MEMoC Under Review
Published 20 years, 10 months past
Andy King, author of the excellent Speed Up Your Site and purveyor of fine content at the new Optimization Week, has posted a very nice review of More Eric Meyer on CSS. I think this might be the first official review of the book, and if he posts it over at Amazon it will very likely be the first review there as well be one of the first few reviews over there (someone posted the first review some time today!).
According to Andy, Jeffrey Zeldman (who just launched a superfine redesign over at The Daily Report) and I “actually make standards sexy.” Oh, yes, big boy… mark up my content, you style stud, you…
Okay, I promise never to do that again.
If there are other reviews out there and I’ve missed them, please let me know!
Comments (7)
Your book is great. I bought it after reading a review from
I work at a small liberal arts college and am gearing up for a site redesign. I’m considering picking up Zeldman’s book along with one of Eric’s books on CSS. Should I go with the first book or the “More…” book? I know, pick up both. However, on a college salary (along with a new baby), that’s not possible. Thanks.
Well, I am still waiting on the mailman for your CSS DEfinitive Guide book to be reviewed. It seems that somewhere inbetween the Netherlands and UK there is a blockhole.
I own “cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide, 2nd edition” for a couple of weeks now, and already devoured it – almost – in full (no, really; could you ask the printer to use tastier paper next time?). Excellent stuff, Mr. Meyer! The waiting’s now for “More…” to add practical applications to the bare-bones theory.
Nice to see you allowing comments! There are actually a couple of reviews at Amazon now. 1 was up at the time I first read this post. The bookstore I buy from doesn’t allow reviews.
YAY!! Comments!! I bought two of your books, “CSS 2.0 Programmers Reference” and “More Eric Meyer on CSS.” Both books are excellent. Keep up the good work!
I’ve started a large comment – and deleted it, because this is for comments, not for novels :-)
Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge!
Best wishes from Germany