
Published 17 years, 4 weeks past

You probably don’t need me to tell you about today’s issue of A List Apart, but just in case you hit this entry in your feed reader before reaching the ALA feed, head on over.  If you have anything to do with web development, there’s news of a coming change that you absolutely need to read.

I know there will be many people who disagree with my take on version targeting.  As did I, at first.  Originally I wasn’t even going to be part of this ALA issue but as I argued with Aaron about it on the ALA editorial board and started to shift my perspective, we realized that having someone document that thinking process would be valuable.  So I did.

Already I’ve seen a lot of negative reactions to the idea, and they remind me of my initial reactions.  That’s not to say that my views are more advanced, nor that everyone will eventually come to the same way of thinking.  It’s entirely possible that after due rational consideration, many people will come to the conclusion exactly opposite my own.  I still thought it might be useful to share my thoughts on the matter as someone who has been concerned about browser compatibility and standards advancement for a very long time now.

Comments are closed here, but discussion is open at ALA.

Update: I wanted to point to some other material about this topic.  I’ll probably keep updating this as time goes on.

  • Compatibility and IE8 — a post by Chris Wilson about the challenges faced by browsers when advancing standards, and the particular situation experienced in the IE7 deployment.  You don’t have to agree with the conclusions, but understanding the problem is important.

  • The versioning switch is not a browser detect — this is vitally important to any hope of useful debate on this topic.  I tried to clearly make the same point in my ALA article, but reiteration doesn’t hurt.

  • Broken — Jeremy objects to the default behavior.  I actually agree with him, and made that case at length with a member of the IE team.  I couldn’t make what I wanted square with their requirements, and came to see that I couldn’t, and was deeply saddened by it.  I sincerely hope that Jeremy, or indeed anyone, can succeed where I failed.

  • That Red-headed Monster Next to You? Yeah, that’s Anger — no, I didn’t link this because of the hair-color reference.  I’ve been deeply disheartened by the overall tenor of the reaction.  Disagreement is fine, in fact welcomed; but the level of vitriol, name-calling, and outright personal attacks came as a rude and unwelcome surprise.

Comments (9)

  1. Pingback ::

    Version Targeting For IE8, Developer Wars, My Thoughts :: Unintentionally Blank

    […] everyone tries to work out whether this is madness or genius. Jeffrey Zeldman, Jonathon Snook and Eric Meyer think it is a good thing, Jeremy Keith doesn’t, Drew McLellan distanced the whole Web […]

  2. Pingback :: » Blog Archive » IE8, estándares y la super-polémica del mes

    […] deben respetar los estándares por defecto. A su derechaaa, de color azul y encabezados por Eric Meyerrrrr los amantes del “Don”t Break the Web” con el que Microsoft se ha defendido siempre para pasar […]

  3. Pingback ::

    Shallow Thoughts » More on the Meta

    […] Eric followed up with even more of his thoughts on the topic of version targeting than he shared the day before. The comment that struck me most was this: It has to be realized that this may well be the only way […]

  4. Pingback :: » IE8 Mode?

    […] and IE8 on the IEBlog and an article in the most recent ALA issue (got some time to read up?): #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13 and – my favorite – #14. *phew* Spread the […]

  5. Pingback ::

    about: X-UA-Compatible, this time for real

    […] In case you’ve missed it, you can warm up here, here and here. […]

  6. Pingback ::

    outbreak » Blogstorming X-UA-Compatible (written on January 28th, 2008 by Marko Mrdjenovic)

    […] Eric did to prevent a flame war between web developers was amazing. If all the discussions around the […]

  7. Pingback ::

    Microsoft does the right thing. Web developers’ heads explode in surprise. at Mad Web Skills - Web design in Melbourne and Shepparton

    […] the very nature of building valid, forwards-compatible websites; and those who believe it is in the best interest of the internets, protecting Microsoft’s partners who use thier dodgy web […]

  8. Pingback ::

    about: X-UA-Compatible, This Time for Real at

    […] In case you’ve missed it, you can warm up here, here and here. […]

  9. Pingback ::

    about: X-UA-Compatible, Take 2 « first things first

    […] In case you’ve missed it, you can warm up here, here and here. […]