Team Becca
Published 11 years, 6 months pastSome of our Cleveland friends have organized “Team Becca” as part of the 2013 Northeast Ohio CureSearch Walk for Children’s Cancer to be held in University Circle on the morning of Saturday, September 28. If anyone would like to join and walk the 1.75 mile course, please do; if you can’t join as a walker, please consider making a small donation to the team as a show of support. It would be much appreciated.
Kat and I hope to participate in the walk with Rebecca, but we won’t be able to commit until a week or so before the event. Basically, until we know our exact schedule and how Rebecca reacts to the sedation-and-radiation-and-chemotherapy regimen, we can’t commit to much of anything. But our friends will be there, and hopefully some of you will be there (either in person or in spirit), and if at all possible we’ll be there too.
One Comment
Eric Kat Becca Carolyn and Josh.
Did you see that we made a contribution? We will certainly be there in Spirit. Speaking of that I want to know your address in Cleveland. Harry inwardly is saying, “Turn around is fair play!!!”
Our love and support is with each of you.
(Aunt) Anne and Harry Always with us in Spirit.