DevEdge Content Returns

Published 19 years, 3 weeks past

Once was lost, now is found: “Images, Tables, and Mysterious Gaps” has been resurrected from the Great Bit Bucket Beyond and given new life on  In fact, it looks like just about all the technical articles written by me and the other members of TEDS are available.  Look through the full list of CSS articles, for example.  You can dig into any number of topic areas from the main page of the Documentation section.  (Scroll down to the “Mozilla Developer Center Contents” headline.)

Some other popular articles from my Netscape days gone by:

So far as I’ve been able to determine, some of the less technical pieces, like the interviews with Doug Bowman and Mike Davidson, are not available.  Not now, anyway.  Perhaps one day that too will change.

Comments (6)

  1. The other stuff is still at although to use it is a bit fiddly.

  2. What about the web reference sidebar content–is that back? I don’t even remember how to get it into the sidebar by at this point, though…

  3. It’s amazing to look back at some of the stuff that were concerns when we started out on the rocky CSS road.

    It’s even more amazing to realise that a lot of the stuff covered are still concerns for the old-schoolers who are only just dabbling with css.

  4. <table id="navbar">

    We’ve all come a long way since then :-)

  5. Eric, if there are more articles you (or your readers) think need to be saved from the old DevEdge content, please mail me a note (, and I’ll make sure they get moved into the MDC wiki. I’m not quite sure what we should do with interviews at this point, but I’ll try to figure something out.

    The MDC is always looking for new content as well, if anyone cares to contribute.

  6. @MH:

    Eric’s Quick Reference sidebars (and some others, also useful for web developers) are alive and well here:

    I’ve kept them updated, and provide installation instructions for Mozilla, Firefox and Opera. Yes, you can still use sidebars in Firefox :)

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