Last-Minute News

Published 20 years, 9 months past

As the Complex Spiral Consulting site now says, I’ll be speaking at the University of Iowa Web Camp next week.  In addition to delivering an updated version of “The Standards Payoff” as the keynote address, I’ll also be conducting a two-hour look at converting a table-driven design to CSS-driven presentation.  In this case, I took the President’s Welcome page and reduced the weight of its HTML document by about 72% while dropping the number of associated files it has to load by 75%.  The session will take an in-depth look at how the markup changed and how the CSS works.  If time permits, I’ll also discuss potential improvements to the IT Security Office’s Best Practices page.

So if you’re in the area and want to drop by, go register.  It’s free!

Apologies for the last-minute notice, especially as this is my last public appearance for a little while (although I’ll be doing a number of presentations for clients over the next few months).  I’ve been very busy lately on a number of projects and travelling quite a bit to boot.  Plus it looks like my break from writing may come to a premature end… but more on that once things are finalized.

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