Spam, Part One

Published 19 years, 11 months past

I recently started receiving, for no readily apparent reason, bloated HTML e-mail from Dakota Air Parts, whose site is as lovely as their unsolicited e-mail tactics.  Anyway, I noticed that the mail was coming from what appeared to be a single human, and given that the message also included their 701 area code phone numbers, mailing address, and so on, I could reasonably go ahead and respond with a removal request.  I sort of had to, since there wasn’t a dedicated address for unsubscribe requests.

So off went my response, stating that I’d never asked for the mail and would like to stop receiving it pronto.  Not a few minutes later, I received a new message.  Here’s how it started out:

K.C. here,

I'm protecting myself from receiving junk mail.

Just this once, click on the link below so I can receive your emails.
You won't have to do this again.

So in order to stop receiving junk mail from K.C., I had to prove that my mail to him wasn’t junk.

Ah… the sweet, sweet taste of irony, mixed with bold hints of utter cluelessness.  So delicious.

Comments (12)

  1. Amusing, but why are you giving these guys a significant Google boost by linking to them from a popular site in a hyperlink with their name in it?

  2. Ah, but I didn’t, as an inspection of the page’s markup will reveal.

  3. Heh.

    I used to work for one of the… shell corporations? tax shelters? whatever… that are associated with Dakota Air Parts. They’re all owned and/or operated by KC, and he loves to spam. Adores it. Had an email harvester running on the computer in his office.

    He has the scruples of a lawyer, an ambulance-chasing one. His hypocrisy in requiring you to validate your humanity is just the tip of the iceberg… and sadly, he’s not clueless. He knows exactly what he’s doing; he’s a spammer, and he likes it that way. Just one sale is worth the collateral damage.

  4. Looks as even the spammers don’t like spam. Imagine that!

    K.C. does need to spend more time getting a useful, nice looking site…less time on his spam. Too bad he sees the spam as more beneficial to his company than having a nice, well organized website.

  5. Can you explain why you didn’t?

  6. Because of the rel=”nofollow” part of the link tag. As explained here.

  7. Trackback ::

    The Pasta Bowl

    Do Unto Others…

    Apparently some spammers have never heard of the golden rule….

  8. Because Eric used the “nofollow” attribute on the link, reflecting Google’s new policy:

    Kudos to Google!
    (and the others who are following suit…)

  9. Comments from the abyss obviously…. The “Darkside” obviously likes hiding like little people often do—probably failed at the job here.

    I find the comments amusing;) Keep up the great work guys!!! I enjoy the reading!

    Best Regards,

    ps. Try to cheer up!

  10. BTW—Your books have been an inspiration for us at Thanks to you, our emails are “purdier” than ever. Keep up the good work and we are looking forward to your new book release.

  11. I’ve also been receiving a whole bunch of cr@p from Dakota Air Parts. What is even worse is that their ISP, 702 Communications is fully aware of what they are doing and refuse to do anything about it.

  12. Pingback ::

    Tim Flight » Blog Archive » Dakota Air Parts are Spamers

    […] Michael Heitland didn’t respond. So I started to do a little more research and found more people complaining about Dakota Air Parts. And there was an interestin […]

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