AIGA Interview
Published 19 years, 3 months pastFor those of you who’ve always wanted to hear me talk very quickly over a phone connection: AIGA has put up a podcast of me talking with Liz Danzico about design, code, and An Event Apart. At the end of last week, they published a similar interview clip of The Zeldman. There are more interview clips to come from each of us in the next three weeks, so keep an eye on the AIGA site or their feed.
Originally these weren’t quite podcasts because they weren’t part of a feed, and thus had no enclosure to download through your aggregator. AIGA has fixed that now, and you can grab the AIGA podcast feed via the Podcast directory page. Or, if you want, go to the previously-linked individual resource pages and download the MP3 files directly. Either one works for me.
Comments (4)
Yeah I heard that podcast already (yesteday) and it sounded to me like she kind of cut you off short at the end there. After all Zeldman got a whole bunch more time than you did… They gave you a whopping 8:16 of as they put it “pure geek joy”
Is there anyway you can nudge AIGA into providing a transcript?
That was good, but the quality of the recording was really not splendid…
I think that it might be a good idea to exploit the resource of podcasting to further reach out to the table-based designers of the world. There’s no sense in getting complacent over the standards battle when really things are just beginning. I think it could be very, very effective to do a short podcast, possibly even a small series, covering the important topics…
My bubble is burst: you don’t sound like Lennier at all :-(