Speaking Assistance
Published 18 years, 4 weeks past-
This wiki is intended to be a place where those who are interested in becoming speakers (particularly, but not exclusively, in the web world) can come to get advice, mentoring and help. It is also intended to be a meeting place for those who are interested in helping others become speakers.
On the same site: an evolving (and evolvable) page containing Advice.
UltraNormal: How to Get to Speak at Web Conferences
…some practical suggestions for folks who want to gain some confidence in their own speaking abilities and how I worked up to presenting at conferences… I’ve spoken at a bunch of conferences over the past year, and well, this might help someone.
Bloggy Hell: Calling future speakers!
Below are a list of some of the events which encourage people to get up and speak about what they love. The list is Australian-centric, mainly because that is the circles I hang with, but I would love to hear of similar things going on around the world…
Comments (4)
These are great resoruces – thanks! After that whole painful (if important) debate about diversity last week, I really appreciate that you took the time to suggest some resources that might in some small way help the industry get on the right path.
Or did I totally misread this post? :)
Thanks, Eric ;)
nice to take a more constructive approach to the whole debate – rather than all this pointing of fingers which followed your post. It would be a shame to divert from the great conversations and posts online about ‘web stuff’ – which is what we all like to read/talk about…
I highly recommend Toastmasters for people who are interested in public speaking. Most Toastmaster clubs are happy to have guests visit them and decide if they want to join. If you live in the Maryland-DC-Metro area, check out the club I belong to: Vagabond Toastmasters
Eric, thanks so much for linking to the Make Me A Speaker! wiki — I started it in the hope that we could get some positive action out of the recent diversity debate and so far I’m delighted with the response :-)