Off the Wire
Published 21 years, 6 months pastThe TiBook’s Ethernet connection is all wireless now, thanks to the Netgear MR814 I installed yesterday. I discovered that the one place on the front porch I really wanted to have access is a complete dead zone, which is highly annoying. The rest of the house and the back yard all give me anywhere from 75% to 100% signal strength, and even the other half of the front porch wavers around 75%. But the part where we have the really comfortable chairs set up, not to mention several short tables for drinks and such, is just a huge cone of silence.
Eventually, I realized it was probably our screen windows. I’m pretty sure ours are a metal mesh, not vinyl, and if I’m correct it means they’re forming big impenetrable barriers to any WiFi signal. My experiment of walking out into the front yard and immediately getting 50% signal seems to confirm this. In all honesty, it’s probably just as well that there’s at least one area of the house that cuts me off from the Ethernet line.
To celebrate, I’m sitting here on the active side of my front porch, enjoying the sunny, breezy weather and listening to the cicadas while I share with you a few amusing and/or interesting things I’ve collected from various sources in the last few days:
- You may recall the Bork edition of Opera, and of course there have long been scripts that alter content to sound like Yoda or any number of other distinctive speech patterns. A close cousin to the Jive filter is Tha Shizzolator, courtesy everyone’s favorite rapper/porn artist, Snoop Dogg. I found its translation of meyerweb highly amusing—I love the fact that it turns a reference to Doug and Tantek into “bomb diggity muthas”—and can hardly wait to see what it does with this entry. Societal note: if you are offended by certain “naughty” words, or live/work in a place characterized by easy offense, you may want to avoid the Shizzolator. I’m just sayin’. Interesting technical note: the entity
. I have no idea why. - I never enjoyed the group pictures taken ad nauseam throughout my senior year of high school, but at least none of them ended like this one did. Takes ponding to a whole new level, really.
- Speaking of group photos gone horribly wrong, this one also features a soaking. The difference is in the liquid vector, and of course there’s a little more intention behind this one. I just hope that was the last picture in the series, instead of the first one. There’s one guy toward the left side of the group who seems to be a little more aware than the rest. Or maybe he just had forewarning.
- Badger aerobics were never so… odd. I got this from Jeff Veen, who was dead on when he said, “Every single person you know is about to send you a link to this.” You may as well just get it over with now. How long can you stand to let it run? I timed out after roughly five minutes.
- This little Flash movie is funny in certain ways, and yet not funny in too many others. Likely to be offensive to people who have an aversion to inconvenient truths.
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Elliott C. Back, Cornell Student
Fo real. Tha Shizzolator!!