Posts from January 2008

Cleveland Web Standards Association

Published 17 years, 1 month past

Ladies and gentlemen, the Cleveland Web Standards Association.  Specifically, its brand-new web site, courtesy a small band of association members who worked together to design and develop it.  It’s a lovely little semantic number, chock full of microformats and member content aggregators.

In case you hadn’t heard about the CWSA yet and are wondering what the group is like, allow me to quote the About page:

The CWSA is an organization grounded on the premise of sharing information in a relaxed atmosphere. We hold monthly gatherings that include presentations on best practices in web development. The gatherings are open to any person interested in web design/development, no matter what their current skill level is.

This isn’t just a social club, though.  We’re not just sharing our skills with each other, but are also working to use those skills in the service of helping others.  I don’t want to steal any thunder, so if you want to find out the details, you’ll just have to come find out for yourself.

We’ll be having our next meeting in a week, 5 February 2008, in our usual space at Tri-C (and many thanks to the college for giving us a home!).  This is definitely a meeting to make, because the topic will be the current and future direction of the association, including deciding the topics on which we want to have presentations and figuring out how best to use the raw talent and enthusiasm of the group for maximal good.  If you’re in the area, you should absolutely come check things out.  If you know someone in the area, kindly pass the word on to them.

Almost Target

Published 17 years, 2 months past

I’d like to tell you a little story, if I may, from way, way back in 2002.  (The exact date is lost to the mists of time, but the year is pretty solid.)  Like a lot of stories, it’s little bit long; but unlike some stories, it’s true.

As the engineering staff at Netscape prepared a new release of Mozilla, the browser off which we branched Navigator, those of us in the Technology Evangelism/Developer Support (TEDS) team were testing it against high-ranked and partner sites.  On a few of those sites, we discovered that layouts were breaking apart.  In one case, it did so quite severely.

It didn’t take much to see that the problem was with sliced images in layout tables.  For some reason, on some sites they were getting pushed apart.  After a bit of digging, we realized the reason: the Gecko engine had updated its line-layout model to be more compliant with the CSS specification.  Now images always sat on the baseline (unless otherwise directed) and the descender space was always preserved.

This was pretty new in browserdom, because every other browser did what browsers had always done: shrink-wrapped table cells to an image if there was no other cell content.  The only problem was that behavior was wrong.  Fixing the flaws in the CSS implementation in Gecko had broken these sites’ layouts.  That is, it broke them in standards mode.  In quirks mode, Gecko rolled its behavior back to the old days and did the shrink-wrap thing.

We got in touch with the web team at one of the affected sites, a very prominent social networking site (of a sort) of the day, and explained the situation.  We already knew they couldn’t change their DOCTYPE to trigger quirks mode, because that would break other things they were doing.  We couldn’t offer them a simple CSS fix like td img {vertical-align: bottom;}, because their whole layout was in tables and that would throw off the placement of all their images, not just the sliced ones.  All we could offer was an explanation of the problem and to recommend they class all of their sliced images and use CSS to bottom them out, with assurances that this would cause no change in other browsers.

Their response was, in effect:  “No.  This is your problem.  Every other browser gets this right, and we’re not mucking around in our templates and adding classes all over just because you broke something.”

The truth, of course, was that we were actually fixing something, and every other browser got this wrong.  The truth was not relevant to our problem.  It seemed we had a choice: we could back out the improvement to our handling of the CSS specification; or we could break the site and all the other sites like it, which at the time were many.  Neither was really palatable.  And word was we could not ship without fixing this problem, whether by getting the site updated or the browser changed.  Those were the options.

Let me reiterate the situation we faced.  We:

  1. Had improved standards support in the browser, and then
  2. Found sites whose layouts broke as a result
  3. Whose developers point-blank refused to alter their sites
  4. And we had to fix the problem

We couldn’t back out the improvement; it affected all text displayed in the browser and touched too many other things.  We couldn’t make the site’s web team change anything, no matter how many times we told them this was part of the advance of web standards and better browser behavior.  Two roads diverged in a yellow web, and we could choose neither.

So we found a third way: “almost standards” mode, a companion to the usual modes of quirks and standards.  Yes, this is the reason why “almost standards” mode exists.  If I remember the internal argument properly, its existence is largely my fault; so to everyone who’s had to implement an “almost standards” mode in a non-Gecko browser in order to mirror what we did, I’m sorry.

We made “almost standards” mode apply to the DOCTYPE found on the offending site—an XHTML DOCTYPE, I should point out.  While we were at it, we rolled in IBM’s custom DTD.  They were using it make their site validate while doing all kinds of HTML-invalid stuff, and they were experiencing the same layout problem.  And lo: a third layout mode was born.  All because some sites were badly done and would not update to accommodate our improvements.  We did it so as not to break a small (but popular) portion of the web while we advanced our standards support.

(By the way, it was this very same incident that gave birth to the article “Images, Tables, and Mysterious Gaps“.)

Now take that situation and multiply it by a few orders of magnitude, and you get an idea of what the IE team faces.  It’s right where we were at Netscape: caught between our past mistakes and a site’s refusal to accommodate our desire to improve support for open standards.

Some have said that Microsoft is in a unique position to take leadership and spread the news of improved standards and updating old sites to its customers.  That’s true.  But what happens when a multi-billion dollar partner corporation refuses to update and demands, under the terms of its very large service contract and its very steep penalty clauses, that a new version of IE not break (for whatever value of “break” you like) its corporate intranet, or its public e-commerce site?  It only takes one to create a pretty large roadblock.

For all we did in publishing great content to DevEdge, proactively helping sites to update their markup and CSS and JS to work with Gecko (while not breaking in other browsers), and helping guide the improvement of standards support in Gecko, we could not overcome this obstacle.  We had to work around it.

Looking back on it now, it’s likely this experience subconsciously predisposed me to eventually accept the version targeting proposal, because in a fairly substantial way, it’s what we did to Mozilla under similar conditions.  We just did it in a much more obscure and ultimately fragile manner, tying it to certain DOCTYPEs instead of some more reliable anchor.  If we could have given that site (all those sites) an easy way to say “render like Mozilla 0.9” (or whatever) at the top of every page, or in the server headers, they might have taken it.

But had we offered and they refused, putting us back to the choice of backing out the improvements or changing the browser, would we have set things up to default to the specific, known version of Mozilla instead of the latest and greatest?  The idealist in me likes to think not.  The pragmatist in me nods yes.  What else could we have done in that circumstance?  Shipped a browser that broke a top-ten site on the theory that once it was in the wild, they’d acquiesce?  Even knowing that this would noticeably and, in a few cases, seriously degrade the browsing experience for our users?  No.  We’d have shipped without the CSS improvement, or we’d have put in the targeting with the wrong default.  We didn’t have version targeting, but we still made the same choice, only we hinged it on the DOCTYPE.

A short-term fix for a short-term problem: yes.  Yet had we not done it, how long would Netscape/Mozilla’s standards support have suffered, waiting for the day that we could add that improvement back in without breaking too many sites that too many people would notice?  Years, possibly.  So we put in a badly implemented type of version targeting, which allowed us to improve our standards support more quickly than we otherwise would have, and it has been with us for the more than half a decade since.

So maybe I’m more sympathetic to the IE predicament and their proposed solution because I’ve been there and done it already.  Not to nearly the same degree, but the dilemma seemed no less daunting for all the difference in scale.  It’s something worth keeping in mind while evaluating what I’ve said on this topic, and whatever I will say in the future.

Version Two

Published 17 years, 2 months past

So yesterday was interesting.  In a whole lot of ways.

As I expected, there were some widely varied reactions (there’s a good list over at Digital Web, if you’d like to taste the rainbow) and many of them were in opposition to the whole idea.  The opposition was fine, but the tone taken by many was not.  Even though I expected some flaming, I admit I really didn’t expect the overall tone to be so vitriolic, and I found it to be profoundly depressing.  I’m not talking to everyone here, but it still needs to be said: if you feel the need to impugn the integrity or intelligence of another person to oppose an idea, you’re undercutting yourself, not your target nor the thing you oppose.  It’s the dialectical equivalent of “considered harmful“.

A number of people said things to the effect of what Roger said: “explain why we’re wrong to oppose this”.  That I cannot do.  I was hoping for opposition, because that’s the only way to really test an idea.  I’m not so arrogant as to think that I alone can account for every variable and forecast the eventual outcome.  I can only explain, as I tried to do, why I think it’s a good idea, and listen to the reasoning of those who think it’s a bad idea.

No explanation is ever complete, of course, so here’s some followup.

I suspect that a good deal of the emotional objection springs from a perception that the proposal is to require all browsers to implement targeting.  Not at all.  Please be clear on this: nobody is saying this should be required in any browser.  It can be interpreted as a requirement for authors, which is a separate issue, and I think one that’s quickly becoming negated as people work through the details.  Not necessarily negated in a way Microsoft would like, but that’s really their problem.  (See, for example, Sam Ruby’s solution.)

One very likely outcome here is that IE does this and all the other browsers don’t.  In a lot of ways, I’d be happiest with that outcome, because it would give us the opportunity to evaluate both approaches in parallel.  Personally, I think other browsers should adopt the same mechanism only if they feel they need it.  So far, they’ve indicated that they don’t.  Fair enough.  IE gets to try its hand at maintaining multiple internal versions, and everyone else can continue as usual.

In that vein, I have to admit that I don’t understand the assertions that this will make life harder on other browsers, that they’ll have to support all the various rendering modes in IE.whatever.  Can someone explain that to me, please?  I’m not saying the assertion is wrong.  I’m saying I don’t understand why that would be the end result.

At a wider level, I think a lot of people are discounting the fact that version targeting is absolutely nothing new in the standards world, let alone the web development world.  Conditional comments, CSS hacks, and the DOCTYPE switch itself are all examples of version targeting.  When I write *+html… I’m doing it because I know IE7, and IE7 alone (at least for now), will see the declarations in that rule.  I did exactly that just the other day, in fact.  There’s a whole sub-set of the current CSS corpus based on figuring out parser bugs to exploit into hacks that are used to feed rules to specific browsers or specific versions of browsers.  We’ve been doing this for years.  I mean, okay, if you’ve recently done client work where you didn’t need any form of detection at all—as in, you quite intentionally used none of the things I just listed—then you can exempt yourself from the “we” in that statement; furthermore, my hat is off to you.  Seriously.  Because I can’t remember the last time I was able to avoid using at least one or two CSS hacks in a project in order to deal with browser inconsistencies.

I’m not going to claim that these mechanisms are universally broken.  In fact, I believe exactly the opposite: they’ve long since proven their utility in an imperfect world.  (The perfect world being the one where all browsers implement all standards correctly and no form of browser detection is ever needed.)  That alone made me reconsider the targeting proposal in a whole new light.

The handling of JavaScript libraries in a world where the pages calling the libraries will determine how the JS is interpreted—that’s definitely something I hadn’t considered.  As I understand it, the problem case is one where a JS library that uses (say) IE9 features is loaded into a page that triggers the IE7 engine.  The library would need to preserve backward compatibility with all the IE versions that could be used.

But isn’t that already the case?  Every library whose source I’ve studied has all kinds of detection, whether it’s feature or browser detection, in order to work with multiple browsers.  I would think that under version targeting, the same thing would be necessary: you do feature detection and work accordingly.  Again, it’s entirely possible I missed something there, so feel free to let me know what it was.

As for the proposed default behavior, where no X-UA-Compatible information gets you the IE7 rendering, I can’t defend that, nor do I have any wish to defend it.  I tried for most of an hour to convince a member of the IE team that the default behavior should be “latest”, not “IE7”, and was unable to make a sufficiently persuasive case—by which I mean a case that overcame the (perceived) needs of the IE team.  My hope is that someone will succeed where I failed.

Because yes, I too want to be able to leave off the meta, leave my server’s HTTP headers alone, and still get the latest and greatest in standards support from IE.whatever.  That’s how browsers have always acted, and it’s what I’m used to handling.  If someone can convince the IE team that doing this would be in their (and their company’s) best interests, then we’ll all be in your debt.  With the growing collection of workarounds, I think it might be possible to convince them that the default behavior we want is going to quickly become the de facto standard, they should go with the flow and make it the default internally.  I don’t know if that will work, but it’s worth a try.

It has to be realized that this may well be the only way for IE to advance its standards support in a reasonable time frame, or at all.  Version targets let them avoid breaking existing sites, especially intranet sites, while fixing and adding their DOM, CSS, and other implementations.  That has to be understood and accepted if the discussion is to be anything more than people talking past each other.  Within the world of IE, they must have a way to uphold backwards compatibility with sites developed under older versions of IE.  Without it, they will largely stop fixing bugs they discover in their standards support.  It really does come down to that.  The fact that their current situation is their own fault is not really relevant to the topic of moving forward.  This is a way forward for IE, just as the DOCTYPE switch was a way forward for a number of browsers (including IE) back at the turn of the millennium.  It may be the best way.  If there’s a better way for them to meet that need, then I absolutely want to hear it.  But remember, “let old sites break” is a non-starter.  You might as well say “let old sites not load at all in any browser”.

At any rate, I’m opening comments on this post, and I do hope there will be reasoned discussion of the pros and cons of version targeting.  As always, I’m going to enforce civility in the discussion.  Disagreement, opposition, objection: all fine, and in fact encouraged.  Flaming: not fine, and will be deleted.


Published 17 years, 2 months past

You probably don’t need me to tell you about today’s issue of A List Apart, but just in case you hit this entry in your feed reader before reaching the ALA feed, head on over.  If you have anything to do with web development, there’s news of a coming change that you absolutely need to read.

I know there will be many people who disagree with my take on version targeting.  As did I, at first.  Originally I wasn’t even going to be part of this ALA issue but as I argued with Aaron about it on the ALA editorial board and started to shift my perspective, we realized that having someone document that thinking process would be valuable.  So I did.

Already I’ve seen a lot of negative reactions to the idea, and they remind me of my initial reactions.  That’s not to say that my views are more advanced, nor that everyone will eventually come to the same way of thinking.  It’s entirely possible that after due rational consideration, many people will come to the conclusion exactly opposite my own.  I still thought it might be useful to share my thoughts on the matter as someone who has been concerned about browser compatibility and standards advancement for a very long time now.

Comments are closed here, but discussion is open at ALA.

Update: I wanted to point to some other material about this topic.  I’ll probably keep updating this as time goes on.

  • Compatibility and IE8 — a post by Chris Wilson about the challenges faced by browsers when advancing standards, and the particular situation experienced in the IE7 deployment.  You don’t have to agree with the conclusions, but understanding the problem is important.

  • The versioning switch is not a browser detect — this is vitally important to any hope of useful debate on this topic.  I tried to clearly make the same point in my ALA article, but reiteration doesn’t hurt.

  • Broken — Jeremy objects to the default behavior.  I actually agree with him, and made that case at length with a member of the IE team.  I couldn’t make what I wanted square with their requirements, and came to see that I couldn’t, and was deeply saddened by it.  I sincerely hope that Jeremy, or indeed anyone, can succeed where I failed.

  • That Red-headed Monster Next to You? Yeah, that’s Anger — no, I didn’t link this because of the hair-color reference.  I’ve been deeply disheartened by the overall tenor of the reaction.  Disagreement is fine, in fact welcomed; but the level of vitriol, name-calling, and outright personal attacks came as a rude and unwelcome surprise.

Structured Timeline

Published 17 years, 2 months past

I wasn’t going to do it.  It would take too long, draw too much energy and attention.  Too many other things needed to be done first.  But it tasked me.  It tasked me!

So: here’s a browser timeline built out of a table.  I’ll say it now: this does not work in IE6 and IE7.  I’m not sure it’s possible to do, at least not cleanly, given the markup I used.  I’ll explain what I mean in a bit.

In order to structure this data, a table seemed to make the most sense, although even it wasn’t perfect.  There really wasn’t anything that seemed an exact fit, to be honest.  Definition lists didn’t really fit the bill (is a browser defined by its release dates?).  Plain old (un)ordered lists were a little better, but not enough.  In the end I just kind of ran with the idea that time sat on one axis and browsers sat on the other axis—like a table.

Given that decision, I needed to decide exactly how to group the data.  After a moments’ thought, I decided that I wanted to group the release dates by browser instead of by year.  Given the way tables are structured, that means every row corresponds to a browser, each data cell in the row represents a year, and the contents of each cell are the versions released in that year.

So here’s an example of a table row:

<tr title="Internet Explorer for Windows">
<th scope="row">
   <img src="icons/msie.png" alt="Internet Explorer for Windows" />
<td class="y1996"><p title="August 1996">3.0</p></td>
<td class="y1997"><p title="October 1997">4.0</p></td>
<td class="y1998"></td>
<td class="y1999"><p title="March 1999">5.0</p></td>
<td class="y2000"><p title="July 2000">5.5</p></td>
<td class="y2001"><p title="August 2001">6.0</p></td>
<td class="y2002"></td>
<td class="y2003"></td>
<td class="y2004"></td>
<td class="y2005"></td>
<td class="y2006"><p title="October 2007">7.0</p></td>
<td class="y2007"></td>
<td class="y2008"></td>
<th class="end"></th>

(And yes, that’s drawn straight from the example, with no simplification and very minimal formatting.  I really wanted to pare the markup down as far as I could.)

The other choice was to have each row represent a year, and each cell represent a browser.  The non-graphical Wikipedia timeline has each row represent a month, not a year, but same general idea.  I totally understand why the Wikipedia timeline is top-to-bottom: it’s much, much easier to update and have render within the Wikipedia layout.  A new month is a new row in the table.  Easy peasy.  Fair enough, but I’m not here to do what’s easy.

Then there was the question of how to structure the version numbers within each year.  I resisted using ordered lists because in most cells there would be only one version number, and there’s nothing in the world of semantic markup that rubs me the wrong way more than a one-item list.  So I went with paragraphs.  I don’t particularly like that either, but short of inventing my own elements and writing a new DTD to support them, I couldn’t come up with much better.

One thing I’m still uncertain about is my decision to title the dates while having the actual content be only the version numbers.  Would it be better to put the dates into content and wrap distinct elements around the date and version numbers?  I’m honestly not sure.

Anyway, having settled on that structure, I had to answer the question of what to put on which axis in the layout.  Should I put the axis of time across the top, as I did originally; or down the side, as in the non-graphical Wikipedia timeline?  Put another way, should the timeline layout be horizontal or vertical?

I went with horizontal.  For whatever reason, I have a strong preference toward timelines scrolling left-to-right, not top-to-bottom.  Yes, even though it invokes that dread abomination, the horizontal scrollbar.  As it happened, given my structural decision, the same effect occurs even in an “unstyled” state.  If I’m just looking at the table with no author styles applied, I see the browsers down the left and the time across the top, proceeding from past to future from left to right.  That might seem convenient from a final layout point of view, except for the fact that I ended up completely ripping the table apart and, in effect, reassembling it with positioning.  This wouldn’t have been necessary had browsers allowed table cells to become containing blocks when they’re set to position: relative.  But they didn’t.

Frankly, I don’t have room here to go through all of the techniques I used and decisions I made.  Doing so would probably require a very long article, or else a very small book.  I did want to spotlight a few things:

  • In keeping with my desire to minimize the markup, I cut way back on classes.  In fact, the only classes I use indicate which year a cell represents, such as y1999, and end to indicate that a cell is at the end of a row.  (I could have dropped all those classes as well, but chose to keep them for reasons too varied to explain here.)  The paragraphs containing the version numbers, as an example, are completely unclassed, nor do they have IDs.  And yet I was still able to position them appropriately within each year.  How?  Check the markup sample to see if you can figure it out; I’ll give the answer later on.

  • I used ems for the sizing of just about everything, so this should be extremely tolerant of changes in text size.  The icons get a bit weird at extreme deltas, but I’m willing to accept that.  Anyway, we all may have full-zooming browsers within a year or three and will leave text-zooming to history.  The nice thing about using ems here, though, is that no matter which flavor of zooming you have to hand, the timeline will accommodate you.

  • I came across at least two things that were of “is this a bug?” interest.

    1. Assigning position: relative to table cells failed to make them containing blocks for absolutely-positioned descendant elements, as I mentioned before.  Changing their display to block allowed them to be containing blocks, but completely shattered the table layout—elements have to have a display of table-cell to act like table cells.  That makes sense, but the lack of containment when relatively positioning the table cells did not.  Turns out that’s permissible as per CSS2.1: 9.3.1: “The effect of ‘position:relative’ on table-row-group, table-header-group, table-footer-group, table-row, table-column-group, table-column, table-cell, and table-caption elements is undefined.”  Oh well.

    2. Where two elements overlap and both have :hover styles, only the “topmost” (the element higher up on the Z index) of the two gets its hover styles, at least in the browsers I tested.  The handling of hover styles has been an area of debate in the CSS community for quite a while—the CSS2.1 specification does a remarkable job of defining hovering without ever explaining how it should or shouldn’t work—but this single-event model seems unnecessarily restrictive after all these years.

  • Speaking of bugs, I ran into an apparently insoluble problem with Explorer: its allergies over the combination of display and table markup.  Yes, I know, I built bar graphs out of table markup, and that worked fine (even in IE6).  Not so here.  In fact, I couldn’t even get the table element to generate an element box once I’d positioned most of its descendants and converted them all to display: block.  I mean, no matter what I did, it would not show anything.  No height, no width, no borders, no nothing.  I can’t even figure out what’s happening to the display role of the cells, most of which position but some of which still act like they’re cells.  I think.

    Anyway, I was able to get IE7 to recreate 99% of the layout but couldn’t stop the overlap of the table and the following text (“Sources”, et cetera) without throwing in an extra div after the table and using a CSS hack to set its height in only IE7 so as to force the text below the timeline.  No thank you.  So I took the hacks out.  I admit I’m disappointed this doesn’t work as it should in IE7, but I have to remind myself that the fact that it even got close (and it did) is reason for hope.  And if anyone figures out how to fix the layout problems in IE7 (I tried zooming and relatively positioning the table element; neither worked), please let me know how you did it so I can update the CSS and credit you.

    Were I to change the markup to nested lists or divs or something, I suspect it would all come together just fine in IE7.  Not IE6, though… for reasons I’ll explain momentarily.

    Update: Sam Rayner pointed out that an adjacent-sibling-based rule targeted at IE7 would provide a decent fix for the overlap, so I added it in.  The above commentary still stands, except now we have a way to work around the major oddities.  Thanks, Sam!

  • One of the requests for the original timeline was to have an indication of actual dates and browser names.  Yeah, that’s not going to happen with images.  In this version, I was able to use title attributes to add in that kind of information, revealable in tooltips.  It also seemed like an accessibility win, although I’m not sufficiently expert in that field to know whether titles on things like table rows and paragraphs would really help.

  • Regardless, that’s the answer to the question I posed earlier: instead of using classes, I selected elements based on the contents of their title attributes.  So, for example, I place all of the August releases within their respective years by declaring #timeline p[title~="August"] {left: 62%;}.  For another example, I dropped IDs from the table rows, and used the title information instead.  This is an extra reason why the layout fails in IE6 and earlier: no support for attribute selectors.  I suspect IE6 would do okay with the layout if I’d used classes (and non-table markup) instead, but the goal here was to flex my creative-code side and push the envelope to its edges.  So to speak.

    This approach did make my CSS a bit longer.  Selecting on attribute values can be a longer-winded process than on class names, which tend to be compacted to the point of being cryptic.  On the other hand, using attribute selection allowed the markup to be a lot simpler, which is a benefit when adding browsers and new release data to the timeline.  Which, I should note, is now a whoooole lot easier than when I was scaling down JPGs generated from PNGs that I’d saved out of Keynote after using it to draw the dots and lines and such.

No doubt you’ll have noticed that the structured timeline looks different than the graphical one.  I believe I could have recreated the original’s look, but I kind of like this one better.  It’s more interactive, certainly, and having those descending lines (between the top of the timeline on the release dots) might clutter things up too much when looking for information to hover.  If you get what I’m saying there.

I’ve also considered that it would be possible to do a dependency timeline like the SVG-based timeline available on Wikipedia.  Doing so would require an entirely different markup structure; there, nested ordered lists make all kinds of sense.  Once that’s in place, the rest shouldn’t be terribly challenging to work out.  Tedious, perhaps, but not challenging.  But don’t expect me to do it any time soon: it would take too long, and draw too much energy and attention from other things that need to be done.

In-Flight Commentary

Published 17 years, 2 months past

Herewith I present the latest in what can only now be called a series of travel-tip posts.  (The first one, published a couple of years back, was about avoiding jet lag, if that’s of interest.)

I recently came upon a way to while away the lonely hours of a long plane flight and thought I’d share.  Two words: commentary track.  More specifically, listening to the commentary track (or tracks) of a movie you’ve already seen and enjoyed.

How is this better than just watching a movie?  Well, because you’ve seen the movie, you don’t really need to watch it: you can just listen to the commentary.  Thus, you can crank your laptop’s screen brightness down to “off”, thus saving some battery power.  Which you’ll need, thanks to the power required to drive the DVD.  If the commenter says, “Ooo, look here at this bit of the screen”, you just pip the brightness up enough to see what’s going on, and then crank it back down after.

Of course you can rip the movie with the commentary audio track to your hard drive to save the battery even more.  Also, if you’re willing to live without visual reference, you can rip the audio track itself and listen on an iPod.  But honestly, how many of us will go to that level of effort?  It’s a lot easier to bring along a single DVD and pop it into the laptop.  I also like this approach because plane flights are one of the few times when I have enough enforced downtime to get through a whole commentary.

Of course, if you’re lucky enough to be on one of the newer planes with grounded power outlets, your power worries are moot.  Still, when you have five or six hours ahead of you, a good commentary track or three is a good way to make the time pass more quickly.

Browser Version Timeline

Published 17 years, 2 months past

Way back in March of 2007, I moderated a SXSW panel called “A Decade of Style”.  As part of the introductory material, I created a browser-history timeline in Keynote, spread across two slides.  I’d always meant to throw it up on the web for general edification and reference purposes.  So I finally have, in a slightly simplified visual format (the original had a parchment-like background and so on).

In the end, the web form of this is pretty simple, even though it wasn’t simple to produce.  It’s just a series of images, one per year.  I have in mind a way to do it without the images, which would be nice, as that way the information would be accessible to the blind.  Right now, all the images just have empty alt values, I’m sorry to say.  Besides which, creating the same timeline out of structured content would be a fun challenge, albeit one I really don’t have the time to tackle right now.

A few notes:

  • Internet Explorer has two lines, one for Windows and the other for Macintosh.  I did this because their release schedules often had little or nothing to do with each other.  The other browsers represented typically release cross-platform on or about the same day, and so each got a single line.

  • The temporal resolution is one month.  In other words: no, I didn’t attempt to place the vertical connector bars so they correspond to the specific day of the month a browser was released.  In many cases, I don’t have that information—just the month and year of release.

  • I was interested to discover that the “quietest” years in the timeline were 1999, 2002, and 2004 1999 and 2002.  (My earlier belief that 2004 was quiet was due to my having the wrong year for the release of Netscape 7.2.  Um, whoops.)

  • Because the timeline was created for a session about CSS, the timeline starts in 1996 and doesn’t include pre-CSS browser versions.  I may extend it backward at some point, although that introduces interesting questions like whether or not to include Mosaic, Viola, Cello, and so forth; and whether to extend it all the way back to 1989.

  • Yes, I’m missing browsers such as Konqueror and iCab, not to mention the whole forest of Gecko spin-offs like Camino and Flock.  Again, there’s the question of which browsers to include and which to omit.  This was dictated partly by perceived market share, but mostly by good old-fashioned laziness.

I’ll do my best to address any suggestions for improvement, though this is kind of a side project and so commands a comparatively small share of my attention.  Still, even if it never changes again, I’m happy that it’s finally out into the world.

Resetting Again

Published 17 years, 2 months past

I’ve been pondering reset styles over the past few months, and come to a bit of a shift in my thinking.  Here’s the result of that thinking.

html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe,
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre,
a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code,
del, dfn, em, font, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp,
small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var,
b, u, i, center,
dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li,
fieldset, form, label, legend,
table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	border: 0;
	outline: 0;
	font-size: 100%;
	vertical-align: baseline;
	background: transparent;
body {
	line-height: 1;
ol, ul {
	list-style: none;
blockquote, q {
	quotes: none;

/* remember to define focus styles! */
:focus {
	outline: 0;

/* remember to highlight inserts somehow! */
ins {
	text-decoration: none;
del {
	text-decoration: line-through;

/* tables still need 'cellspacing="0"' in the markup */
table {
	border-collapse: collapse;
	border-spacing: 0;

The small changes involve a paring down of the possible quotation around blockquotes and qs.  Before, I was explicitly pushing in empty generated content boxes with content: "", but there was no need.  A simple quotes: none; takes care of suppressing any automatic quotation marks on those elements.

The much bigger change, the shift in thinking, is the removal of the inherit values in the first rule—the ones that wiped out any boldfacing, italicizing, or font variants in browsers other than Explorer.  (You can see them in the “reloaded” post.)  I know, I know, I already defended that practice:

[The inherit] effects, as seen in my development environment, will still serve the purpose of reminding me to build up the styles I actually want, and not use the browsers’ defaults as a crutch. There is the possibility of my forgetting that (for example) IE/Win italicizes em when I don’t want it to, but that’s something I’ll catch during the browser testing phase.

But over time, I’ve come to realize that this is more than just a throwaway development tool.  It really is the beginning of a baseline style sheet.  (Or can be.)  Things like boldfacing and italics are some of the most obvious textual effects readers will see, and to have reset styles that treat them inconsistently across browsers doesn’t make sense.

Of course, browsers might treat elements differently when it comes to boldness and decoration and such.  But unfortunately, without inherit as a viable solution (due to the lack of support in Explorer), we’re stuck accepting browser defaults.  This is one area where defaults are pretty well consistent across the board, so it’s a small risk to be taking.  And this certainly doesn’t preclude anyone from adding to these styles to create their own reset that explicitly handles elements like em and strong.

Which leads me to why I explicitly set ins and del.  In some browsers, inserted text is underlined.  This leads to confusion, because most people expect underlined text to be a link.  I decided to explicitly switch that off and leave a note about it, much as I did with :focus styles.

And why am I not zeroing out deprecated elements, like center?  Because they shouldn’t even be in the markup.  The way to handle deprecated elements is with something like Marco Battilana’s Big Red Angry Text, not silently neutering them.

Comments and suggestions are, as ever, welcomed.  I’m going to shift the end result to its own URL, as I promised I would long ago, so that there will be a permanent home outside of the various postings.  Hopefully that will happen before the week is out.

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