Distant Speeches
Published 21 years, 8 months pastI wish I were in Seattle right now, hanging out with all the cool folks speaking at Web Design World. Oh well, I guess one can’t be at every conference. I also wish the WDW site didn’t use points to size their fonts, since that makes the text painfully tiny in some browsers, including one I use fairly often. Oh well, I guess you can’t expect good Web design from every Web design conference’s Web site.
Hey, wait a minute.
Although I may not be in Seattle this year, I will be in Cambridge, MA this October for User Interface 8, and have added a note to that effect to my Speaking page. On the latter page, you’ll find a registration code you can use to get a nice discount at UI8, and incidentally add a small bonus to my bank account. We both come out ahead—what’s not to like?
I’ll also be at Seybold in early September, but I don’t have the details ready just yet. Check back in a few days if you’re interested.