Keeping Up Appearances

Published 19 years, 1 month past

A quick summary of where I’ll be speaking in the coming months, presented as a public service for the seven of you who care about such things.

  • In March, I’ll be joining the massive herd of folks headed to Austin, TX, for SXSW Interactive.  I’m currently scheduled to be on two panels, with a third likely but not confirmed.  The ones I already know about are “How to Roll Your Own Web Conference” and “Web Standards and Search Engines”.

    That’s right: no CSS.  For whatever reason, as CSS talks have ramped up at SXSW, I’ve not been part of the trend.  I could play the grizzled veteran and mumble something about letting the kids have their shot at fame and glory, but the truth is that I see SXSW as a place to stretch out.  I talk about CSS everywhere else.  In Austin, I kick out other jams.  Can you dig it?

  • In April, I’ll show up at NOTACON right here in sunny Cleveland.  Details are extremely sketchy right now—I don’t even know how many times I’ll be gabbing, let alone what about.  It doesn’t matter, though.  NOTACON is an overclocked monster of a deep-geek weekend, they get fascinating speakers, and the admission price is a steal.  You should be there.

  • Come June, I’ll be delivering the keynote address for @media 2006.  It’s a huge honor, really, especially considering the speaker lineup.  All those amazingly smart, talented, and attractive people to pick from, and I was chosen?  Astounding.

    Odds are very high that I’ll be up on stage for another session or two besides the keynote.  It looks like I won’t be onstage for the CSS3 panel, which is probably all to the good: who really needs to see me up there sobbing quietly about the snail’s-pace progress of the more interesting parts of CSS3?  Nobody, that’s who.

Note that there will also be some new Events Apart coming, but we’re not quite ready to take the wraps off the 2006 lineup.  I’ll let you know when we do.

Comments (7)

  1. I can’t wait to have you on that Search panel @ SXSW Eric.

  2. Hopefully An Event Apart will grace Milwaukee in the near future….

  3. Eric,
    Lokking forward to SXSW and your non-CSS panels. I must admit, though, that I was kind of hoping for a repeat of your WE05 talk on how the ALA redesign went down, but I guess a podcast will have to do…you don’t have slides up, do you?

    Like Jeff, I hope An Event Apart comes to my town soon! Anywhere in the Southwest or So. Cal. and I will be there. Can’t wait to see the 2006 list.

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    Hunting, Fishing, Web Design and Other Issues of Insignificance - Keith Burgin

    […] rted effort to get to SXSW. South By South West or SXSW, is a geek-fest in Austin Texas. Eric Meyer, if I remember the quote, once described it as the “Woodsto […]

  5. Eric, are ALA just scheduling in US based seminars or are they any plans to bring it over to Europe or the UK?

  6. Regarding AEA plans, we don’t have cities to announce just yet, but we’re working on it and I hope we’ll have the next event open for registration in the next three weeks.

    The current plans are to stay within the US for a little while, in order to get comfortable with the ins and outs of setting up events. We’d rather not add the complications of running an event in another country (which has logisitcal, taxation, and other ramifications) while we’re still getting our sea legs! We do very much want to come over to Europe and the UK, but we have to ask for some patience.

  7. Since I don’t have the patience to see AEA come to Germany I’ve already booked my flight and really look forward to seeing you at SXSW. Even though I don’t really like the thought of an “Eric sans CSS”, especially after listening to your WE05 presentation as a podcast.

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