Speaking Out

Published 19 years, 6 months past

Just a reminder to all of you in the Chicago, IL area that I’ll be talking about XHTML, CSS, and that sort of thing on Thursday, 4 3 November 2005.  I’ll be talking all day long, or close to it, as I delve into details, rebuild a design or two, and answer questions from the attendees.  If you’re interested, check out the Carson Workshops site for more information on this and other workshops.

If you’re in Philadelphia, of course, you’ll want to check out An Event Apart, where Mr. Zeldman and I will trade off talking all day.  Seats have been selling pretty briskly, so if you’re interested, you might want to register soon.

I’d encourage all you Strayans to register for WE05, except it’s completely sold out.  The same is very nearly true of UI10, from what I’m told.  Things are definitely picking up on the events circuit!

Which is a good thing for me… after all, how else am I going to reach Gold Elite status?  (I wonder if I get an energy sword for that.)

Comments (5)

  1. Don’t you mean a Plasma Sword? Or maybe you’ll just have to live with a Banshee and a Plasma Rifle…

  2. Ergh… Pressed back and had to type that out again… Forgot the on-topic bit.

    I’d love to come to, well, any of those, but all out of the UK, so out of question for me…

  3. Ummm, Thursday is the 3rd of November.

  4. Would be nice to see you in Europe once!

  5. Mr. Meyer, looking forward to Thursday’s class in Chicago! My colleague and I will be up front: I in the blue scooter, he, some call him “Tim,” in the next seat listening to you and his laptop’s screen reader. (He’s why Gillian of Carson Workshops asked you about the accessibility of the course materials.) We are fighting the Standards and Accessibility fight within our Corporate Monolith and hope to learn techniques from you to pass onto all those table-using coders we encounter. If there be time, maybe you and I can gush about our kids together (http://www.crazyjester.com/CJ).

    See you on Thursday!

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