Close to the Edge
Published 22 years, 1 week pastI’m trying to find out if there’s a country or other region in this world whose annual, monthly, or daily bandwidth consumption is in the vicinity of 700 terabytes (5.6 petabits). Searches for this type of information have so far come up empty; I was pointed to the Internet Traffic Report but its figures are too abstract to be useful to me, plus they seem to be based on ping times instead of actual bandwidth. Anyone have a pointer to freely available information along those lines?
Yesterday’s mail contained a copy of the shiny new book Cascading Style Sheets: The Designer’s Edge by Molly Holzschlag. It’s very, um, red. It’s also in full color throughout, chock full o’ information, presents some case studies of CSS-driven design, and talks about CSS and design as if they go together, which of course they do. I did technical editing and wrote the Foreword, where I said:
…CSS is a visual language, one that was meant to be used by designers from the beginning. Books aimed at that particular audience are long overdue, frankly, and I’m thrilled to see them emerging at long last. I’m even more thrilled that we’re getting one from Molly Holzschlag.
Personally I think Molly’s a really truly wonderful person and my wife agrees with me, so if you’re particularly worried about bias, there’s mine. One of them, at any rate. I also have a fondness for hot chai drinks, in case anyone’s keeping track.
Dear God, but this is just so wrong. That damn song they sing is still stuck in my head, which I’m sure was the point, but the visuals are even more vividly seared upon my memory. Requires Flash to actually see the full extent of the wrongness. Also requires that you not be at work or some other place of propriety, or in the presence of people who are easily offended, or be easily offended yourself.
Then again, far worse things are looming in the real world, and it won’t be cuddly cartoon characters who pay the price when the storm finally breaks.