Monday, 24 September 2001
Published 23 years, 6 months pastPerhaps unsurprisingly, my comments on Saturday touched off a spirited debate within my own household. Kat wants to make it clear that she can’t understand how anyone, anywhere, could celebrate the death of several thousand people under any circumstance. I actually agree with her, and didn’t mean to imply that I supported the celebration (much less the practice) of mass murder. I don’t. I’d like to think that nobody does, but a few lines from a song keep coming to mind: “Folks are basically decent / Conventional wisdom would say / Well, we read about the exceptions / In the paper every day.”
A thought experiment: consider the massive outpouring of charitable giving for the victims of 9/11, and then suppose that there had been a similarly massive outpouring of charitable aid ten years earlier for the people of Afghanistan, whose country was shattered by Soviet occupation.