Uncollapsing Margins

Published 19 years, 11 months past

At long last, I’ve published a new article at Complex Spiral: “Uncollapsing Margins“.  In it, I explore how margin collapsing can lead to weird behaviors, why these behaviors arise, and ways to work around it when you want a different result.  If you’ve ever tried to figure out why a heading’s top margin seems to disappear when it’s the first thing in a div, this article will be of interest.

Oh, and if you were having trouble reaching meyerweb in the last 24 hours, we done got Slashdotted.  They posted an article about S5, and the ensuing geek stampede crushed my bandwidth like it was an overripe grape.  An overripe grape run over by a steamroller.  Once the article fell off the Slashdot home page, things got back to normal.

Comments (2)

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    Where the in Hell did that space come from?
    A few months ago I spent a long weekend cursing margins and padding and css layout and computers and also Google (*gasp*). The reason I was practicing my invective was about 12 pixels of innocent space that decided to take up residence between my heade…

  2. Trackback ::

    Alex Jones

    Uncollapsing Margins

    Eric Meyer has published another great resource for the Web development community: Uncollapsing Margins discusses “how margin collapsing can lead to weird behaviors, why these behaviors arise, and ways to work around it when you want a different …