Taste the Vitamin

Published 18 years, 6 months past

The new weekly web-design ‘zine Vitamin (a.k.a. Yet Another Major New Project From The Carsons) launched earlier this week to generally positive notice from the design community.  I was glad to see this for three reasons.

  1. I wrote one of the launch articles, “Making Popular Layout Decisions“.  Although now that I think about it more, maybe that should have been “Making Unpopular Layout Decisions”.  Anyway, it’s a commentary piece that will probably annoy a few hard-core purists.  That always makes for a success in my book.
  2. I’m a member of the Advisory Board, so I have some stake in seeing it do well.  I’d hate to have things go badly due to my being a bad advisor!  Especially since I’m kind of new to the advisory game.
  3. It demonstrates that there’s plenty of room in the web design community for such resources.  Not that there’s anything wrong with what we have—after all, I love A List Apart so much, I wrote the markup!—but it’s a sign of renewed health and interest in the field.

Oh, and speaking of Carson projects, I hear this May’s Professional CSS XHTML Techniques workshop is almost sold out—so if you’re interested, better get cracking.  (The same is true for AEA Chicago, as it happens.)

Comments (7)

  1. Funny, I have literally just posted on Vitamin myself. Excellent site and glad to see so many high profile people involved. What impressed me was not all of the wonderful “A” list names ;) but rather the quality of the articles and training. Its just all a very high standard.

    Thought your article was excellent but my favourite has to be “How CRAP is your site design?”. Brilliant and really reminded me of the importance of basic design principles.

    Cant wait for the next issue :)

  2. the developer tutorials are delivered as mp3s….huuuuuh???

    [ I think those are recordings from the Carsons’ recent “Future of Web Apps” conference. -E. ]

  3. From your article:

    Here”s my point: <em>you can never satisfy everyone>/em> with your choices of Web design techniques.

    I hope that comes out encoded properly (speaking of which, any chance for a preview button for us commenters?); what I’m pointing out is the HTML tags visible in that sentence (8th paragraph).

    Aside from that, great article. Definitely one I’ll be printing up and hanging on my wall at work. :)

  4. Yet another fantastic resource from some fantastic minds. I’m hooked already!

  5. “What the blinking font am I talking about?” That looks like the beginning of a t-shirt design. Nice article!

  6. I’d buy that t-shirt.

    What other pseudo-expletives can we come up with? How about “Scrolling marquee!”… you could get a lot of venom/angst/frustration/pain into the first few letters of that.

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    […] le in the business, great articles etc. Vitamin was covered on several blogs and websites (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7…) as the »new place«, and the »natural place« for w […]

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