Feeling Friendly
Published 21 years, 4 weeks pastThe Web is getting more and more friendly. In the past two weeks, there have been three XFN tools that were announced:
- Phil McCluskey has created an XFN spider and is making the results available at rubhub.com. I’m not sure from whence the name comes, but the service it provides is pretty nifty. Here’s meyerweb’s rubhub profile, by the way.
- Jonas Luster, who had some comments regarding the advantages of XFN’s decentralized nature, has created a bookmarklet (a.k.a. favelet) that checks the current page’s rubhub entry, assuming it has one. Nifty!
- A Moveable Type template that lets you add XFN (and other relationship information, should you so choose) to a list of links. This comes to us courtesy Keith Robinson.
- Autoxfn 1.0, a plugin for Bloxsom, brought to you by the fine folks at Sci-Fi Hi-Fi.
Can you feel the love?
While I was trawling personal sites. I kept seeing something I that I just don’t get. There seems to be a small trend toward posting a link to one’s Amazon wish list. What’s the goal? Is it just a convenient way to say, “Here’s what I like”? Do you assume, or hope, that a random passerby will decide to buy you something off of the list? And wouldn’t it be kind of creepy if they did? Somebody clue me in. I mean, yeah, social networking is interesting and I’m all for the spread of information, but this seems like it might have crossed a line. I only wish I could decide which one.