Monday, 5 March 2001
Published 24 years, 5 days pastI surfed past Molly’s Web site and found that I’d landed (as had Kat) on Molly’s new “Famous People I Know” page (thanks Molly!), so I started wandering through some of the other sites she has listed. Some people I know, some I don’t. I came across a striking contemplation from a person I do know, Leslie Veen: “Is [this] what being a part of a democracy means—taking turns at cringing at the one who occupies the oval office?” Amen, sister! Can I get an ay-men from the audience? Thank you.
The HWG class is settling down into some sort of interesting groove. Week 2 went much better than Week 1, mostly because I gave the students something to actually work with, instead of grilling them on theory. Hands-on learning—what a concept! So we’re going to stick with that mode for the remainder of the course. I’ve heard from a few students that while they’re struggling and sometimes confused, they’re really learning something and enjoying it. On the other hand, roughly half the students have yet to send in any of their homework, which is a little bothersome. Well, I’ll deal with that in a bit.