WordPress Tools: MW Comments/Trackbacks

This plugin contains two functions. The first, mw_comments, returns the comments for a given post, or else a count of how many there are, depending on the parameter you pass it. The second function, mw_trackbacks, does the same for trackbacks and pingbacks. The counting capability makes it easy to do MT-style comment/trackback counts on a post (i.e., "C:1 T:3").

Functional Reference

<?php function mw_comments('param') ?>
param (string)
If set to 'count', the function will return the number of comments for the current post. Any other value is ignored, and results in a return of the actual comments. Defaults to '' (null string).
<?php function mw_trackbacks('param') ?>
param (string)
If set to 'count', the function will return the number of trackbacks and pingbacks for the current post. Any other value is ignored, and results in a return of the actual trackbacks and pingbacks. Defaults to '' (null string).