Family Leave

Published 21 years, 5 days past

Travel and work have conspired to keep me from updating in a while.  We headed off to New York City (or at least its eastern suburbs) for an extended weekend at Kat’s parents’ house, so Carolyn’s now taken her first two airline flights.  She was really well behaved, which was no doubt a relief to the people seated around us in the ERJ-135s (seating capacity: 37) we took to and from JFK.  Kat’s brother Neil flew in from San Francisco to meet his niece for the first time, and some friends and family in the area gathered on Sunday to meet Carolyn.  It’s a good thing she’s so cheerful and happy to meet new people.

While we were gone, I received some e-mail that hypothesized that last week’s masthead graphic was, um… was… er… let’s just say he wanted to know if it was an extreme anatomical closeup.  In a sense, the answer is “yes.”  It was a closeup from a picture of a giraffe’s eye taken from a distance of about two feet; the same picture, in fact, that I submitted to the Mirror Project.  I’ve been told that I should have an “About the Masthead” area of the site.  Somehow, I find it more fun to leave things a little mysterious, at least for the more abstract masthead images.  After all, if I explained everything up front, I wouldn’t get amusing e-mail.

There should be plenty of opportunities for you to guess.  This week’s masthead is #5 in a series of 26, and I expect I’ll have added even more before #26 goes up at the end of July.

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