S5 Primer Online

Published 20 years, 4 months past

For those who aren’t sure how to tackle creating an S5 presentation, I’ve put a basic primer online.  In addition to explaining the basics of an S5 presentation, it links to a ZIP archive of a “blank” presentation, so you can use that as the basis for any presentations you create.

I’m planning to write in the near future a short guide on how to switch themes.  It isn’t quite as simple as it first sounds, mostly because of the possibility that an author would create a theme package containing only the files that need to be replaced, instead of everything that usually goes in the ui/ directory.

Like it says at the end of the primer, let me know if anything’s missing or unclear.

Comments (4)

  1. The primer is very helpful and informative. The only thing I see missing is an explanation of the presentation controls (next slide, the hidden nav menu, etc). There is something mentioned about pressing the spacebar to advance to the next slide, but perhaps you should include a full list of controls for using the presentation in the primer. A sidebar with commands/tools?

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    Two Ells

    S5: A Simple Standards-Based Slide Show System
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  3. Thanks for the primer. Keep it up! ;-)

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    Penmachine words music comment

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