Somebody Must’ve Been Tanked
Published 19 years, 4 months pastThis afternoon, I spotted the following sitting in a driving rain on a street corner half a block away from our house.

This afternoon, I spotted the following sitting in a driving rain on a street corner half a block away from our house.
Comments (11)
I believe the sign’s creator was completely sober, and just being snarky. :-)
Maybe some people still have not realised, that oil is going to be short very soon.
The author of this sign, just wanted to give attention to this issue. If I come along this sign, I will honk.
How far would you have to drive to pass this sign, Thomas? Might be worth it just to get to blow your horn. ;-)
Tanked… or possibly siphoned… although I am not discounting snarky either… Thanks for this timely remind of the current state of affairs… LOL
Would it be ironic to honk if you’re driving a hybrid?
No, I believe the sign intends for hydrid owners to honk. But us regular gas-guzzlin’ folks could also conserve gas — simply by carpooling or by abstaining from taking long and/or useless trips. I don’t think there’s any irony in the sign — driving a car with an internal combustion engine down a street doesn’t necessarily restrict you from conserving fuel.
Jack: I think that the sign embodies irony. Heh. Unless of course it meant flatulence.
Honking uses electricity. The alternator converts gas into electrical energy. Admittedly a very small amount. But what if we had a “conserve gas day”, and at a given time, say midday, everyone around the world who was conserving gas honked. I wonder how much gas that would use. My quick calculations, alright a stab in the dark, have shown the amount would be a fair bit of gas.
I think I just kicked our coal-fired power stations into overdrive writing this crud.
So did you honk or what?
Didn’t you ever hear about “oil peak” aka “Hubbert peak” ?
Simply try this:
or this:
Man I can just imagine the happy driver honking and getting it about half a mile down the road and feeling like a complete idiot…the kind of thing I would fall for.
Clever roadside satire…