500 Internal server error
Unfortunately, something has gone horribly wrong here at meyerweb. It’s possible that a script has failed, or that the Apache configuration has gone south. Whatever has happened, it will hopefully be corrected in short order.
Once things get back to normal, you might be interested in visiting some of the most common destinations around here:
- CSS Reset, a starting point for making browsers act more consistently
- A timeline of CSS module activity
- CSS Color Equivalents Table
- Color Blender, which lets you blend two colors together
- The URL Decoder/Encoder, which lets you URL-encode strings of text, or turn URL-encoded text into plainer strings
- S5, the Simple Standards-Based Slide Show System
- HYDESim, the High-Yield Detonation Effect Simulator
- Information about Rebecca Alison Meyer
If you’re interested in other writing by Eric, including his O’Reilly and New Riders books about CSS, you could always check out his Writing page.
If none of this helped, we apologize for the inconvenience. Our final suggestion is that, once the server stops throwing internal errors, you head to the main page of the site and try to find what you want from there.