Web Essentials 05

Published 19 years, 9 months past

Just as I prepare to leave for WWW2005 in Japan, John Allsopp has announced the details for Web Essentials05  in Sydney this September.  Everyone’s fave Molly kicks things off with a keynote, and there will be some great speakers: Tantek Çelik, Jeff Veen, Kelly Goto, Derek Featherstone, Douglas Bowman, Russ Weakley, Cameron Adams, John Allsopp himself, and more.

Oh, and me.  I’ll be there, too.  You can get all the details at the WE05 web site.  I heard great things about WE04, so I’m really looking forward to WE05.  Hopefully I’ll see you there!  It’ll be a fair dinkum, and very likely truly bonzer, no worries.

Did I use any of those colloquialisms correctly?

Comments (9)

  1. Well, I live in Australia, and don’t think I’ve ever heard the colloquialism “truly bonzer”… so even if you didn’t use them correctly, chances are most Aussies wouldn’t know ;)

    Exciting stuff about WE05…

  2. Fair dinkum, Eric, that was some pretty crook Strayan you were speaking there.

    Still, provided you master the ubiquitous G’day, you be right. No worries :)

    WE04 was great – 05 should be even better. Hope I can get along this year as well.

  3. A fair dinkum what? You might say “It’ll be a fair dinkum good time” or “WE05 is fair dinkum” but you can’t say “It’ll be a fair dinkum”.

    And you might also say “I’ll have a bonzer of a good time”.

    I think bonzer is a derivative of bonanza and fair dinkum roughly translates as genuine.


    Oh, and I don’t think you can just say ‘no worries’. It’s more usually expressed as ‘no-worries-mate’. It’s like, you can’t tell someone to have no worries unless you also tell them that they are your mate – the two expressions go hand in hand.

  4. we will be preparing all our speakers for the language barrier, including the Aussie “acid test”:

    “cut the baloney mate and don’t come the raw prawn with me you doubl headed mullet”



  5. Not bad for a Yank, mate.

    “Fair dinkum” is used adjectivally: “It’ll be a fair dinkum ripper time”, “It’ll be fair dinkum”.

    “Bonza” is the usual spelling for that word in my experience. “Truly bonza” is a clanging mixture of social tones; “bloody bonza” is far more consistent.

    You’ll need some noun though; both “fair dinkum” and “bonza” are usually adjectives. “It’ll be a fair dinkum, bloody bonza ripper” would not be out of place, if rather enthusiastic.

    “No worries” is hard to get wrong :-)

    I agree with the advice on “g’day”; get that right, and much of the rest can be forgiven.

  6. Eric, you were ‘bang on’ – hope to see you there.

  7. If you hear people say g’day in Sydney – they are from elsewhere. Learn ‘my shout’ and you’ll be right.

  8. Mark, that’s a fully cyncial attitude of Sydney-siders, mate.

    Dead set. Eric, that’s terrific news about WE05! Can’t wait.

    See yez there. My shout! :P

  9. G’day? I hardly ever heard people say that while I was in the whole of Australia. The phrase that you *will* hear – a LOT – is ‘How’re ya goin’?’, Not ‘How are you doing?’. It definitely sounds strange at first but you get used to it.

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