Caught In The Camera Eye
Published 16 years, 8 months pastJust when you thought the whole embedded-video thing couldn’t get any worse, here I come with videos featuring, well, me.
The most recent is a short clip from one of my presentations at An Event Apart back in April, debug / reboot, where I comment at my usual pace on the suppression of quotation marks in my reset styles and why I think relying on browser-generated quotation marks is a bad idea. You also get to see my hair before it got to be the length it is now, which is even longer. There’s a complete transcription on that page, by the way, courtesy Mr. Z.
Then there’s the vaguely silly one, in which I attempt to debug my clothing while sitting in my living room. The main takeaway here, I think, is that my speech patterns on stage are just about the same as those in “regular life”. Pity my family.
So there’s me in the movies. It’s nowhere near as epic-ly mëtäl as some other folks’ videos, but I suppose we all do what we can.
One Comment
I have no heart to lie!
I can’t pretend a stranger
Is a long-awaited friend!
Thanks a lot, Eric. Now I’ll be annoying everyone I know with Rush lyrics all day.