De-lurk and Be Heard!
Published 18 years, 2 months pastWell, I just told you about myself, and now it’s your turn to tell me (and everyone else) something about you. I’ve been meaning to do this for a while, but when Roger was spurred into doing it by Veerle’s post, I knew it was time to get off my duff and just post already.
So, to more or less rip off Roger’s format, please comment to say:
- Who are you (name and occupation)? Who who, who who?
- Where are you from? (Feel free to add yourself to the Frappr map!)
- How long have you been visiting this site, either directly or via RSS?
- What was it that first brought you to meyerweb?
- What would you like to read more (or less) about here on meyerweb, or read/hear from me in general? Be as general or specific as you like.
Please note that, thanks to my spam defenses, any first-time commenters will have their contributions held in moderation until I approve them. I’ll try to stay on top of that, but I will have to sleep on occasion, so you may have to be patient. Apologies.
Comments (110)
Kevin; student, HTML+CSS developer (web construction worker; California; visiting here since 2003
A college professor had css/edge in his link list for a course I was taking. Being thirsty for knowledge, I devoured the examples and have been keeping watch ever since.
I would like to read more about CSS, books and events you’re working on or participating. Basically any old industry thing that you think will be of interest according to your unique perspective.
Grant Palin; web developer, software developer, database developer…whatever the situation calls for.
Victoria, Canada.
I think it was after I got your book, CSS: the Definitive Guide, that I found your site. That was a few years ago.
Again, having read your book, I was interested in any additional materials you may have available, and I discovered your blog at that time.
I always like to see new technical articles, especially about web development. New articles or tutorials on doing this or that in CSS, what what is new in CSS, and the like, are always enjoyed.
Giuseppe Pessia, multimedia-desiger, Italy, 4 years (RSS), xhtml+css, xhtml+css ;)
Chris, student. Came here for the CSS about 4 years ago. Hung around via RSS ever since, not quite sure why (but you should take that as a compliment).
As someone who’s been instrumental in the way the web has developed technically, I’d like to hear more from you about where you think it’s going; your thoughts on where it is right now. That sort of thing.
1. Who are you (name and occupation)? Who who, who who?
Jason Cumberland, DBA
2. Where are you from? (Feel free to add yourself to the Frappr map!)
Houston, TX
3. How long have you been visiting this site, either directly or via RSS?
A little over 2 years. I subscribe through Bloglines.
4. What was it that first brought you to meyerweb?
Some Google search for CSS I think, or maybe after reading A List Apart article.
5. What would you like to read more (or less) about here on meyerweb, or read/hear from me in general? Be as general or specific as you like.
I would like to hear more from you on either yourself or meyerweb. That way I don’t have to prune through my subscriptions and tell myself that the periodic postings are “totally worth it”.
Jason Kobilka; consultant né web designer/developer; California; pupil since aught-two.
Found the site when I started discovering the power of CSS (after quickly tiring of tables), completely missed the mark for a while, and eventually found my way again.
I’d love to see more about your development process on any of your current projects; even small updates are invaluable as far as insight into the biz. Even if it’s just books and talks.
Ben Buchanan, web developer (and standards/accessibility guy) currently living in Sydney, Australia.
Can’t recall when I first visited. It would have been to read the complex spiral demo though and I seem to recall we were still wrestling with NN4 at work.
I started reading your blog regularly after we met at Web Essentials 05 (and I – like several others – took that photo). The human connection makes all the difference I think :)
I can’t really give you a topic wish list though. I am equally interested in your thoughts on the state/future/specifics of the web AND sabbath mode appliances! To an extent it’s interesting to see what does catch your attention and warrant a post – ie. topic choice is part of the (meta-)content.
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Re: De-lurk and Be Heard!
Eric, I read your post about 5 things ab…
1: David Dorward, the job title says Perl Programmer, the reality also involves HTML, CSS, RSS, ATOM, JavaScript, Java, HTTP, accessibility, project management, teaching and more.
2: Wiltshire, UK
3: Yonks
4: CSS Edge
5: Take Grant’s comment then add an AOLish “me too” ;)
John Bedard
East Helena, MT (I was born in Belflower, CA)
I can’t remember how long I’ve been reading your site, but it goes back to your first ‘on CSS’ book, perhaps css/edge before that.
“Eric Meyer on CSS” (more specifically, the hype prior to my purchasing a copy) brought me here.
I’m not sure what I’d like to read. I read everything and absorb as much as possible.
Dan Crouch, Web Services Manager, Part-Time Consultant
Corvallis, Oregon
.rss subscriber
Subscribed after An Event Apart Seattle
More .css exercises :)
Stephen Stewart, web producer, Northern Ireland. Been visiting regularly since June 2006 (@media2006).
Right now I’d like to hear more of your opinions on future directions of our standards bodies (W3C, WHATWG etc), at least those posts you’ve made on the subject have been most interesting to me.
1. I am Darren Wood – I’m a web designer and CSS fiend.
2. I hail from South Africa but now live in Auckland, New Zealand
3. I’ve been reading this here blog for about 3 years.
4. Googling your name after reading one of your books brought me here. Bonus!
5. New CSS techniques that we can use now that most browsers can actually interpret it correctly (more or less…)
Karoli, from Camarillo, Ca. I’ve been subscribed to the site via RSS since October 2005 or so — right after I bought your books to help me learn site design for volunteer work that I do, as well as some paid work for my web employer (I work in web communities).
I like everything you write, but your how-tos (and how you did things) are the most helpful to me.
This will be just short of copy/pasting my response to Roger’s same post…
1. Jessica Hull, graduate developer searching for a passion, found it in IE’s brokeness (not in a good way at first, but I’m trying to turn it into something positive).
2. Australia. Wollongong NSW (bit south of Sydney) to be exact. *high fives Ben*
3. First came about 6 months ago when I started my new job and was researching bits and pieces. Signed up to RSS maybe 3-4 months ago.
4. My interest in CSS started with the CSS Zen Garden Book, and in researching it’s authors I believe you would have been mentioned a number of times within 1 or 2 degrees of separation, came to check you out and liked the site/content etc.
5. I’m not particularly fussy regarding the topics, though as mentioned above, seeing the topics you choose to write about are half the fun. The quality is always great, you’re in my RSS folder for the people I would read anything from on topic or not. Keep up the brilliant work (it truely inspires) and happy 2007.
1. Tom Most, high school senior and amateur web developer/programmer. (I used to do my high school’s web site, but they replaced my version with an ugly abomination. Try disabling JavaScript on that page.)
2. La Crosse, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
3. Hard to say… I’ve been reading regularly for at least two years. I subscribe via Google Reader but usually click through.
4. Learning CSS several years ago. I don’t seem to have had as much of a Zen experience as others, though — tables never had a chance to do permanent damage to me.
5. Either technical or design-oriented posts are most interesting to me. I’m afraid that I can’t really relate to all the stuff on conferences. Keep up the child anecdotes — between you and Mark Pilgrim I read a nice bit of cute humor fairly regularly. I like politics too.
My name is Chasen Le Hara, and (shockingly) I’m a web developer from southern California. I’ve been around the site for at least a year, and I started to subscribe via RSS about half a year ago after hearing you speak (via podcast) a couple of times.
I don’t think there’s anything that I really want to hear more or less of; I’m subscribed because I’m happy!
1. Julie, web/print editor and designer for a university
2. From Mid-MO, USA
3. I think I’ve been visiting for about a year, and for about three months with RSS.
4. I was trying to make my first print style sheet and found one of your articles. Thanks!
5. Articles about rarely used, but useful, CSS tips are always good. I’m not too picky, though–I like it all.
1. Jonathan Dobres. Brain injury researcher, amateur designer, and computer geek extraordinaire.
2. Born in Jersey, but I’ve been living and working (and loving it) in Boston for over five years now.
3. I’ve been visiting your site for what I think is a long time. Remember those multiple CSS stylesheets you used to have? Just before that, I think.
4. css/edge. I’d been reading all about CSS thanks to A List Apart, but wanted some different examples of what one could do. Then I discovered you had a personal site (sorry, that’s so 1999. Blog.) The rest, as they say, is history. Surprisingly anonymous history.
5. In general I really like Meyerweb (and by extension, you, I suppose). But I’d like to read less about conference travels and the like. I understand you’ve got a significant professional audience, but really, it bores me to tears compared to your posts about CSS tricks, family, etc. :-)
1. Randy, software developer and amateur web developer (amateur as in unpaid, ahem).
2. S.F. Bay Area, Republic of Northern California
3. 2 or 3 years, maybe?
4. Bought “More Eric Meyer on CSS” and loved it. That book was what opened my eyes to the possibilities of CSS, and is still one of a handful that I recommend to people unreservedly.
5. I came for the CSS and stayed for the social commentary, so I like it all. Thanks!
1. I’m Dave!
2. Central Washington State.
3. About two years.
4. I found it when I was considering buying your book (which I did!).
5. Your tips and tricks for using CSS in web design are always appreciated!
1. Ralph Brandi, front end web developer (and some back end work as well). Ranter about semantic markup since before there was a web.
2. Monmouth County, New Jersey.
3. Started coming here before there was a blog here; RSS for probably the past year (I avoided aggregators before that for some reason)
4. Came originally for your CSS/Edge tutorials, I think; it was a long time ago and I don’t remember so clearly.
5. I think the current mix of tech and personal is about right.
1. Matthew Levine, currently developing HTML/CSS/Javascript for Technorati (like the link count widget in the corner of this blog post).
2. I’m currently in San Francisco.
3. I’ve been reading for about two years now.
4. I can’t remember what brought me here initially, but it was definitely CSS-related.
5. Some of my favorite posts have been about Carolyn, particularly those about your experiences with sign language. I’m very curious to hear how she’s doing now that she’s talking.
1. Jeff Snider, web developer
2. Raised in Southern California, now living in Utah
3. About three years, probably
4. Web standards, of course. I was an old-school guy, and the CSS thing was a major revelation for me.
5. I am always interested in anything related to web standards, and I would like to find a few more sites to add to my feed reader that deal with practical PHP development, but I know that’s not your forte. One non-web thing I have really enjoyed reading about here is your daughter and her sign language. My daughter just turned two, and we have been doing ASL with her (partly because of your success stories), and it is amazing.
1. Mark Schenk, mechanical engineer currently in-between studies, CSS and browser enthusiast.
2. Delft, The Netherlands
3. I have visited meyerweb regularly since — I believe — 2000, and have been using RSS for the last couple of years.
4. The Complex Spiral demo. Even today it is a beautiful example of a CSS design done well, but in the heyday of font tags, table-based designs and animated gifs, it was simply breathtaking. Like many people before and after me, it inspired me to learn CSS.
5. I’m mostly tuning in for CSS and web-related topics, but enjoy reading about more personal matters as well. The balance is good.
1. Greg Hacke, Software Engineer and Web Developer (all aspects)
2. Columbus, Ohio, USA, North America, Earth, Sol
3. Forever. All I know is in the beginning I was told to look here for CSS knowledge and I still pop in regularly.
4. Conversations over concept. CSS and web standards ideas from someone with an inside track.
5. I’d like a MeyerWeb Knowledge Base/Wiki/et al. Something that assembles your thoughts and ideas on various aspects – CSS, WASP, W3C, etc. I love reading the posts but something with a clear and concise ‘this is how I see it’ stance would allow me to better know you, the site and the concepts you see as critical to the past, present and future of both web design and the community as a whole.
1. Tommy Olsson, webmaster.
2. Åsnorrbodarna (Sweden).
3. A long time.
4. Your name (knowing your expertise).
5. CSS, web standards, accessibility.
1. Alex Balhatchet, 3rd year computing student (Imperial College London)
2. Originally from Devon (South West England), now in London
3. Hmmm, I stumbled upon css/edge years ago, not sure how long I’ve bene reading your blog though
4. Already answered in 3 – css/edge
5. Just keep doing what you’re doing! :)
1. Ronald van der Wijden, application engineer/technical designer Cobol/mainframe (this whole web malarky is still a hobby; still…).
2. Baarn, The Netherlands (about 20 miles southeast of Amsterdam).
3. Can’t remember exactly, but at least a couple of years, back when good CSS information wasn’t yet found all over the place.
4. Probably through a link on somebodies site, likely Zeldman’s.
5. I do like to read about your personal life, but I would also like to learn about what you do professionally nowadays, as far as you can disclose that of course.
1. Igor Frolov, web-enthusiast
2. Moscow, Russia
3. Last year
4. I read your name in “Designing With Web Standards”
5. More and more and more Eric on CSS! :-)
1. Peter – Web Developer [(x)html, css, standards, C# ASP.NET programmer, Sql Server DBA ].
2. County Durham UK
3. Since 2001
4. Common Sense
5. Anything and everything.
1. Barry Crosby, Web Developer at a College
2. Blackpool (North West England), UK
3. I think the first time I visited this site and css/edge have blurred but I’d say I’ve been reading what you’ve had to say on CSS since about 2000/2001; whilst studying at University.
4. Hmmm, the first time I looked your site up was from the
bookholy scriptures on CSS from O’Reilly. I still have my first copy (dog-eared, very rough around the edges, post-it note plagued and healthily coffee-stained) on my desk at work, alongside a more pristine copy I lend to people. I still to this day reference it daily, even when reading other CSS experts’ code snippets – in a way, you taught me CSS.5. As a lot have already put: technical ‘how-to’ snippets, some background on projects you are working on and generally CSS-focussed stuff. I appreciate this is your personal blog, so I think you’re generally getting the mix right.
1. Rob Kirton – Web Developer
2. County Durham, UK
3. Since 2003
4. CSS / Edge
5. Following your comments the other day – More profanities. Only joking about that one :0)
Sophie, webdesigner, amateur photographer.
From the western tip of Brittany, France.
I’ve been visiting since the good old days of css/edge demos, maybe 2000…
I came to visit when I was switching from ‘using css to add a few link colours’ to ‘putting all graphic information in css files’.
I would like to see posts more often, you are free to put the content you want, I like it being ‘your blog’. Maybe explore what’s cooking in the CSS3 drafts.
1. Wojciech Szczęsny, webmaster
2. Warsaw, Poland
3. 3 years, via RSS, sometimes directly
4. css/edge and your name as expert
5. More strictly technical texts
1. Chris – Web Developer [(x)html, css, javascript, standards, php, mysql].
2. Mainz, germany
3. Since years, I don’t remember :-(
4. CSS / Edge
5. I like it how it is now :-)
Guy Carberry, Web Designer, The Open University, UK. I’m writing this at work in Milton Keynes. Been visiting the site for at least five years. Used to pop over for a visit daily but now recieve your latest updates via the magic of RSS and Bloglines. I was first brought to MeyerWeb by and kept coming back thereafter. I love the fact that you continue to come up with interesting little experiments of varied nature. The explorer in me cant wait to see what little trinket you’ll unleash next (the slideshow thing is fantastic). So more of that type of thing please!
1. Software developer and director of a small (tiny!) consultancy in London, UK.
2. London Town
3. A couple of years via RSS (and I usually click through)
4. Probably when I read “Eric Meyer on CSS” (but it was “CSS: The definitive guide” which had the biggest impact — the 2nd edition is still my CSS reference of choice)
5. What more can be said about CSS 2? Let’s hear it for CSS 3 and beyond! Time to start pushing boundaries…
1. Alex Demeyere – front-end web developer
2. Bruges, Belgium
3. Since 2004 or 2003
4. I think it was one of your books
5. More about your experience in developing and problems you encountered and their possible solutions. It’s also nice to read some personal (family) entries once in a while.
1. Peeter, natural language processing student, translator, technical writer, web learner, singer, father
2. Malmö, Sweden
3. About a year
4. From the CSS/Edge tutorials
5. More of everything…
1. Who are you ? My name is Aubanel MONNIER, I’m doing product marketing. As an aside, I’m responsible for the website of the company I work for.
2. Where are you from? Toulouse, south of France
3. How long have you been visiting this site ? Can’t remember, probably a few years.
4. What was it that first brought you to meyerweb? IIRC, it was through your “complex spiral” demo.
5. What would you like to read more? Technical articles on design and CSS are always welcome.
1) Ole Kofoed Hansen – I’ve been a hobby programmer for 20 years and a hobby web developer for 10. Currently I’m a student, studying Computer Science.
2) Fredericia, Denmark
3) Several years
4) While reading up on CSS, I came across your Complex Spiral demo. This was back when I used Mozilla Suite before Firefox existed, so it is quite some time ago.
5) Anything related to (X)HTML and CSS. Perhaps some new stuff for CSS/edge.
1. Hector. Software developer, web developer, part time teacher (not web stuff).
2. Barcelona, Spain.
3. Quite a long time. Since 2003, I think.
4. Found css/edge when learning css, I’m not sure where I got here from, maybe CSS Zen Garden.
5. Its your place!
1.Willie Ray. By trade I’m mechanic at a Honda Dealership for 30 years.
3.Since 2006
4.Came across your site, when I needed to fined a better way to build
a website for my band.And found css and (x)html was a better way.
5.More on css.I just like reading your site.And the other dozen or so
sits that I visit on a weekly basic,to read css how make it work.
1. Daniel, student (Latin, English)
2. Germany
3. maybe 2 years
4. don’t remember
5. I like it the way it is :)
1. Penny: used to write web pages for work but now they are all on a CMS so I’ve been Plutoed :-(
2. Oxford – THE Oxford: the city of Dreaming Spires and aspiring dreams.
3. I have no idea. I’d looked in few times but started visiting regularly (and posting comments) a couple of years ago (“Here’s Durstan” IIRC). I’ve been commenting on your likeness to my favourite Minbari ever since.
4. Complex Spiral. I still point people to it. Beautiful.
5. I like it just the way it is. It’s just about the only blog that I read regularly: I like the way you write.
1: Pieterjan, Law student.
2: Liège, Belgium.
3: 2 years directly irregularly, 2 days rss ;)
4: edge css, while learning.
5: tools & css. But it’s nice this way.
1. Jonathan, postdoctoral researcher.
2. Philadelphia (but born in Cleveland so I appreciate the occasional Cleveland reference).
3. Visiting for around 6 years or so.
4. I knew someone with the last name “Meyer” and was fooling around with possible names for a website for them. Meyerweb popped up and the rest is history. Although I had heard about this “CSS” stuff before, stumbling on your site was really what got me seriously interested. So, thanks!
5. I, too, think the content is good the way it is.
Keep up the good work!
Patricia, child advocate. N. Va.
I first stumbled onto your site about three or four years ago when I started dabbling with HTML/CSS. Have subscribed to your feed since March 2006.
As for the content, honestly, I’m happy with whatever you put up. What can I say? I’m easy to please.
I’m Sander, a professional web developer (mostly backend, although the frontend holds my real interest, especially in web apps and the interaction with) living in the Netherlands again, after having travelled through Australia and New Zealand for over two years. (Being one of the rare lucky people who managed to break even while backpacking – sometimes it’s good having marketable skills.) :) Besides travelling, I like photography (still marvelling at being actually quite okay at a creative endeavour like that), reading (intelligent science fiction, mostly), listening to good music and attending concerts (anything ecto), doing Mozilla QA (incurable, they say) ;) and just generally keeping up with the web.
I arrived here in the longago (2002-ish??) through Mozilla weblog connections. I don’t use a feedreader, and just have a tabgroup of daily read weblogs. (Will start using a feedreader once SeaMonkey gets one.)
As for what I’d like to see more of: posts about things you care about, rather than articles written for general consumption. Passion always beats marketing. I think you’ve been doing pretty good in this regard, but fear you might be not posting a lot of things because you feel they wouldn’t belong.
1. Steve – web designer / architect
2. Fort Worth, TX
3. 2001-ish
4. The complex spiral / css edge stuff. Like many others, I suspect, I was desperately trying to wrangle NN4
5. I enjoy the mix of personal and professional. Thanks for doing what you do.
1. Adam Norwood, web designer for the University of Texas School of Law
2. Austin, Texas, USA
3. I’ve been reading this site for about 3 years, mostly through RSS for the past 2 years(?)
4. I came here when I first got back into doing web design professionally after a three-year hiatus — I needed to catch up with all that had changed since the Netscape 4 days, and your books were very helpful!
5. More of everything, but especially how future technologies like CSS3 etc are shaping up behind-the-scenes
1. prisca – freelance webdesigner, also teaching css-based webdesign (thanks to you)
2. born in Germany, now living in the UK, London
3. for the last 2-3 years – ever since discovering css…- I started out doing mainly Flash sites due to an unbearable frustration with table driven layouts – until I saw the light ;)
subscribed via Pageflakes.
4. After reading Jeffrey Zeldman DWWS – I was lucky to find your site which became my daily path – one step closer to css knowledge, learnt it all form you :) THANK YOU :)
5. keep it just the way it is …. :) Personally, I’m interetsed in it all – but particularly love your practical examples and break downs…
1. Kevin web application developer (.net, coldfusion)
2. Richland, Washington
3. I’ve been reading your site for the last 2 years and finally freed myself from 10 years of designing with tables
4. I started coming to your site when I started learning CSS. Yours was the first book I picked up and am now a disciple.
5. Don’t change a thing
1. Paul Roub, Software Developer and Musician
2. Originally? Cleveland, or suburbs thereof. Now? Melbourne, FL
3. Several years. Not sure just how long.
4. I’d bet a link from Zeldman, ALA, etc. to a particularly in-depth CSS post
5. Process articles — from 0 (or bad) CSS to great, perhaps from real projects of yours, straw man code, ugly sites designed by coders like… oh, me… The thought process leading to the solution is what’s interesting to me. The end results are easy to see and inspect.
1. Scott Vandehey, 28-year-old CSS Developer
2. From Portland, OR
3. Hmmm… several years now
4. since someone first turned me onto your CSS experiments. (might have been alistapart or webmonkey)
5. No changed needed here, I like your content. It’s always great to see you talking about the state of the industry, giving CSS tips, and I even dig the non-tech stuff. I really liked your article(s) about teaching sign language to your kid.
Who are you ?
Jon Rogers, ICT and design teacher, Arden School
Where are you from?
Coventry, UK
How long have you been visiting this site?
Three years, two years subscribed on RSS
What was it that first brought you to meyerweb?
CSS Examples, probably layouts or the Edge
What would you like to read more (or less) about here on meyerweb?
I remember getting excited about S5 and then not using it any more. Id like to think it can continue to be developed and I would love to use it in some of my teaching and on-line examples
1. Matt Winckler, intranet web developer
2. Pasco, Washington
3. Directly for a couple years, via RSS for 6-8 months
4. You’re famous, man! How could I possibly do anything CSS-related and *not* end up at meyerweb? ;-)
5. I agree with Sander’s comment above: write about what you like. People who write well are always enjoyable to read, regardless of what they’re writing about.
I’m Owen Gregory, a Web designer based in Birmingham, UK. That’s #1 and #2. I’ve been coming round your place for some years now, directly at first, but almost always via RSS these days. It was all the CSS goodness I found elsewhere with your name on it that prompted me to visit here and I’ve been sitting in the corner ever since, quietly minding my own business. I’m happy for you to keep things up as they are. Lovely.
Deirdre Saoirse Moen, UI Engineer, working primarily in Ruby on Rails. This means Ruby + Javascript (including Ajax) + CSS + databases. Historically, I’ve been a more back-end developer, having worked on diverse projects like the Be Internet Appliance, TiVo service, and other fun stuff including rockets, power plants, and shrink-wrap software.
I’m from Menlo Park, California, on the San Francisco peninsula.
I’ve been visiting the site for somewhere between two and three years, primarily because I kept running into your site when looking up things about CSS when I started learning it two years ago. I’ve become more interested in web standards, especially now that I’m having to fight the monster (browser compatibility) more often than I was before.
I’m always interested in where the web is going — and how we’re going to get there.
1. Neill Harmer. Web Developer/CSS Nut/Project Manager.
2. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
3. I don’t remember how long I’ve been coming here, since the dawn of time maybe.
4. Your book brought me here.
5. I can NEVER read to much about CSS..EVER. But I also like to read about people and what they do.
Tim Kuhn ASP.NET developer
Seattle WA
Been visiting 3 years or so, RSS and click through
I first stumbled upon this site through “Caption Help” the original believe it or not.
I enjoyed your talk at An Event Apart on layouts, more of that would be nice, that and you humorous bits.
1. I’m Paul Waite, web developer (Just HTML, CSS, JavaScript).
2. I’m from London, England.
3. I think I’ve been visiting since 2003.
4. I was at university studying law. I’d been fiddling about on my hot pink iMac, trying to make web sites with Adobe Pagemill 2.0. I’d had a look at some of the source code, and started fiddling there too. One day, I came across the web site for the Japanese film Battle Royale. I couldn’t imagine how I’d achieve that look with HTML, so I viewed source, and saw a .css extension. After looking at a few web pages, I decided I needed a book. CSS: The Definitive Guide sounded good.
A little more than one year after that, I was web developing for a living. Under-qualified? Certainly. But Mr Meyer’s book was one heck of a foundation.
5. I like meyerweb just as it is. The granddaddy of CSS, still rocking out with style and poise. Like Evan Dando but for geeks.
1) Tom Moore, I.T. drone
2) Cleveland Hts. OH
3) Two years give or take
4) Thinking I might have time to learn CSS, let alone web design.
5) Eric should tell Apple “what’s up” and help develop a decent iWeb2, a program so simple, even a lunkhead like me can use.
1. Brian Wisti, random geek (currently Perl Developer @
2. Seattle, Washington
3. Very intermittently since late 2001.
4. css/edge – I got tired of the minimal black and white stuff I was coming up with on my own, wanted to see some more daring applications of CSS.
5. I’ve always been entertained just reading about whatever is entertaining you at the moment. So … umm … keep doing that.
1. Billy Mabray, Web Developer
2. Yukon, OK
3. Since 2002
4. When I was first learning about CSS, I went looking for a good book on the subject. I had narrowed it down to either The Definitive Guide or a book by another author. I had about decided to go with the other guy’s book (at the time, it covered more about CSS2) when I went to look at his web site. It was a mess — a terrible misuse of CSS. So, I checked out Meyerweb — and I was blown away. Here I found the kind of things I wanted to learn how to do.
5. I’d like to see you demo some CSS3 stuff, maybe as a whole new css/edge.
1. Wilco Fiers, webdeveloper at Schippers Europe
2. Little place near Tilburg, Netherlands
3. About 6 months.
4. I’ve just started off my career, having finished with fulltime edjucation. I came to read feeds of the more interesting web developers.
5. I’d like to read some more of your experience developing sites, the way you go about it and the things you come accross.
1. Jaakko, web designer/developer
2. Finland
3. 3 years
4. After reading the first edition of DWWS which mentioned this website, I found my way here. Then I got interested in your books and the rest is history.
5. A bit more regular updates, doesn’t really matter what the topic is. XHTML/CSS or general things about life. It’s always interesting.
1. Mark Bradbourne, Business Intelligence/Data Warehouse Developer (Part-Time Web Hack)
2. Cleveland
3. Since Peter got married… 2000? 1999?
4. Met you and Kat at the wedding, so I just checked it out… then I got in to CSS and frequented the site more often.
5. I’m always a fan of example layouts in CSS… that and Caroline stories :)
Haven’t see you guys in ages, we should get together sometime soon.
1. Steve. Web designer/developer/editor/jack of all trades for an international development charity. Our team is two people, so if it’s vaguely internet related (main website, microsites, intranet, extranets, html emails, etc) I end up doing it!
2. Originally from Cambridge, now in London.
3. Maybe a year or two?
4. I can’t remember – probably googling something CSS related.
5. Well, CSS stuff helps me not feel guilty for reading at work ;)
1. Matt Dawson, Internet Marketing Manager for an environemental non-profit in the South. I’m the whole department, and have only been doing web design for a little over a year. Your site is a big help.
2.Virginia, USA
3. Oh, about all of six months.
4. I first saw your site via a google search, but I became a regular visitor after buying the O’Reilly book.
5. I’d love to see a “stuff you should already know” type section for the absolute beginner. Granted that may be some dry stuff to write (and read for many) but to others it could be quite useful. Otherwise, the content you’ve been posting is spot on!
1. De-lurking is harder than you may think! ;)
I am an XHTML, CSS, SEO expert for a fairly large company.
2. Richland, Washington
3. ~2001
4. It was the fish book and a trip to a conference in Seattle where I met you. I have been hooked on CSS ever since.
5. I enjoy reading what you write. Just keep writing.
Sherri Johnson: web developer for 12 years (primarily front-end focused), children’s illustrator (see my link above), tinkerer, riddler, singer, and mom of a daughter who just turned 3 today.
Philadelphia area, PA
Hmm…I think I’ve been visiting regularly for about a year now (finally got on board the RSS bandwagon :-).
I first found your CSS/Edge pages, and was mightily impressed. Between that and CSS Zen Garden, you were definitely a major influence in my decision to finally give up tables and embrace CSS.
I think you should write about whatever you want as well…this is your blog! We’re here because we like what you write. But since you asked so nicely…A pet topic I’d love to see more of is CSS as it relates to printing. Not so much a special layout and stylesheet for printing articles, but how to handle printing difficulties with a CSS layout when they want a WYSIWYG printing experience and it just blows up…not many resources out there address that particular difficulty with pure CSS layouts.
1. Scott Elkin, Web Developer/DBA/.NET Developer
2. LA, Baby!
3. Maybe a few years?
4. Read “Eric Meyer on CSS” and it blew me away.
5. Anything technical or CSS related.
1. Bryan Davis; Trumpet player and Web design enthusiast
2. Leeds, UK but on tour in the US right now.
3. A while – 3 years or more.
4. I don’t remember; probably a web search for CSS tutorials.
5. I enjoy it all. The CSS and Standards stuff is great but it’s nice to read a bit about the man too.
1. Niko Neugebauer, Developer
2. Lisbon, Portugal
3. 2.5 years i believe, i do not really remember to be honest
4. Search on the net i think
5. I am interested in surging technologies and new directions the web is going in your opinion, new formats & co, also any new tips/tricks you discover are also very appreciated. Another idea would be existing work bashing and suggestions on how to improve it – for example ask someone to send a site he/she/they implemented and then tell whats wrong and what is right, as you see it. It will take a breath away from a lot of developers, i think =O)
1. Juan Manuel Zamudio Lujan, Web and software developer
2. Mexico city
3. Since 2003
4. I asked a question about good books in CSS in the dreamweaver forum, and every post recommended one of your books.
5. I think the site is great, i enjoy reading the CSS stuff and the personal stuff.
1. Real name: Dean Matsueda, Graphic Designer + Web Developer
2. San Francisco, California
3. Three, four years now
4. I think it was a link from my friend, Min Jung Kim, and her blog that first brought me here. I kept coming back after reading about you on Zeldman’s site thanking you for helping him with his CSS code on this c.2002 site.
5. I like hearing about the consulting work you do — with Apple; with (then) Macromedia and Dreamweaver. It’s just good to hear how these companies are “getting it” with web standards. I’d like to hear more about microformats which, I still don’t quite understand. And, would love to hear some stories from your days at Netscape/AOL and being a standards eveangelist.
Oh, and your thoughts on changing the W3 was interesting and would like to hear more about your thoughts on the WHATWG and the directions that web browsers and other web user-agents are heading towards.
In short, a little about your past; what’s going on now; and your perspective on the future space of the web.
1) Ken Ray, Web Developer
2) Jackson, Mississippi (originally from Sydney, Australia)
3) Two or three years
4) “Eric Meyer on CSS”
5) All of it – technical, design, and your personal side.
1. Paul McCann, web designer, HTML/CSS instructor
2. Chicago (Evanston IL actually)
3. I’m not sure, I’ve had your link in my sidebar for years.
4. Again, not sure, your books came after finding your site (well, maybe not before getting The Definitive Guide)
5. Whatever you want to write about. But I can never learn too much about CSS.
1. Angela, Web Designer and Small Business Owner
2. Colorado
3. I’ve been visiting your site for about a year, but not often.
4. “More Eric Meyer on CSS” and more recently from
5. Anything on CSS and standards, web design, search, W3C and anything related.
Thank you for all you do and what you write about.
1. Rob, Web Design student.
2. winnipeg, manitoba, canada
3. about 4 or 5 minutes
4. im sitting in class, searching the web for people talking about css, vs tables, and i found this site, which led me to you, in hopes of seeing some sort of “style switchers”.
i haven’t found them yet, but i like what i’ve seen so far.
5. im going to go look for these style switchers, and then bookmark and come back later for some more of whatever you’re serving.
Goulven Champenois, Standards Web Developer
Lyon, France
I first came by something like 5 years ago, but I’ve been a regular RSS reader for the last 2 years now.
Google, of course! Looking for CSS enlightenment… and solution to an immediate problem. :-)
Well, I’ll leave that up to you, your articles are always worth a read but I also liked when you wrote about things less Internet too. Keep it up!
1. Ara Pehlivanian, client side web developer and tech lead for a firm in Montreal, Canada. Building websites since 1997.
2. Montreal, Canada
3. A few years now
4. A List Apart
5. Specifics on web building (experience based wisdom)
1. Ian Adams. I’m a software tester, artist and general webmonkey, but I’m trying to immigrate to Canada and work in the film industry there.
2. I’m from Seattle, WA and have lived here most of my life.
3. I’ve been visiting this site for about 3 years now.
4. CSS / edge, definitely. I was learning about CSS design, and that site was really helpful.
5. I don’t really know. I think it’s fine the way it is.
1 .Blair Millen – Web Designer
2. Glasgow, UK
3. About 2001… or thereabouts
4. Your expert knowledge and occasional humourous post
5. I’m always interested in finding out about new CSS techniques (like CSS3) and also useful web design related posts (on things like Akismet etc.). As well as this I always enjoy your personal posts, which are usually well-written and humourous
1. Anne-Sophie Cauwe, music teacher and interested in web design
2. Belgium
3. 3 or 4 years
4. I don’t remember, a link somewhere, or Eric Meyer on css.
5. Everything technical, but also the personal side. I loved it when you talked about your daugher.
1. Martin Bekkelund, Senior Solution Architect (in web related stuff).
2. Oslo, Norway.
3. I’ve been around for several years. Can’t really remember. Sorry.
4. I seem to remember that it was your CSS examples at css / edge.
5. Keep up the good writing on web standards and related topics.
1. Justin Kozuch, Web Designer
2. Toronto, ON
3. 2-3 years
4. Someone told me Eric Meyer is sexy, so I had to see for myself. Not quite sure yet, I don’t swing that way.
5. Anything at all! I’m not picky at all.
1. Elaine Nelson, all-around web gal. just came to a credit union after 6 years at a community college.
2. Olympia, WA
3 & 4 — came here for css-edge, aeons ago. (2000, maybe?) I don’t remember when I started reading the blog, only that it was one of the earliest ones to go in my feedreader.
5. I found your series on W3C issues fascinating, would love to hear more about that sort of thing from your POV. OTOH, I like the little personal stuff, too.
1. Adrian Rinehart-Balfe, Diesel Mechanic/Web Designer
2. Wausau, Wisconsin, USA.
3. Roughly 5 years.
4. Researching CSS.
5. Whatever floats your boat!
1. Jeff Allen, Web Designer,CSS,XHTML
2. Stevens Point, WI USA
3. Since 1998 (HTML and RSS)
4. CSS Edge, Then articles and books
5. More on how/why CSS works the way it does, the technical stuff, the neat “Why this technique works / doesn’t work” kind of stuff.
1. Jefff Kirkland, Web Developer
2. Nashua, NH, USA
3. Since 2000 ( HTML )
4.At first, I surfed in via Google to CSS Edge. After that it was because my thirst for CSS knowledge.
5. The content here is always great, but more examples of using CSS would be great. (ie: taking a Restaurant menu and putting it on to the web, using CSS to format it, stuff along those lines).
1. Steve Tucker. 23 year old web developer
2. Huddersfield, England
3. about 2 years(ish)
4. CSS/Edge!!!
5. Enjoy reading about basic xhtml and CSS – gets my mind off the complex stuff for a bit ;). Some more of that certainly would’nt miss the spot!
1. Dave Mead, Director of Production, Web Developer
2. Cleveland, Ohio, USA
3. Around 2002 I think, definitely pre-RSS
4. Trying to figure out that whole CSS thing
5. I like the current blend of personal and code posts
Well my name is on the post but it’s Bob Simonette aka Bongo (I play Latin/African percussion). I’m an instructor in the Web Design and Development department at Texas State Technical College.
I’m from New York (Long Island) but live in Waco Texas.
I’ve been visiting for several years now, maybe since 02?
I think I was first brought here either through Molly’s site or your CSS guide book. I’ve seen you at SXSW a few times and have used you books in my classes.
As for what I would like to read about, well since I have my students check out the site, pretty much anything you have to say about anything. Personally I was really excited about S5 and started using in in the classroom, however it has some issues with course management systems like WebCT, so if you know any tricks there.
Tom Thekathyil, nurseryman, Australia
Found this site 3-4 years ago searching for css info for my website.
Have had enough css to last me a lifetime; mainly visit the site these days to read about your charming daughter (serious!).
I’m just a random web developer/songwriter/sports enthusiast/etc in western NY who’s been reading your site (among other web developer blogs) since sometime about 6+ years ago. I really don’t know what else to say about myself.
1. Beth, Information Technology Specialist in a large academic library
2. Born: Sheffield Alabama, lived in Alabama, Hawaii, Florida and back in Alabama
3. visiting a year or 2
4. Don’t remember – but I was probably trying to figure out a tough CSS problem.
5I’m a random reader, so I find most of it interesting – more interesting than the stuff I find to write about!
Chimene from Oklahoma City, OK. Instructor of XHTML/CSS
After my first class in CSS from the HTML Writer’s Guild, I stopped by and have been visiting ever since.
I took your first advanced CSS course from HWG. Great experience. :) I use two of your books for my classes and appreciate having these resources.
Always appreciate the articles and web support and project examples for your books. More would be wonderful.
Brian, title is Web Team Lead, but I knock around ColdFusion, CSS, Web Design, and web-based apps…currently as a contractor for the US Air Force.
Live in Missouri, Work in Illinois, but I left parts of my soul in California, Nevada, and Alaska.
Been Lurking the site for about 4 years…started here when I needed to understand CSS positioning — and it seemed like the best resource at the time :)
Always looking for new ways to stretch current implementations until CSS-3 comes along and solves the world’s ills, cures hunger, and makes the internet safe for mankind :) … mostly today though is insuring site compatibilities with today’s (and yesterday’s) browsers.
I went a little bananas over Cars movie diecast cars. I love military aviation — I worked with B-52s, the SR-71, the U-2, the F-117, the B-2…but the throb of Sea Furys and Mustangs at the Reno Air Races is Heaven…
Weeeeee 100th comment!
1. Senior Application Developer in Washington DC Area. All about ColdFusion, Flex and Standards
2. Originally from California, grew up in New Jersey (South!) Live in Baltimore with wife and kids
3. A Few years now on and off
4. Umm did someone mention CSS ?
5. Always CSS and Standards. How all this also plays into IA /ID / UI processe decisions. Big picture outlook Regardless always find the site useful.
1. Chester Bullock, Web Development Manager, Colorado AAA
2. Colorado
3. Since 2000 or so, when I last saw you at a Web Developer’s Conference at the Moscone Center
4. See #3
5. I like the variety of subjects you touch on, from personal to professional.
I’m a marketing guy and affiliate manager at jpc ( a music, movies and books online store in germany. In my rare spare time I’m working on XHTML and CSS for myself and some customers.
I’m from Bad Laer, Germany. You’ll find me on frappr.
I know your site since about 2003.
I was searching for some solutions on CSS problems—and found them on your site. Helped me a lot and does that still.
Just do it the way you like. Stay close to CSS and make our lives as webworkers a bit easier.
Hi Eric,
I’m Edoardo, 1/3 prepress/print designer, 1/3 web designer and 1/3 developer (on and off the web); I live in a beautiful small town called Cherasco, in the northern part of Italy.
I can’t remember when and what, but I think I’ve been reading you for 5 years and more, starting with the Spiral Demo. But I’m not subscribed to your RSS…
And of course you should write what you feel better… it’s always worth reading.
1. Dave. Research scientist by day, occasional hobbyist web guy by night. Designed my first website back in 1998 for a university department that I was working at the time (tables, tables and more tables, all hand made).
2. Indianapolis
3. Several years, off and on.
4. Did I mention I used to design and maintain a website with lots and lots of tables, written by hand? 3 letters: CSS
5. Hmmm, that’s a toughie. Since I keep coming back you must be doing something right.
1. Robert Currie, student!
2. Dundee, Scotland.
3. About twenty minutes ;-)
4. I’m studying web design and my course leader had CSS/EDGE recommended. Found my way here somehow. Weirdly, I just noticed you wrote a book on my shelf (CSS: The definateive guide). Which is just far too coincidental to be normal. They must have changed something in the matrix…
5. Well I really just got here, so I couldn’t comment!
1. Richard Rutter, web site designer (is what I tell my public)
2. From Woking (in the London commuter belt) now happily living Brighton
3. Been visiting for many years, since before RSS
4. The mighty Eric Meyer, of course (so CSS stuff then)
5. Whatever you feel you need to write about. Techie stuff is always good, punctuated with snippets of life
1. Andy Hume, Web Developer.
2. London, UK.
3. A fair while.
4. Eric Meyer on CSS – so I guess that means 02/03 ish.
5. Technical – design – personal, it’s all great. :)
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