Meyers CSS Reset, aunque existen algunos otros en la […]

  451. Pingback ::

    Trond Eirik Kupen » Blog Archive » Start frå scratch!

    […] For meir informasjon om reset.css kan du ta turen innom NETTUTS eller Eric Meyer. […]

  452. Pingback ::

    CSS: Resolvendo bugs no IE6 | Blog do Camillo - O dia-a-dia de um Desenvolvedor Web

    […] por padrão, todos os elementos HTML possuem um estilo incorporado. Atualmente utilizo a tecnica do Eric Meyer. html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td, […]

  453. Pingback ::

    CSS Tip #1: Resetting Your Styles with CSS Reset - Six Revisions

    […] many iterations and refinements, we come to a wonderful solution called CSS Reset Reloaded, which not only makes this CSS reset method more accurate than the universal selector method by […]

  454. Im sorry but I really don’t understand the point of these reset.css. If you know how the style works in each browser then there is absolutely no need to use this. Its extra fluff and actually has caused me more problems when I have to edit someone elses style sheet. Ive been working with css layouts for years now with no problems with browsers. As long as you know how each property works in each browser you can code in a way that will work on all browsers.

  455. I have started looking at CSS frameworks and reset style sheets lately, and I have come to a basic conclusion.

    Why reset? Set instead. Simply put, replace your reset style sheet with one that SETs all the basic styles to the defaults you would like to start from instead. You still get a good baseline across browsers by setting all your styles to a standard format. I just don’t see the point of doing something to force me to specifically undo it later. I would much rather start with a style sheet that has a reasonable starting point that overrides the differences between browsers while at the same time making elements appear as I would expect them to everywhere.

    So how about we see the death of the reset style sheet and the birth of frameworks with set style sheets. I think I will work on creating my own set.css in the near future.

  456. Pingback ::

    CSS Tip #1: Resetting Your Styles with CSS Reset | SulVision

    […] many iterations and refinements, we come to a wonderful solution called CSS Reset Reloaded CSS Reset, which not only makes this CSS reset method more accurate than the universal selector […]

  457. Pingback ::

    T&S Web Design

    […] Reset Reloaded […]

  458. Pingback ::

    KRUZ-GRAPHIX » ブラウザの差異をなんとかしたいのです。

    […] Eric Meyer Reset CSS […]

  459. Pingback ::

    CSS-Reset: Weniger Probleme durch’s Entfernen der Standard-Gestaltung? • Blog von [asterix]

    […] dem body-Selektor erweitern, um der gesamten Seite default-Mässig 100% höhe gibt. Es gibt auch erweiterte CSS-Resets, welche professionell durchdacht umgesetzt wurden(bekannte CSS-Resets stammen hauptsächlich von Eric Meyer). Solche grossen CSS-Reset Dateien […]

  460. Pingback :: » Blog Archive » How to take control of style sheets in ASP.NET Themes with the StylePlaceholder and Style control

    […] This is especially important if you use a reset style sheet, which I highly recommend; it makes it much easier to style a site in a consistent form across browsers (take a look at Reset Reloaded from Eric Meyer). […]

  461. Pingback ::

    Resetting CSS style sheets › Nick Gehring

    […] sheets come in a variety flavors, many inspired by CSS master Eric Meyer. Yahoo provides developers a sheet to link directly to. (You can also steal the source to build […]

  462. Are the CSS Tools: Reset CSS page and associated download file meant to be updated to Reloaded?

  463. Pingback ::

    [Ressources] Le reset CSS d'Éric Meyer avec explications et bonus |

  464. Pingback ::

    你用的是哪套CSS Reset? | Just Another Freelancer's Blog

    […] Meyer的CSS Reset html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, […]

  465. My two cents: I don’t use <hr> at all.

    Style{border-top:1px solid #000;} (or whatever style suits you)


    <div class="hr"></div>

    I’ve never EVER had to wonder if it was cross-browser compatible.

    Not my idea originally, but I’ve made good use of it.

    Hope that helps.

  466. Pingback ::

    CSS framework~ what's your view? - Page 2

    […] Originally Posted by Greg Interesting Jaz… do you have your own ‘reset’ stylesheet that you use? Never used a reset CSS but heard they can be quite useful… guess that’s along the same lines, just a series of hacks to level the playing field? EDIT: Moving this thread to the Web Coding/Dev area as seems more appropriate there Eric Meyer has a good starting point for Reset CSS here: Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded […]

  467. Pingback ::

    Pathfinder Development » Ask a UI Guy: How should I structure my stylesheets?

    […] Start with a good reset.css. I recommend the Eric Meyer version. […]

  468. Pingback ::

    Spicy Web Designer Interview with Jen Germann | Spicy Web Designers

    […] a good programmer. I write all my own XHTML+CSS from scratch (with some help from Eric Meyer: and as for JavaScript or PHP or whatever, I know enough to be able to collaborate with developers […]

  469. Pingback ::

    CSS help

    […] a reset stylesheet. These styles lay the foundation of your website.2 Paste this CSS from Eric Meyer or this CSS from Yahoo at the top of your […]

  470. Pingback ::

    Must Have Web Development Tools - Aleem Bawany

    […] Libraries For Javascript I limit myself to Prototype or jQuery because of the wide support and high level of activity (even ended up building an Online Scrabble game in the enthusiasm). CodeIgniter, Zend and Cake are popular for PHP though I have only had a cursory look at CodeIgniter. For CSS there has been a recent trend toward grid-based layouts for which I prefer the Blueprint CSS framework which also does a good job of performing a CSS reset. […]

  471. Pingback ::

    CSS tips that every beginning developer should know | Arbenting

    […] are a number of different resets out there for you to choose from. Angie prefers the one below by Eric Meyer html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, […]

  472. Pingback ::

    CSS Resources: The Ultimate Collection » DivitoDesign

    […] Eric Meyer”s reset […]

  473. Pingback ::

    Web Designer Help » Blog Archive » CSS Reset

    […] like it and refused to be reset. So I went in search of a more advanced CSS Reset and I found Eric Meyer’s Reset which I am using to this day. html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, […]

  474. Pingback :: » Blog Archive » Sticky Footer

    […] And the CSS, you should apply after any kind of CSS reset. I suggest Eric Meyer’s approach. […]

  475. Pingback ::

    What is "CSS rest"? - DesignersTalk

    […] the horse’s mouth: Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded __________________ Writing on markup, CSS, and other web geekery Professional, accessible, and […]

  476. Pingback ::

    Reset it, and forget it! |

    […] match, add, delete, augment, diminish, and hack away until your heart beams with pride. Check out Eric Meyer’s take on CSS […]

  477. Pingback ::

    Too many tables - Page 2 -

    […] out a number of elements. Again Eric Meyer to the rescue. He’s created what’s become the default css reset. I’m not using it myself since I have enough experience to know what elements I need to reset, but […]

  478. Pingback ::

    Links w#6 - CSS

    […] La feuille de style qui remet les yeux en face des trous Sur le site d’Eric Meyer (auteur de 6 ouvrages de référence sur les CSS) un bout de CSS qui remet les styles à zéro :) […]

  479. Pingback ::

    margin/padding on id/class

    […] i design now, its saves me a lot of effort later and i know where i am right from the start. i use Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded if it helps […]

  480. Firefox 3 doesn’t hide hidden input fields properly by default, they inherit the styling of other fields. I added a rule to your reset to handle them. This seems to work:

    input[type=hidden] {
    visibility: hidden;
    margin: 0 0 0 0;
    padding: 0 0 0 0;

  481. I’d just like to say thanks to Eric Meyer for the top quality work he makes available to the public for free, and for the amount of time he spends answering questions. He’s an expert who is highly accessible, not something you come across very often. Thanks!

  482. Pingback ::

    Blog Response: IE 6 The Devil Not In Disguise « UI DESIGN GUIDE - Web Application Design, Design Examples, Design Lessons

    […] have to bastardize the syntax. Even when using my own modified reset.css style sheet inspired by Eric Meyer there are still issues that pop up that cause additional […]

  483. Pingback ::

    CSS Reset: the first step to browser compatibility « Graphic Euphoria

    […] script. A while ago i stumbled across a basic CSS reset script and after some research i discovered Eric Meyer”s CSS Rest Reloaded script. Eric has created a really comprehensive script but as ever i felt the need to edit it for […]

  484. Thanks to this CSS reset, my time wasted on browser compatibility has been reduced significantly (:

    Thank you Eric, great Reset!

  485. Pingback ::

    Image problems - DesignersTalk

    […] using eric’s reset sheet. Also I’ve never seen anyone define colors using the RGB scale. New to me! […]

  486. Pingback ::

    artnorm // Positioning your Body (CSS-Reset - Tip #7758) // simply perfect slim /// // /

    […] some day, you dip into something new. It is already common practice to make a css-reset (yahoo, eric meyer, drupal, YAML to name a few) to get your audiences browsers in order. But the last days in one of […]

  487. Pingback ::

    Comparing CSS Frameworks | Brandon Hansen

    […] framework. The reset stylesheet, also a seperate file, is completely based on (if not copied from) Eric Meyer’s CSS reset. Thankfully credit is given where credit is due. The typography stylesheet is essentially the core […]

  488. Pingback ::

    Building HTML/CSS Sites: Use a Template » DivitoDesign

    […] First, I have added a Reset. My personal favorite is the Eric Meijers’ Reset Reloaded. […]

  489. Pingback ::

    Blueprint css 0.8 Actualizado | Designplus

    […] que el trabajo de Bluprint Css no solo es de grillas, sino que ademas incorpora el famoso reset de Eric Meyer, manejos del Internet Explorer 6 y estilos  tipográficos. 0 […]

  490. Pingback ::

    Designing for cross browser compatibility - Bogeywebdesign

    […] After getting your markup done it’s time to style your site. The easiest way to avoid compatibility issues later is to reset the styles on all elements. This is done because different browsers use different styles for elements. One might naturally put 10px of padding on a p tag and another might put 10px of margin. This is the root cause for many rendering issues found later. A good reset style sheet was posted recently on Eric Meyer’s site. […]

  491. Pingback ::

    signal response » Blog Archive » Kitchen Sink Styling

    […] not as part of the Kitchen Sink. And, of course, you still need to style it. Building off that and Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset, I made a mash-up page for my own use that you’re welcome to use if you think you might need […]

  492. Pingback ::

    CSS Reset » Bay70

    […] A CSS reset is a set of CSS rules you use as a starting point in order to preemptively quell bugs that may arise due to the Browser Wars. A CSS reset does this by applying consistent values to elements that browsers typically render differently by default (such as margin, padding and font-inheritance). Below is a reset you can use, originally written by Eric Meyer. […]

  493. Pingback ::

    Favorite CSS Framework Design Patterns « Ephram Zerb

    […] of options for this, you can go with the industrial reset.css, courtesy of YUI, or with the local, organic variety, via Eric […]

  494. Pingback ::

    CSS Frameworks? - HackSystems

    […] CSS Reset Reloaded by Eric Meyer A “reset” or “baseline” set of styles, not based on the universal selector. As Meyer says, “the styles should list all the actual elements to be reset and exactly how they should be reset.” […]

  495. Pingback ::

    Standardizing your development | Joel Herron

    […] If your in this boat the best framework might be the one you create yourself. Combining a reset css file and your most commonly used classes and techniques could prove to be an excellent […]

  496. Pingback ::

    CSS Reset Reloaded (reloaded) | codetoself

    […] is a lightly adapted version of Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset Reloaded, which is the best I’ve found so far. I’m posting it here in both expanded and minified […]

  497. Pingback ::

    20 Useful CSS Tips For Beginners

    […] are some of the commonly used reset.css frameworks – Yahoo Reset CSS, Eric Meyer”s CSS Reset, […]

  498. Who the hells has the nerve to right something so great and life saving that gets 500 posts now 501 or more. It sucks because it takes 7 seconds for me to get to the bottom when i press the middle scrolly button and scroll down to the bottom.

  499. TEXTAREA has a default margin in Firefox 3 (1px 0px 1px 0px) and a default padding in Internet Explorer 7 (1px).

    In my last project this fact occured to be important, so I suggest to add the following line to the reset.css to have the same behaviour (same overall width) in both browsers:

    textarea { margin: 0; padding: 0; }


  500. Pingback ::

    Clearing Floats - Blog - Inspire

    […] recommend using Eric Meyer’s reset stylesheet as a base for all your web project or for use in your CSS […]

  501. Eric,

    Thanks for sharing this timesaver reseter.

    I’d like to contribute with a little donnation. Do you have a paypal account?

    Hugs from a brazilian designer,
    Lucio Libanori

  502. Pingback ::

    Eric Meyer - Reset Reloaded | Hajjar

  503. Pingback ::

    Defending IE6 - blog - coda.coza

    […] my CSS: see Eric Meyer’s Reset Reloaded (and Again) as a starting point, or A Killer Collection of Global CSS Reset Styles if you have the […]

  504. Pingback ::

    20 Useful CSS Tips For Beginners « Dylan Bishop Media

    […] are some of the commonly used reset.css frameworks – Yahoo Reset CSS, Eric Meyer”s CSS Reset, […]

  505. Pingback ::

    7 CSS Tips to Reduce Development Time and Stress | Ractoon - Web Development and Design

    […] each element of the DOM and is rather inefficient. A couple of tried and true solutions include Eric Meyer’s Reset Reloaded and the YUI Reset CSS. With these if you need a specific default styling you can simply delete it […]

  506. Pingback ::

    BlogIP :: Porady CSS dla początkujących

    […] tak samo we wszystkich przeglądarkach. Przykładowe pliki reset.css możemy znaleźć na: Yahoo, Eric Meyer […]

  507. Pingback ::

    5 Steps Towards Great Web Design « Reeckon

    […] good idea to use some kind of CSS reset. I usually use the one provided by Eric Meyer. Check it out here. I also commonly use PHP scripts that pull data from a MySQL database in my sites. In order to test […]

  508. Eric thank you so much. Your Reset Reloaded really works. I skimmed all the comments etc but if only I found your Reset along time ago, it would of save me a lot of headaches lol.

    I will definitely use this from now on. I just started out my business so in due time hopefully it will blow up and then I can pay my respect and contribute.

    CHEERS :)

  509. Pingback ::

    Basic Startup Template | JSTNJNS

    […] of Eric Meyers, this reset stylesheet removes most, if not all, browser default stylings.  It places everything […]

  510. Pingback ::

    My approach to taking a site from installing WordPress to launch » JenGermann Design

    […] “bg_content.___”. I write the stylesheet the same way too, usually starting out with Eric Meyer’s default browser CSS styles. I do all this so I don’t have to spend a lot of time figuring out how to create the xhtml or […]

  511. Pingback ::

    Reset CSS Eric Meyer | WebCssDesign

    […] blockquote:after, q:before, q:after { content: “”; } blockquote, q { quotes: “” “”; } La source : Pour d’autres exemples de reset CSS je vous conseille cet article : […]

  512. I test my layouts on (quite helpful must say) and even I test over 45 browsers, the only problems I get are with Internet Explorer.
    After that I googled for “CSS RESET” hoping to find any simple code to fix older ie’s padding and margin issues.
    I’m thankful I founded your work. Its both very useful and educative.

  513. Pingback ::

    Are you a beginner in CSS? Some useful tips for you | CSS, XHTML and JavaScript Research lab

    […] example are Yahoo Reset CSS Eric Meyer”s CSS Reset Tripoli […]

  514. Pingback ::

    Alcuni utili suggerimenti per chi inizia con i CSS

    […] i CSS di reset maggiormente utilizzati vi consiglio Eric Meyer’s CSS ed Yahoo Reset […]

  515. Pingback ::

    Reset CSS Eric Meyer | Flyoverweb

    […] découvert il ya peu un reset css type de Eric Meyer, voici son code […]

  516. Pingback ::

    Navigateurs : la fin d’IE sur le web ? « Me, Myself And I

    […] tous les navigateurs n’est pas si compliqué que ça si on a les bons outils : reset css (au hasard celui-ci), hack divers, feuille css complête (et ça c’est !important […]

  517. Pingback ::

    Myth Busting CSS Reset Speeds | Zach's Blog | Purple Rock Scissors

    […] To put this in scope, all browsers have slightly different ways of applying default margin and padding to elements, so the idea is that to avoid dealing with these differences you just steamroll them down to nothing, building up from there, this is known as a “reset” and has always been fairly commonly used and accepted. The legendary Eric Meyer was one of the first to speak up about how this just wasn’t acceptable in a number of ways and offered a better solution. […]

  518. Pingback ::

    10 Basic Coding Techniques Every Web Designer Should Know | Pushing Pixels

    […] that pop up from browser to browser and this little guy will iron out all those wrinkles. I use Eric Meyers Reset Reloaded with one modification. Add […]

  519. Pingback ::

    Dev, Linux, Tech and Co » Should we use CSS reset files ?

    […] Eric Meyer’s CSS Reet […]

  520. Pingback ::

    LTS Online Service Labs » Blog Archive » @Media08: Day Two

    […] ‘frameworks’; Meyer Reset, YUI CSS Grids, Blueprint, […]

  521. What’s the situation with: background: transparent, its been removed from the style sheet here, but is reinstated here:, the latter appears to be more recent.
    With it in, how am I supposed to set a background image to body for example?


  522. Pingback ::

    WMC » Blog Archive » CSS Reset

    […] la versione originale di Reset.css e Reset Reloaded, Eric Meyer ha appena messo a punto e presentato la nuova versione in Resetting […]

  523. Pingback ::

    Understanding CSS Style Precedence | Van SEO Design

    […] those defaults do exist and is often what leads to cross browser issues. Using a reset file like Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset or Yahoo’s YUI Reset CSS helps take the default styles out of the […]

  524. Pingback ::

    How to Create a Dark and Sleek Web Design from Photoshop

    […] one that is robust and fully-featured. Six Revisions uses a modified hybrid of Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset and YUI Reset CSS. You can read more about CSS Reset in an article I wrote called "Resetting […]

  525. Thank you for this so much! I’m a new coder and it really helped me out a ton. I was getting very frustrated before I stumbled upon it!

  526. Hello Eric,
    Since I started using your reset CSS, I have had to use almost no browser-specific hacks to make my designs look right.


  527. Pingback ::

    From PSD to CSS/HTML in Easy Steps - Part 1 « PHP with Curl

    […] and basic colors from the PSD and set up up CSS defaults for these including your favourite Reset CSS snippet. Also set up the default font-size structure that will allow for text to be resized in IE6 […]

  528. Pingback ::

    Am I Your Type? «

    […] sizing. I must also give a shout out to Eric Meyer, from whom I”ve learned so much, and whose reset CSS file is widely used across the […]

  529. Hey there!

    Thanks for this. I have found it be very useful. I’m just having one problem with it, and maybe you, or somebody, can help me with it.

    My website has a section to allow admins to manage content on the site. They can format the text anyway they like. This html is then stored in a database, and retrieved when the page is accessed. The problem that I am having is that the resets strip out all of the formatting. Paragraphs appear squashed together, bold text is removed etc etc…

    Is there any way around this? Can I somehow get it to ignore te rules that came before it?

    Regards, and thanks


  530. Still, after all this time, there is no fundamental or grounded default approach for CSS. Pathetic… So much time wasted and so little progress.

  531. Pingback ::

    How to get your website working/looking the same in all browsers? - Irish SEO, Marketing & Webmaster Discussion

    […] there’s lots of bits and pieces to help you along your way on this. I always reset various problematic elements with css so they have a level playing field across most browsers. I’ve you use the reset css file in the […]

  532. Pingback ::

    Reset CSS - Pixel Transparente

  533. Why did you not reset the margin and padding of the ul and ol tags? I think this is very relevant. If you define it yourself it will appear the same in every browser.

  534. I did, Jeroen, in the first rule of the style sheet.

  535. Pingback ::

    Jendro Design » CSS Resets

    […] of a stylesheet that intentionally eliminates those minor browser differences. There are numerous iterations on the subject that we could debate ad infinitum. So, I will simply show you the one that works for […]

  536. Awesome, thank you so much Eric. It looks great. Why does the “toolbox” section of the site still allow for the download of your first 1.0 reset file? This “reset reloaded” is worthy of 1.1 surely?

  537. Pingback ::

    css stylesheet maintenance - DesignersTalk

    […] – this has all my styles for the overall layout. (#header, #body #footer etc. ) I also put a css reset inside this stylesheet. typography.css – This has all my styles for headings, paragraphs, […]

  538. Pingback ::

    Sliding Doors/Sprite Technique - Page 3 - Graphic Design Forum and Web Design Forum

    […] a better reset than *{margin:0;padding:0;} is some advice I’d give you. I’m using Meyer’s reset (Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded) as a reset, and I did change it to overflow:hidden. I’m not sure what went wrong here, it was fine […]

  539. Pingback :: » Blog Arşivi » IE-Firefox arasındaki farklar için CSS Reset

    […] konuda UI Lablary yada Eric Mayer ‘in CSS Reset yapılarına  hemen hemen her forum/blog’da rastlamak […]

  540. Pingback ::

    Creating a Website: From Start to Finish Part 2

    […] Eric Meyers’ Reset […]

  541. Pingback ::

    CSS this & CSS that. | Amalgamis

    […] – an awesome browser-reset stylesheet based on Eric Meyer’s Reset Reloaded stylesheet. I cannot begin to express that amount of time this saves me, and how I only wish I had […]

  542. Pingback ::

    What is a CSS Reset? | Altered Aspect - Web Design by Rob MacKay

  543. Pingback ::

    CSS demolished in IE5/6 (2k/XP) - WebProWorld

    […] CSS demolished in IE5/6 (2k/XP) Go here. Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded A lot of work, and I mean a LOT of work has gone into this effort to level the playing field and […]

  544. Pingback ::

    Browser Annoyance « Mitchell Geere

    […] Explorer is the worst. This is where the time wasting comes in I code like this. I firstly use a CSS reset file get the CSS down to a standard level for all my browsers, then I code my files against the W3C and […]

  545. Pingback ::

    Speed Up Your Design Processes While Reducing Errors · Branded07

    […] already written. The Global reset was introduced by Eric Meyer, his version can be found here: Eric Meyers Global CSS reset This is a pretty intense reset and is not always needed for most designs, but a simple reset can be […]

  546. Pingback ::

    Developers: Stop Whining About IE6 » CSS/HTML, Rant » Russell Heimlich

    […] any default styles set by the browser so you can start styling on a consistent base. I prefer Eric Myer’s CSS Reset Reloaded , but there are many to choose […]

  547. Pingback ::

    Reset « web.mas

    […] un tecnica desarrollada por Eric Meyer en Reset Reloaded y basado en YUI Reset CSS con algunas modificaciones. Esta técnicas es una de las mejor logradas y […]

  548. Pingback ::

    5 Tips To Better CSS |

    […] of those pesky bugs that you get between browsers. Not all of them, but quite a few. My favorite is Eric’s Reset Reloaded. You’ll need to adjust some of the styles for browser compatibility but the basics are still […]

  549. Pingback ::

    CSS Reset: The core of your stylesheet | Design is Philosophy - The Pink &amp Yellow Media Blog

    […] CSS Reset is a little known and often overlooked tool in web design that makes cross-browser and […]

  550. Pingback ::

    Get some focus: outline « Dawn Budge

    […] Meyer says that he’s removed the outline “so that you remember to define your own”, however I’ve noticed that this is the exception rather than the rule.  I’ve a great […]

  551. Pingback ::

    Why I don’t like reset stylesheet -

    […] styles. There are a number of different reset stylesheet options. The most popular ones are from Eric Myer and […]

  552. Pingback ::

    20 Websites that can make Better Web Developer

    […] His work was, and is, truly revolutionary. I attribute my appreciation and understanding of “resetting CSS” to […]

  553. Pingback ::

    5 CSS Tips to Make Coding Easier | Super Simple CSS

    […] and makes it a whole lot easier for you to code your CSS. Some popular resets: Yahoo Reset CSS, Eric Meyer’s Reset Reloaded, […]

  554. what about the font-size property and opera. I found out that defining the size to 100% doesn’t produce the same result with opera 9.64 and 10?
    Setting the font-size to pixels solved that problem.

  555. Dear all.

    One small amendment I would like to suggest to the origonal CSS code at the top of the screen is to do with how list items our spaced differently between firefox and internet explorer.

    I have designed navigation menus using the list item principle but defining my own bullets. Because my menus contained a good number of links, it ment that the menus were far longer when displayed in IE then they are in FF. The FF variation being what I wish to aschieve.

    After a bit of trail and error I left the code as you have shown above, but added the following CSS line.

    li {display:inline;}

    This instantly stops IE setting its defult spacing requirements for list items but makes no effect in FF.
    The result I was after.

    Hope this helps others.

    Angela xxxx

  556. Pingback ::

    @style.update « my Zen Garden

    […] Everyone should use Eric Meyer’s reset.css […]

  557. Pingback ::

    CSS Tips For Beginners | My Tech way

    […] are few commonly used reset.css frameworks – Yahoo Reset CSS, Eric Meyer”s CSS Reset, […]

  558. Pingback ::

    Don’t lose your :focus - Substance Labs

    […] reset stylesheet, is the one Eric Meyer has built and maintained. It works great and has solid reasoning behind […]

  559. It’s actually a good idea to add text-align:left; to the first rule in this rest. The advantage here is that it stops text from inheriting text-align:center when that’s applied to a wrapper div for centered layouts.

  560. Actually, that’s not such a good idea, Matthew. I did the same thing myself in early iterations of the reset and discovered that doing so will “break inheritance” by blocking its action.

    Suppose you add that to the first rule and then at some point later declare, say, ul {text-align: center;}. All of your list items will be left-aligned due to the effects of your proposed addition.

  561. Pingback ::

    Nifty IE CSS and HTML Tricks and Tips | Portfolio of Amber Weinberg :: Design, Web Development and Freelance Blog

    […] helpful bit off CSS code comes from Eric Meyer. It has saved me from pulling out my hair countless times. With this reset, my websites are almost […]

  562. Pingback ::

    Tips on using CSS Resets | Devlounge

    […] above is one of the most popular CSS resets out there, made by CSS guru Eric Meyer. You use it the same way- either add it to the top of your existing stylesheet, or put it in a […]

  563. Pingback ::

    Is Your CSS Reset Doing More Harm Than Good?

    […] all the elements to be reset, whether the tag appears in their markup or not. Eric Meyer’s Reset Reloaded and Yahoo’s YUI CSS Reset are the best […]

  564. the use of css resets has become an obvious part of any serious webdesign project. Wouldn’t be helpfull if W3C added a generic property reset:true ? After all a standard should be built mostly from community experience…

  565. I can’t say enough what a brilliant piece of css this is. We have been developing web applications since 1999, and this is the single most important enhancement we have implemented, we used to waste many many hours debugging layout issues across browsers.

  566. Pingback ::

    optimiced | en » A better, more accessible CSS way to hide outline from links

    […] starting a new project, I do not use global CSS resets — like Eric Meyer’s excellent CSS reset. That’s why, I rarely have problems with removed outlines from […]

  567. Pingback ::

    Browser Differences

    […] thorough, and better considered resets are Erik Meyer and YUI. You put the reset in before you begin developing, and tweak it for your own […]

  568. Pingback ::

    My XHTML is stricter than your pops at guillermo, out of repose

    […] to the same extent that I have in this current design. I’ve put my reset styles (courtesy of Eric Meyer, of course) in their own file. Typography (font/text related rules), layout (margins, colors, […]

  569. Pingback ::

    Level The Playing Field: Using A Reset Stylesheet « Eye On Europe

    […] situations has been one developed by CSS guru, Eric Meyer. I’ve made a few modifications to his stylesheet and added a few other […]

  570. Pingback ::

    Alles auf Anfang | CSS & HTML-Tutorials auf

    […] Eric Meyers Reset (en) […]

  571. Pingback ::

    websistaz ¦ the blog for female web designers» Getting Started with CSS

    […] browsers, it is helpful to remove these default values. This is exactly what CSS reset does. I use Eric Meyer’s reset but I remove some of the elements as I don’t need to reset all the ones he lists (or in some […]

  572. Pingback ::

    How To Support Internet Explorer and Still Be Cutting Edge - Smashing Magazine

    […] […]

  573. Pingback ::

    From HTML to jQuery: how to show/hide boxes in a webpage? | Your Inspiration Web

    […] all browser’s internal styles. There are called “reset sheets”, like the one made by Eric Meyer or by Yahoo. They can be even particularly complex; on this occasion it will be enough to reset […]

  574. Pingback ::

    CSS Techniques I Wish I Knew When I Started Designing Websites - Noupe

    […] enough (and, applying the above rule to every element is taxing on the rendering engine). Thanks to the work of Eric Meyer and other CSS pioneers, a better, more complete collection of reset rules was […]

  575. Pingback ::

    How to Build a PHP-based RSS Feed Parser | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch

    […] styles applied:The CSSI start the CSS files for all my projects with a slightly modified version of Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset. The CSS reset will save you from a lot of headaches, so do consider using one. Also, it is useful […]

  576. Pingback ::

    CMI Web Studio Blog » Reseting CSS Styles

    […] discussed in the original article, CSS guru Erik Meyer set forth to create a universal set of reset styles. This is heavy-duty stuff, effectively neutralizing virtually every significant aspect of default, […]

  577. Just a thought here but do you think you could put the reset CSS file on a distributed source code site such as Google Code and link to it from your site? That way any sites using the reset will benefit from it being cached by visits to other sites using it, much like what has been suggested for the jQuery framework.

  578. Pingback ::

    Eric Meyer's Reset Code | HyperCODE

    […] Meyer’s Reset Code es un técnica desarrollada por Eric Meyer en Reset Reloaded y basado en YUI Reset CSS con algunas modificaciones. Esta técnicas es una de las mejor logradas y […]

  579. Pingback ::

    How to Build a PHP-based RSS Feed Parser | iDESIGN

    […] start the CSS files for all my projects with a slightly modified version of Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset. The CSS reset will save you from a lot of headaches, so do consider using one. Also, it is useful […]

  580. Pingback ::

    CSS Resetting Your Styles « EWS

    […] many iterations and refinements, we come to a wonderful solution called CSS Reset Reloaded CSS Reset, which not only makes this CSS reset method more accurate than the universal selector […]

  581. Pingback ::

    Çagin Dönmez – A Web Professionals Blog » Blog Archive » Defending IE6

    […] my CSS: see Eric Meyer’s Reset Reloaded (and Again) as a starting point, or A Killer Collection of Global CSS Reset Styles if you have […]

  582. Pingback ::

    Changelog of New Website Design | Will's Technology

    […] – Added a CSS URL Reset Found Here 9:50pm – Created header.htm 9:52pm – Added php include in document.htm, linking it to […]

  583. Pingback ::

    Standardizing your development |

    […] If your in this boat the best framework might be the one you create yourself. Combining a reset css file and your most commonly used classes and techniques could prove to be an excellent […]

  584. Pingback ::

    9 CSS Best Practices You Need to Know - Fantastic Web Design

    […] There are many different pre-made CSS reset stylesheets ready for you to use. I prefer the Eric Meyer Reset. […]

  585. Pingback ::

    Reset Your CSS | Brightscape Blog

    […] is the latest Reset CSS file from Eric Meyer, to find out more check out his […]

  586. I got a question. I am using my css file, but in the begining I imported Erics file
    /* Importing RESET.css */
    @import url(reset.css);

    When I am trying to make a table it sticks to left border and top, even if I set align=’center’, but if I put stuff from Erics file about body into my file, even when it is imported
    body {
    line-height: 1;
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    border: 0;
    outline: 0;
    font-size: 100%;
    vertical-align: baseline;
    background: transparent;

    then all goes to as I wanted. Is it normal behavior?

  587. Pingback ::

    Creating embedabble widgets « techfounder

    […] be affected by any previously loaded stylesheets. A good start would be to use a CSS reset (such as this one by Eric Meyer) and apply it directly to a unique ID that identifies the base widget […]

  588. Pingback ::

    How to Build a jQuery Brush Stroke Navigation | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch

    […] any styles applied:The Content – CSSAs always, I start my CSS files with an edited version of Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset. After that, I’ve added the Clearfix hack, the new Jeff Star version. /* Clearfix */ […]

  589. Pingback ::

    Margin and padding on html elements « potatoDie Web Development Scrapbook

    […] For body it’s obvious. Various browsers have various default values for margin and padding. It’s a modest reset strategy, in contrast to the full reset strategy of Eric Meyer. […]

  590. Pingback ::

    Hessam’s week 05 progress «

    […] matters. As for the CSS for the site, again I used Meyer’s reset CSS. that can be found at this location. This piece of code simply reset all the CSS sets by browsers by default (mostly Internet Explorer) […]

  591. Pingback ::

    Cross Browser Ussues? Use a Reset | Cory Schadt

    […] use a hybrid version of Eric Meyers reset in every site I […]

  592. Pingback ::

    Reset and Rebuild CSS | Tim Mahoney

    […] Eric Meyer basically sets every HTML tag to nothing. […]

  593. Pingback ::

    CSS Reset Script « Because i feel like sharing a little….

    […] like to use I found here a while […]

  594. Pingback ::

    10 CSS Frameworks To Style Your Designs Ajax Help W3C Tag

    […] Reset Reloaded […]

  595. Pingback ::

    CSS Techniques I Wish I Knew When I Started Designing Websites « oyooon webmaster blog

    […] (and, applying the above rule to every element is taxing on the rendering engine). Thanks to the work of Eric Meyer and other CSS pioneers, a better, more complete collection of reset rules was […]

  596. Pingback ::

    Gravy Wordpress Framework Review

    […] a global reset using Eric Meyer’s CSS Reloaded […]

  597. Pingback ::

    Reset Stylesheets | russellc4's Blog

    […] and do not overlap the rules on other stylesheets. That said, you can find some interesting resets here, here, and […]

  598. Pingback ::

    Clem's Blog » Reset CSS et Clearfix

    […] l’heure, je vais simplement vous mettre le mien, qui est une combinaison de celui d’Eric Meyer et du YUI CSS Foundation […]

  599. Pingback ::

    Save Time by Having a Kick Start Website Framework | Gilbert Pellegrom

    […] You should always use a CSS reset. In this case I use Eric Meyers CSS reset. […]

  600. Pingback :: | The Art and Zen of Writing CSS

    […] starting point is Eric Meyer’s Reset CSS. Unfortunately for your own productivity, it seems that using a reset stylesheet is a controversial […]

  601. Pingback ::

    Setting rather than Resetting Default Styling | Carsonified

    […] resetting margin and padding. The most complete in terms of properties/elements involved has to be Eric Meyer’s. It “unstyles” everything you could think of, from a to […]

  602. Pingback ::

    Speed Up Your Design Processes While Reducing Errors | Astagram Studios- A Creative Studio- Official Blog

    […] already written. The Global reset was introduced by Eric Meyer, his version can be found here: Eric Meyers Global CSS reset This is a pretty intense reset and is not always needed for most designs, but a simple reset can be […]

  603. Pingback ::

    Meyer’s CSS Reset

    […] Meyer’s Reset If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it!   […]

  604. Pingback ::

    7 additional tips for CSS markup | Mixu's blog

  605. Pingback ::

    How to make my website cross-browser compatible? « myNotes

    […] Eric’s CSS Reset Reloaded […]

  606. Pingback ::

    Save time – Use a template | CSS-Plus

    […] stylesheet – With a reset […]

  607. Pingback ::

    WordPress Theme Development Process

    […] – Created by Eric Meyer, with a few of my own tweaks.  I haven’t always used this in the past, but recently I do.  […]

  608. Pingback ::

    10 Tips for Building Cross-browser Websites « HUE Designer

    […] this resetting at the start of your CSS file (or in a separate file). Eric Meyer has put together a bunch of CSS rules to do just that. He also lists his reasons for using CSS resets. Once you’ve included these […]

  609. Pingback ::

    10 Things You Should Know About CSS - Newbie Tips - Blog on a Stick

    […] settings for your HTML document. There are different ways you can do a CSS reset, but most are to extreme for me. What I like to do is set the margin & padding to 0 and set the default […]

  610. Pingback ::

    The Importance of Cross Browser Compatibility: Tips and Resources | SeanBurdick

    […] Eric Meyer’s Reset Reloaded […]

  611. So do you use two stylesheets, this one and the one you use to style and override or is this one just for testing and then removed?

  612. Pingback ::

    Eric Meyer: Reset CSS | eezzyweb

    […] Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded. […]

  613. Pingback ::

    Designing with SiteCM » Blog Archive » Using CSS Reset for Cross-Browser Consistency

    […] Eric Meyer’s Reset […]

  614. Pingback ::

    Technical Framework « Ian Venskus

    […] This document also helps in structuring the foundation of a website for a style sheet I like to call set.css, others may call it base.css, but regardless it comes after Eric Meyer's reset.css. […]

  615. Pingback ::

    My HTML5 template | All that flashy shit...

    […] Updated: added a compressed version of the Eric Mayer reset […]

  616. Pingback ::

    Ajaxian » CSS Structural Reset

    […] deal with multiple browser is so reset the CSS for them all, and built up from there. We then got Eric Meyer's reset and YUI reset […]

  617. Pingback ::

    Build a HTML5/CSS3 Website Layout Without Images – Part 2 | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch

    […] thing that helps a great deal in making our pages look consistent in different browsers is Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset. I have slightly modified the reset to exclude the HTML elements that are absent from the HTML5 […]

  618. Pingback ::

    Build a HTML5/CSS3 Website Layout Without Images – Part 2 : CSS Citadel

    […] thing that helps a great deal in making our pages look consistent in different browsers is Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset. I have slightly modified the reset to exclude the HTML elements that are absent from the HTML5 […]

  619. Pingback ::

    CSS Frameworks: Make the Right Choice | Jonathan Warren - Web Design

    […] Right Choice21st June 2010I’ve used the CSS framework for a few websites now and I use Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset for every site I make. But after watching this I’m tempted to go back and give Blueprint a […]

  620. Pingback ::

    CSS – speeding things up « A lovely blog from Big Things and Little Things Web Design

  621. Pingback ::

    Using a CSS Reset | Darren Huskie

    […] your own code to minimise browser differences as far as possible. A great example, compiled by Eric Meyer contains a list of declarations which helps developers on their way to creating pixel-perfect […]

  622. Pingback ::

    PHP Framework | SquashedNewt Web Design

    […] reset.css is based entirely on the Eric Myeres reset reloaded, sure its a bit old (circa 2007), but its still just as useful. Then next up comes master, menu and […]

  623. Pingback ::

    7 Tips to make your website Cross Browser Compatible | Tech Brij

    […] to explicitly define css to make same behavior for different browsers. I like Eric’s CSS reset: […]

  624. Pingback ::

    The 960 Grid System Made Easy

    […] included with the 960 Grid System. This is a completely optional file based on the ever popular Eric Meyer CSS reset. If you like it, keep it. If not, trash […]

  625. I had to add “line-height: inherit;” to the first block. Otherwise Firefox resets line-height to normal in tables.

  626. Pingback ::

    IE7: content loses centering when zoomig out - DesignersTalk

    […] etc. that may be present, to help browser compatibility. Check out Eric Meyer's reset here: Eric's Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded You'll need to add text-align to the body, and apply a pixel width to your header, along with the […]

  627. Pingback ::

    New CSS Reset Framework – Toucan CSS Reset | Toby James Creative

    […] yonks now I’ve been using Eric Meyer’s infinitely useful Reset Reloaded framework to bring my designs down to a standard level on which to […]

  628. This:
    :focus {outline: 0;}

    Could be replaced with:
    :active {outline: 0;}

    This should remove the outline for mouse users, but not for keyboard users.

  629. a:hover,a:active {outline: none;} is better

    html:hover a {outline: none;} kills the outline no matter where the mouse is in relation to the link once it has been clicked, but mouse users who also navigate via keyboard could be confused :-(

  630. Pingback ::

    CSS DO's and DON'Ts | Oneupweb : StraightUpSearch Blog

    […] on CSS”, has developed a set of reset styles that are free for public download or copy at Reset Reloaded. The list is quite extensive and absolutely thorough; however, feel free to add or remove reset […]

  631. Pingback :: » Highly Maintainable, Efficient, and Optimized CSS

    […] Eric Meyer’s Reset Reloaded […]

  632. Pingback ::

    Freelance Front End Web Developer, Surrey, Hampshire & London – HTML5, CSS3, JS, jQuery, PHP

    […] make a reference to it in the head of the form HTML.  At the top of style.css, I’ve imported Eric Meyer’s stylesheet reset (named “reset.css”) and removed the star (*) selector that temporarily reset the margin […]

  633. Pingback ::

    Building a Website From Scratch | Part 3 – Stand It Up | Brent Says…

    […] What we have done here is tell the browser to load the file SweetStyle.css and use it as the stylesheet definition.  Before we go any further, we also want to include a reset stylesheet.  Why?  Because every browser adds default styling to elements and that styling may differ across browsers.  If we include a reset stylesheet, that eliminates all the default styles and puts us on the right track for cross-browser compatibility.  We’ll use the one defined on Eric Meyer’s Blog: […]

  634. Eric, do you care to clarify the table rule that you have?

    /* tables still need 'cellspacing="0"' in the markup */
    table {
      border-collapse: separate;
      border-spacing: 0;

    Judging from other blogs and comments on this post, a better variation would be:

    table {
      border-collapse: collapse;
      border-spacing: 0;

    You changed the border-collapse property (and I am guessing not by accident) to ‘separate’ in this reloaded sheet. In your original CSS reset stylesheet you did use ‘collapse’.

    Can you elaborate on the reason?

    I realize this is an old post, but your reset sheet is the #1 reset stylesheet on the web. Google still leads us to the original one though. Presumably this one is better and you explained most of the changes very well but I can’t find your reasoning for the ‘separate’ value.

    Thanks very much for posting this and other resources!

  635. Pingback ::

    Reset CSS – Optimize for iPhone - | JazonPress

    […] any boldfacing, italicizing, or font variants in browsers other than Explorer. (You can see them in the “reloaded” post.) I know, I know, I already defended that practice: [The inherit] effects, as seen in my […]

  636. Pingback ::

    12 Common CSS Mistakes Web Developers Make | Prabaharan CS Blog

    […] the web that you can incorporate into your work. I personally use a modified version of the popular Eric Meyer reset and Six Revisions uses a modified version of YUI Reset CSS. You can also build your own reset if […]

  637. Howdy,

    In my opinion, you should add this… =)

    textarea {
    resize: none;
    outline: none;
    overflow: auto;

    This will remove shiny, blue glow from text area’s “border” and option to “change width” from text areas in Chrome. Also – remove default scroolbars in Internet Explorer. =)

  638. Pingback ::

    design for the web » Blog Archive » now, adding a touch of style ;)

    […] And finally – the link to Eric’s famous resets “reset reloaded”. We will use these resets as they are for now. Once you are more confident in your understanding and writing of CSS – we will work towards adjusting these defaults to suit. ⦿ Reset Reloaded […]

  639. Pingback ::

    Most Common CSS Mistakes | Web Ninja Wannabe

    […] reset codebases on the web that you can incorporate into your work. Personally, I use a the popular Eric Meyer reset. You may also consider YUI Reset CSS. Of course, if you feel unsatisfied you can modify them if you […]

  640. Eric, could you say what is latest version of Reset.css Would like to stay up to date :)

  641. Pingback ::

    5 tips to write better css « Rupnarayanb's Blog

    […] but this is not a full reset. There are many CSS reset codebases on the web that you can incorporate into your work like Eric Meyer reset […]

  642. Pingback ::

    Brent Says… » Blog Archive » Building a Website From Scratch | Part 3 – Stand It Up

    […] What we have done here is tell the browser to load the file SweetStyle.css and use it as the stylesheet definition.  Before we go any further, we also want to include a reset stylesheet.  Why?  Because every browser adds default styling to elements and that styling may differ across browsers.  If we include a reset stylesheet, that eliminates all the default styles and puts us on the right track for cross-browser compatibility.  We’ll use the one defined on Eric Meyer’s Blog: […]

  643. Pingback ::

    Un-Reset Stylesheet « Joseph Crawford

    […] reset stylesheet has been aggravating me for years now. It was originally developed by Eric Meyer in April, 2007. As much as I respect and admire the man and I know he had his reasoning for […]

  644. Pingback ::

    Eris Designs » » 5 helpful includes for Wordpress_Eris Designs

    […] On a side note, these very simple css reset methods are just the tip of the iceberg in the ocean of possibilities on the subject. Some folks out have developed pretty elaborate, and foolproof, css reset snippets. Check out Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset. […]

  645. Pingback ::


    […] way I usually code things in CSS and I have not found a need to modify it yet. You can check it out here, and read Eric’s reasoning behind the elements in the reset […]

  646. Pingback ::

    Tricks to make a web page sexy in 15 mins -

    […] Reset that CSS – kill the browser’s default styles be applying Eric Meyer’s famous reset.css. […]

  647. I just want to say thanks. I’m just beginning to make my own wordpress themes. Your reset CSS. makes this so much easier. Big thanks.

  648. Pingback ::

    Am I Your Type?: Typography on the web

    […] sizing. I must also give a shout out to Eric Meyer, from whom I’ve learned so much, and whose reset CSS file is widely used across the Internet. Reset CSS […]

  649. Pingback ::

    Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded | Inspired Creation

    […] Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded. […]

  650. Eric, what the universal resets? Sorry if my question appears off-topic, but I believe it should work as an alternative.

  651. Pingback ::

    CSS Reset and ‘Sensible Defaults’ - tactile

    […] Eric Meyer is one of the original Web Standards Gurus. His work is good, and pure, and great time savers for us minions. Case in point: Eric’s work on reset.css. […]

  652. Pingback ::

    CSS Best practices « Michasalz’s Weblog

    […] 5. Use a Reset Stylesheet ( […]

  653. Pingback ::

    Thoughts on CSS reset « K. Arthur Elliot

    […] Examples include Eric Meyer’s Reset Reloaded. […]

  654. Pingback ::

    25 IE6 Bugs |

    […] Eric Meyer’s Reset Reloaded […]

  655. Pingback ::

    My Tweaked CSS Reset | Gilbert Pellegrom

    […] up with something which I think is fairly elegant and extensible. It includes a modified version of Eric Meyers CSS Reset followed by a set of my own CSS rules for default elements which have evolved over the past few […]

  656. Pingback ::

    XHTML Web Page Layout and Guidelines | Warren Tang's Blog

    […] * Making your web pages consistent across various user agents is a daunting task. It’s often necessary to reset some sytles: Yahoo! UI Library: Reset CSS Eric Meyer’s Reset Reloaded […]

  657. Pingback ::

    ERS blog » Cross Browser Compatibility

    […] Meyer’s one and Yahoo’s one are considered to be the most correct ones. You can find them at Eric Meyer’s Reset Reloaded and YUI’s CSS […]

  658. Pingback ::

    20 basic but useful CSS tip you must know – CSS | Leoc magazine

    […] Here are few commonly used reset.css frameworks – Yahoo Reset CSS, Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset, Tripoli […]

  659. Pingback ::

    design for the web » Blog Archive » beginning CSS

    […] And finally – the link to Eric's famous resets "reset reloaded". We will use these resets as they are for now. Once you are more confident in your understanding and writing of CSS – we will work towards adjusting these defaults to suit. ⦿ Reset Reloaded […]

  660. Pingback ::

    10 tips for efficient design | Boagworld

    […] First make sure you have a library of code snippets that can be easily reused. These could include Eric Meyers CSS Reset or your own code for dealing with common HTML content such as news listings or […]

  661. Pingback ::

    6 Default Selectors on My Base CSS for Every Project | Monofactor

    […] more techniques about base css documents and resetting selectors like Yahoo’s Base CSS and Eric Meyer’s Reset CSS. Just take a loot at them and see how timesaving they are. Posted in Codemaster, Tips & […]

  662. Pingback ::

    Advanced CSS Page Layout « RPL Class

    […] Resets can get much more sophisticated. CSS Guru Eric Meyer provides a freely downloadable detailed reset style sheet at […]

  663. Thanks for the time you put into this Eric.

    Though I’m going to be sticking with the “Universal Reset” for the time being, the refinements you made with the table, :focus and blockquote elements are great as I invariably end up writing something like that but then have to do battle with the CSS. Nice to get those things cleared off-the-bat.

  664. Pingback ::

    Four Things My Mother Taught Me About Programming | Blog:Frank M. Taylor

    […] wouldn’t think of- because we’re used to walking.  This happens to me: I plug in the Eric Meyer CSS reset and can’t figure out why my lists have no style. D’uh, the reset cleared my list style. […]

  665. Pingback ::

    Little CSS Tips & Tricks (from a beginner to beginners) | epoint

    […] The best method I know is the Eric Mayer’s Css Reset method. […]

  666. Pingback ::

    CSS Development Tips for Browser Compatibility

  667. Pingback ::

    CSS Practices

    […] of the most popular browser resets is of CSS Reset by Eric Meyer. As Meyer says, “the styles should list all the actual elements to be reset […]

  668. Pingback ::

    How To Reset & Rebuild WordPress Theme CSS & Define Your Layouts « Just a flickering fire…

    […] Reset CSS is adapted from Eric Meyer’s famous Reset CSS with some minor, minor changes. Basically what it does is take all the typographical defaults of […]

  669. Pingback ::

    Station Four | Blog » Collected CSS Wisdom: 9 Points of Debate

    […] and Yaml there does seem to be a good deal of agreement that CSS resets such as Yahoo’s or Eric Meyer’s Reset Reloaded () are of […]

  670. Pingback ::

    HTML and CSS Recourses List | Learning from Lorelle

    […] Eric Meyer’s Archived Thoughts: CSS Reset Reloaded […]

  671. Pingback ::

    “CSS Reset” theory | Firefly's space

    […] If you wanted to go completely bat poop crazy on reseting every possibly everything, check this out. […]

  672. Pingback ::

    CSS – speeding things up | Ash Mann

  673. Pingback ::

    Why We Chose for Our CSS Framework | Onehub Product Blog

    […] text.css file from as everything it covered was going to be redone anyway. That left us with Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset and the main 960.css file which is a mere (3.6 KB) when compressed. It is brilliantly small. See […]

  674. Pingback ::

    Write a well structured CSS file without becoming crazyWeb Host Colorado | Web Host Colorado

    […] Nothing else. Very rarely table elements (<table>, <tr> and <td>). In any case, for a complete overview about CSS reset technique take a look at these links: – Yahoo! UI Library: Reset CSS- Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded […]

  675. Pingback ::

    Tips How to Organize your CSS file(s) [Web Development] | gonzoblog

    […] are many different pre-made CSS reset stylesheets ready for you to use. Eric Meyer’s Reset Reloaded is a popular reset, along with Yahoo’s developer reset. But it could also be something like […]

  676. Pingback ::

    20 Useful CSS Tips For Beginners | designgerms

    […] Here are few commonly used reset.css frameworks – Yahoo Reset CSS, Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset, Tripoli […]

  677. Thanks for sharing this. I played with your CSS a bit. Seems to be working in main browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome). But did you try to use it with mobile browsers (Android based phones)? Some of my pages look weird when I apply the CSS and open it on my Android.

  678. Good day

    Is the code for ‘Reset Reloaded’ free of charge? Is this code licensed?
    Please let me know.

    Thank you.

  679. Pingback ::

    Basic CSS Page Layout | my little corner

    […] This is a debated technique, but I personally prefer to use a style reset (specifically I use a portion of “Reset Reloaded” by Eric Meyer) […]

  680. Pingback ::

    11 Tips for CSS coding

    […] Different browsers have different ways of handling the styles. Or different browsers have different default styles for rendering the HTML, like font size, style, weight, margin, padding etc… All the HTML elements have some default styles and it varies depending on the browser. So how we can manage this is to use reset.css, a seperate style sheet for resetting the browser specific styles. For eg. refer Eric Meyer’s Reset CSS […]

  681. Pingback ::

    How to line up HTML input elements? - ExceptionsHub

    […] the Eric Meyer CSS reset script does not help this issue, however if you simply make your <select> inputs 5 pixels wider […]

  682. Pingback ::

    css - Problème avec CSS display: inline-block et IE7!

    […] Je ne l'utilisation de Eric Meyer CSS Reset Reloaded. […]

  683. Pingback ::

    7 Steps for Systematizing The Design & Build Process - noupe

    […] and based on web standards. Features include modular construction and design for accessibility. Eric Meyer CSS reset – Reset browser default CSS properties […]

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