Hot Hot Hot!

Published 21 years, 4 months past

Greetings from fabulously hot Las Vegas, where TODCON MX is about halfway to done.  Another few degrees and it’ll be burnt.  Kat and I walked off the plane and the jetway was quite toasty, and then as we left it for the cool airport terminal, we were greeted by several rows of slot machines blinking and booping and warbling.  Right there in the terminal.  Within five steps I turned to Kat and said, “Okay, I officially hate this place.”

I feel the same way every time I’m on a casino floor.  Fortunately I’ve been able to largely avoid them, and concentrate on things like conference activities and wireless access.

So far I’ve given one talk and have two to go, the next one coming just after lunch today.  The brilliant and beautiful Angela Buraglia seems to have liked my keynote, which was nice to see—especially since her son also appears to appreciate my work.

This has been a particularly interesting conference because, with the exception of Molly, every one of the attendees is someone I’d never before met in person.  Many of them I know from online work and correspondence, of course, but it’s always good to associate a physical presence with a name.  Or, in this case, a whole bunch of names.

As for dinner last night… well.  This is definitely a fun group of folks, that’s for sure, and surprisingly difficult to offend.  The advertisements all claim that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but I may soon have some photographic evidence to the contrary.  (Insert evil chuckle here.)

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