Blog Bits

Published 20 years, 9 months past

Congratulations to everyone who worked on the Blogger redesign!  I’ll have to start showing it off in presentations as another great example of standards-oriented design.

The PHP problems I was having in the archives should be all fixed up now.  Sorry about that—I had some HTML that was somehow interfering with the PHP calls, although I’m not entirely sure how.  In the course of conducting training this morning, I also discovered that I’d neglected to add alt attributes for the two RSS-feed buttons.  That’s fixed now too.  Apparently this was my day to find broken bits on the site, but at least they were bits I could fix.

Nick Finck, in citing his inspirations, had this to say about me:

One of the first presentations I ever heard Eric do was “CSS For Anarchists” and it really got me to think about CSS on a whole new level. Since then Eric has been a constant source of inspiration for me when it comes to CSS. As crazy as some of Eric’s ideas may seem, there is really some logical reasoning behind all of it.

Hey, whaddya mean crazy?!?  All my ideas are totally sane and rational.  It’s the rest of the world that’s nuts.  Now excuse me while I go adjust the geometry of my tin foil hat.

The “CSS For Anarchists” presentation was interesting for me too, as I was giving it at the same time President Clinton was giving a speech one floor directly above me.  I still wonder how many background checks were run on me, and whether they turned up anything good.  Because if they did, I’d like to know what.

Comments (4)

  1. Heh. As the feed displayed in Bloglines:

    The PHP problems I was having in the archives should be all fixed up now. Sorry about that—I had some HTML that was somehow … (
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: e_get_post_counts() in/data/var/www/pages/meyerweb/html/eric/thoughts/wp-rss2.phpon line37

  2. I looks like there may be another broken bit. In Bloglines, at least, the word count is breaking. I got the following error when I loaded up this post:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: e_get_post_counts() in/data/var/www/pages/meyerweb/html/eric/thoughts/wp-rss2.phpon line37

    It only happened on this post though, the old ones came out cheerfully.

  3. Fixed. Thanks! (Although I don’t know how long it will take bloglines to update, you can see the working feed at .)

  4. Dear Eric, Just wanted to drop by and pay my respects. You have been a source of inspiration to me and many others. I may not be any good. But at least I know now where I am going. My pathetic first effort, (css still in the index etc) is on display (server permitting) at the posted uri. But WP? Doesn’t it rock?

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