Wednesday, 24 January 2001

Published 24 years, 2 months past

…aaaand we’re back.  So Kat and I made a snap decision to go to Disney World.  Okay, Kat made a snap decision, did a whole ton of research on prices and availability, laid all the groundwork, and then convinced Eric that a vacation was needed.  As usual, she was right.  Florida was sunny but cold, although since their low temperature was higher than Cleveland’s high temperatures, I wasn’t complaining too much.  The only real drawback was the difficulty in swimming in the pool.  The water was warm enough, but since it was off-season the pool had limited hours and we were always off doing stuff.  Lord knows, there’s more than enough stuff to do at the Magic Kingdom, Epcot, and so forth.  Being there in the off-season meant basically no lines at all, which was wonderful.  So was the food.  What is it about our vacations and food?  Maybe I should become a culinary critic, which would be some sort of über-dream job for me, now that I think about it:  eat great food, write about it, get paid.  Where do I sign up?

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