Posts from 2003

Multiple Exposures

Published 21 years, 11 months past

Two interviews with me have come out in quick succession:

I think a question got dropped from the UI7 interview text, although the answer is still there; I’m going to go e-mail them about it right now.

This morning I watched a freezing rain turn to snow.  All the tree branches and power lines look like bizarre combs, with ranks upon ranks of small icicles hanging every few inches.  I can’t quite decide if it’s beautiful or not.  Something to contemplate on my way to tonight’s meetup.

Back From SxSW

Published 21 years, 11 months past

After a great breakfast at El Sol y La Luna and a quick chat with Tantek on der cellphonen, I spent most of the day on planes and arrived back in Cleveland this evening sans Kat; we parted ways in Houston as I flew back home and she flew to San Francisco for a conference of her own.  I miss her already.

A quick SxSW Interactive braindump:

  • There was nowhere near enough time for me to talk with everyone I wanted to talk to, let alone spend time on it and really get in-depth.
  • WiFi is a particularly sharp sword of the two-edged variety.  It’s great to be able to check mail and IM while you’re sitting in a session, but it’s also kind of rude.  I sat listening to Bruce Sterling talk, and sort of felt like I was the only one doing so as everyone around me typed furiously.
  • Speaking of which, Tantek posted this journal entry while sitting on the podium during our panel.  While I was talking, in fact.
  • Apparently the panel was very, very well received.  There was a good deal of positive feedback from various people, and I heard a rumor that we scored very high on the audience evaluation cards.
  • If you’re going to have live entertainment in a small space, try not to deafen everyone with too much volume and way too much feedback.  (No, I’m not talking about Fray Café, which was very well mixed.)
  • Now I am talking about Fray Café: Scott Andrew’s bet-winning song is both a hoot and a holler.  Although it was much funnier when Scott performed it.
  • Apparently in Texas they spell it “Austin Geek Party” but pronounce it “Adult Webmasters Party.”  A small group of us found this out by dropping in to talk to the Austin geeks.  Imagine our surprise!
  • If there’s one useful thing I’ve learned about Austin, it’s that you need to either stay downtown or rent a car.  We did neither, to the detriment of our overall experience.
  • Cory Doctorow is a very high-speed guy.

Possibly I’ll have more to say, upon reflection.  For the moment, I’m going to go get some beauty sleep so I’ll be at my best for tomorrow’s Web Design Meetup.

Fun at SxSW

Published 21 years, 11 months past

Jeffrey, Tantek, and I finished up our panel about an hour ago.  Apparently the audience enjoyed it, as only one or two people left during the talk and there seems to be some good buzz among attendees.  Maybe we’ll expand it and take it on the road.  (“Hey, gang, let’s put on a Web talk in my Dad’s old barn!”)

Austin is nice, and SxSW Interactive is quite interesting.  Caught some of Fray Café last night but the cigarette smoke drove me elsewhere, unfortunately.  I’ve been meeting a lot of people whose names I know well, but whose faces were new to me.  That’s the great thing about conferences: they help humanize everything we do, and strengthen intellectual respect into personal appreciation.

The Font of Frustration

Published 21 years, 11 months past

I’m still wrestling with the entire issue of fonts and font sizing.  A lot of this arises from a meyerweb redesign on which I’ve been occasionally working for the last few weeks.  My last redesign switched font styling from the user default to 11-pixel Verdana.  This is not a choice without its detractors; apparently I’ve earned the nickname “Mr. Microfonts” in some circles.  It’s also a choice I made knowing full well its benefits and drawbacks.

An image showing 'lorem ipsum' text in three different fonts (Times New Roman, Arial, and Verdana) at the browser's default font size, which works out to be 16 pixels.

When I decided to go to a sans-serif font, it became almost mandatory to crank down the size.  Take a look at the accompanying image, which shows a comparison of the default-size text in IE5/Mac in Times New Roman, Arial, and Verdana.  To produce the text, all I did was set the font family, not the size.  They’re all effectively at font-size: 1em;, which given the browser’s default setting is the same as if I’d set them all to font-size: 16px;.  The same size value but a changing family means huge differences in the text’s appearance.  This is why font-size-adjust was invented, by the way.  Too bad only Mozilla for Windows supports it.  The lack of cross-browser implementation led to its removal from the CSS 2.1 Working Draft.

Nonetheless, when I started fiddling with the new design—which is more an evolutionary change than a revolutionary makeover, so don’t get too excited—I decided to see if I could go back to the user-default approach and still be happy with the result.  I think I’ve managed it, but what’s been interesting to me has been how that choice has influenced the entire design process.  What I have now is something that I think works well with a serif font, but if I were to switch to a sans-serif font, I’d have to change other things as well.  More proof of the fundamental importance of text styling, as if any more were needed.  Those of you who went to design school have known this for years, I suppose.  Nothing I studied in the pursuit of my B.A. in History really taught me the importance of typography.

Speaking of redesigns, Scott Andrew just launched one, and I really like it.  There are some interesting behaviors at my default window size, which is apparently smaller than his, but overall my thumbs are up.  The warm tones and nice use of sunflowers make a nice antidote to the recent trend of minimalist white-backed redesigns, which are all fine but were starting to get a bit monotonous.

Looking over Scott’s new design, I realized how much I envy people who can come up with attractive color combinations; all my designs tend to be monochromatic variations (gee, really?).  People like me need EasyRGB‘s Color Harmonizer just to get started.

Titanium Turnaround

Published 21 years, 11 months past

While I was in Santa Fe, NM a couple of weeks ago, I dropped my TiBook onto a bed from a height of about three inches.  The result was as immediate as it was unexpected: the hinge on the right side of the laptop snapped completely away from the display panel.  I have no idea how the forces involved could have even shifted the panel, let alone rend hardware joints.  The screen went blank in concert with the snapping sound, which set off an icy explosion in the pit of my stomach.  Fortunately the display was fine.  It had just gone into sleep mode for some reason.

So last week, I got in touch with the IC Help Desk (it’s actually AOLTW’s laptop) and they set things up with AppleCare.  A box was delivered on Thursday, and with a tear in my eye I boxed my silver little baby up on Friday.  A completely repaired TiBook came back to me yesterday.  Even figuring on overnight express shipping, that’s astonishing.  I figured it would take a minimum of four weeks to get there, be fixed, and come back, not four days—and one of them a Sunday, too!  Just when I was feeling grumpy about Apple‘s rapid move to OS X and the mass exodus of developers away from OS 9 (including Mozilla, which is no longer being updated for OS 9), they make me love them all over again.  Well, maybe not love them, exactly, but you know what I mean.

Out of Character

Published 21 years, 11 months past

After more than a year of sitting bolt upright in a chair whose back was about 20 degrees from horizontal, Kat finally got me to buy a new chair on Saturday.  I assembled it this morning, which anyone who knows me will tell you is astonishing on two counts:

  1. I put it together less than a month after I bought it.  Usually I let a project like that sit for a while, to let it come to the proper sense of fullness.  Or else because I’m lazy.
  2. I put it together, period.  I’m not what you would call handy with a toolbox.

I did put the armrests on backwards, but I did that on purpose.  They look cooler this way.

A screenshot of text on the O'Reilly Network which has some severe character-encoding problems.

Font and text handling seem to occupy more and more of my attention of late.  Here’s another good example of the problems we face: character encoding.  This morning I dropped by the O’Reilly Network and spotted some badly mangled text.  Apparently that’s supposed to be a “ü” in there, since that’s what the referenced article shows.  How did this happen?  No doubt somebody copy-and-pasted the text from a word processor into a CMS interface, and it looked fine on their machine when they previewed the text.  Unfortunately, in my Web browser, no such luck.  (This was in IE5.1.4/MacOS9.1, but a quick check in a recent Mozilla build showed the same problem.)  It may have gone through some XSLT for extra munging, for all I know.

I have a little experience with the encoding problems that can arise when you’re working with XML and XSLT.  If you want to use HTML-style character entities, you have to write a stylesheet that defines every last entity you might use, which is kind of weighty, although I do it for this journal’s XML files.  For the new DevEdge, we wrote a separate namespaced transform based on the old entities.  In our world, a “u” with an umlaut is <ent:uuml/>; an “A” with a ring is <ent:Aring/>.  Of course we also have documents that are encoded for localization (e.g., DevEdge Japan) by their authors, and nobody else can touch them for fear that we’ll break the encoding.  For that matter, when we had an inline JavaScript alert for our printer-friendly links, the spaces in the value were encoded as %20.  Every browser showed those as spaces in the link, except Opera, which showed the raw text (“This%20page%20is%20already…”).  Is it right to do this?  Is it wrong?  I don’t know.  Do I care?  Not really.

In a like vein, I recently found out why recent e-mail message from a certain well-known CSS luminary look like an encoded binary to me, while his responses to other authors’ messages on listservs look just fine: he’s sending out 8-bit text in ISO-8859-1, and something between his fingers and my eyes is munging the text into 7-bit ASCII.  If he sends a message as 7-bit text, there are no problems.  I’m not sure if it’s my aging mail client or a server along the message’s path from him to me.  Again, I don’t care.  I shouldn’t have to care.

It seems that the more powerful our tools become, the more ways we have to break the flow of information.  This to me is exactly opposite of what should be happening.  It’s not that hard to implement character encoding, and it’s not that hard to agree on a character format.  We (as an industry) just haven’t done it to the necessary extent, and there’s really no excuse for this fact.  A character should be a character.  If Unicode is the answer, then great, let’s do it.

As is common for my little technology rants, I don’t have a solution, only questions.  My biggest question is, “How long until we fix this basic problem?”  I don’t even care about how, really.  Just when.

Today is a triple-three, for those of you who care and use two-digit date formatting: 03/03/03.  I wonder if any lotteries will have that number come up tonight.  I still remember when the American Embassy hostages were released by Iran after 444 days in captivity, and that night one state lottery’s Pick 3 came up 444.  Those kinds of coincidences are always fascinating to me.

Upgrading Designs

Published 21 years, 11 months past

The Amaya team has recently said they’re very willing to accept contributions of redesigned icons and color choices for the browser.  So those of you with talent in that area, get to it!  Since the WThRemix contest closes today, you should have plenty of time to devote to Amaya, right?  Right?  Right.

I recently had a very interesting conversation with Ian Hickson about fonts and font-sizing.  Both of us have thought a lot about fonts in CSS and Web typography over the years, but I think we both realized that we had more thinking to do.  When you get right down to it, there is no good solution regarding font sizing on the Web today.  Every authorial choice has a drawback for some visitors, and every choice has a lot of benefits.  Pixels penalize high-resolution visitors who can’t (or won’t) use text zooming.  Percentages and ems can penalize visitors who have changed their default font size.  Leaving the text at user default looks stupidly big for visitors who haven’t changed their default font size.

It doesn’t help matters that there are huge differences in how serif and sans-serif fonts look at the same value of font-size, and that the commonly-available fonts on the Web today are not suitable for really nice typography.  I know some people think typography isn’t something we need to worry about, but it’s critical to good visual design and our current capabilites are laughably crude.  In fiddling with some test pages, I rapidly came to the conclusion that there just isn’t a good answer.  I’m not entirely thrilled with how this site’s typography is handled, for example, but I was even less thrilled by the other approaches I tested.

Is waiting for a downloadable-font mechanism our only hope?  I wish there were another answer, but right now, I don’t see one.  It seems we’ll have to accept and work with what little typographic control we have, and cede the rest of our textual desires to future improvements in both specifications and the browsers that implement them.

An Eon of Silence

Published 22 years past

Pioneer 10 has fallen silent after traveling 7.6 billion miles.  Its mission started when I was just a couple of weeks past the age of two.  It will reach Aldebaran in about two million years.

I wonder if we’ll already have been there and gone.

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