Minimal Dark Mode Styling
Published 2 years, 2 months pastSpurred by a toot in reply to a goofy dev joke I made, I’ve set up a dirty-rough Dark Mode handler for meyerweb:
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
html body {filter: invert(1);}
/* the following really should be managed by a cascade layer */
html img,
html #archipelago a:hover img {filter: invert(1);}
html #thoughts figure.standalone img {
box-shadow: 0.25em 0.25em 0.67em #FFF8;
It’s the work of about five minutes’ thought and typing, so I suspect it’s teetering on the edge of Minimum Viable Product, but I’m not sure which side of that line it lands on.
Other than restructuring things so that I can use Cascade Layers to handle the Light and Dark Mode styling, what am I missing or overlooking? <video>
elements, I suppose, but anything else jump out at you as in need of correction? Let me know!
(P.S. “Use only classes, never IDs” is not something that needs to be corrected. Yes, I know why people think that, and this situation seems to be an argument in favor of that view, but I have a different view and will not be converting IDs to classes. Thanks in advance for your forbearance.)