Hacking Weather Widget Hacking
Published 19 years, 9 months pastJohn Gruber just posted a great article on how to take the Weather Dashboard widget in Tiger and hack it to add a “last updated” time. It’s not only useful, but it’s also a wonderful introduction to the simplicity of widgets. If you can hack on XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript—as I expect most visitors to this site can—then you can alter or create a Dashboard widget.
However, there was one thing I didn’t like about John’s hack: he converted the 24-hour time already stored by the widget into 12-hour AM/PM time. I prefer 24-hour time, as do most people outside the United States (which I am not, but never mind that now), and sticking to 24-hour time makes the script addition even simpler. So here’s my quick modification of John’s JavaScript to result in a time like “1450” instead of “2:50 pm” or “0307” instead of “3:07 am”.
// Format the time of the last data refresh var h = object.time.hour; var m = object.time.minute; if (h < 10) { h = '0' + h; } if (m < 10) { m = '0' + m; } document.getElementById('updatetime').innerText = h + m;
Other than that, do everything just like John says to do. Share and enjoy!
Comments (5)
And if you prefer to leave in the “:” with the 24-hour display, change the last line to:
h + ‘:’ + m;
Anyway, thanks Eric (and John)!
But does it work in metric time?
I think most of us guys in the UK prefer 12 hour time too.
I’m in the UK, and I much prefer the 24 hour clock.
However, that’s because when I was younger I spent most of my time lying in front of the fire watching TV, and got my time from the VCR…
Rather than display the date in 24-hour format, why not instead show something like “18 minutes ago”? Instructions and details here: