Posts in the Personal Category


Published 22 years, 3 months past

In her Web Design World keynote on Wednesday morning, Kelly Goto introduced us all to a “bored genius” and her thoroughly fascinating projects.  Some of my favorites are The BullRide, RealTime / Interface to the Future, Neologues: Bang Interface, Stump, and TreeLogic.

In the past 40 days, I’ve been to three conferences and five cities, two of them twice.  Last night I returned from Boston, and so far as I know I don’t have to board another plane until 2003.  Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy visiting other places (although the actual traveling isn’t such a thrill) and I love having the chance to see my friends and colleagues at conferences.  It’s just that the last six weeks were a little intense, and I’m glad to have a chance to slow down and relax at home.

I had a fascinating experience last night as we approached Cleveland.  As the plane was descending through a layer of dense snow on its final approach to Hopkins, the plane was struck by lightning.  Okay, I know, the bolt actually jumped from the plane to the air, but still.  Thank God planes are still basically steel tubes with wings.  After all, if you’re going to fling yourself around the sky, you may as well do it in a great big Faraday cage.


Published 22 years, 3 months past

Every time I look at the image currently topping that topped for the past two weeks, I see Ruth lying in a West Palm Beach hospital room.  Outside the sun shines brutally hot (by our pallid northern standards) in the last weekend of October and we know that we’ll never see her again.  My brother-in-law and I each promise her a dance at the next family gathering, and the lie doesn’t even seem cruel to me.  We are all certain that she’ll be dead soon, but the stubborn spark of hope and the thought that we can offer her a pleasant illusion to obscure the looming end seems like a blessing.

Atop her 10 November entry, Molly has a quote from Frank Lloyd Wright: “The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes.”  I wonder if Ruth would have agreed.  I wonder if I’ll agree, decades from now.  For now, I keep hearing the last line from the movie Seven: “Ernest Hemingway once wrote, ‘The world is a fine place and worth fighting for.’ I agree with the second part.”

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Another Passage

Published 22 years, 3 months past

Early this afternoon, my paternal grandfather died unexpectedly.  I don’t know a lot more than that right now, but I suppose nothing more really needs to be known.

I think he would have agreed with Frank Lloyd Wright.

A Space Between Silences

Published 22 years, 3 months past

Kat and I are no longer sick, and I’d like to thank everyone who wrote with notes of concern.  Last Thursday, shortly after I wrote the previous entry, we got a call informing us that Kat’s grandmother Ruth had passed away.  This was not an unexpected event, but that doesn’t make the loss easier to bear.  So last Friday afternoon, still sick, we boarded a plane to New York City and were there until last night.  Fortunately we got over our illnesses before the memorial service.

Obviously, e-mail was one of the last things on my mind while we were away, so now that I’m back and it’s foremost again I’ll be trying to catch up before next week’s trip to Boston for Web Design World.  If I don’t, and you wrote me, at least now you know why I seem to be blowing you off.

On a lighter note, I’d like to share one of the best literary interpretations I’ve seen in quite some time.

«sniffle snork wheeze»

Published 22 years, 4 months past

I’m back from a 26-hour foray to New York City and Meet The Makers, and I’m sick.  So is Kat.  I could feel my temperature going up on the flight home, and my throat is doing its best sandpaper impression.  Of course, we’re both working today, but at reduced capacity.  A bit of a crisis over at css-discuss, and followup mail from yesterday’s event, isn’t helping me get away from the keyboard.  Please do keep sending e-mail, but expect delays in reply.

It’s traditional for me to curl up on the couch and watch The Stand when I get sick, so I think I’ll go do that.  Unless I decide to watch something else.  Whatever.

Beauty Without Words

Published 22 years, 4 months past

Kat and I just spent the last five days at Walt Disney World with my parents, sister, and her guy.  The family time—a first, really, as it had very little in common with the family road trips of decades past—was a much-needed break in all the craziness (by substituting for it a different sort of craziness, I suppose) of our recent life.  I got to be a personal bodyguard to the goddess Babylonia, at least for a few minutes, while at the Adventurers’ Club, so that was fun.  We also got to attend Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party on Halloween night itself, and the Imagineers really outdid themselves.  The train station at Main Street USA looked spooky enough that someone asked if it was the Haunted Mansion.

While we were at Disney, we all went to see La Nouba for the first time, and Kat and I saw Quidam last month during its stop in Cleveland.  Both productions were deeply, inexpressibly moving; the artists of Cirque du Soleil have created forms of beauty for which no words exist, and perhaps never should.

Let It Snow…

Published 22 years, 4 months past

As I write this, the first snow of the season is lightly falling from an overcast sky.  It probably won’t last more than a few minutes, and the flakes are melting as soon as they hit the ground, but it’s still a welcome sight.  The seasonal cycle is one reason I settled down in Cleveland; it gives the year a rhythm and variety I would sorely miss in warmer climes.

BD4D Comes To Town

Published 22 years, 4 months past

Hey, By Designers For Designers (BD4D) is coming to Cleveland on November 15th!  The featured speaker is Derek Hess, a local guy with national exposure, and the co-sponsor of the series is New Riders, the people who published my latest book.  Assuming no major upheavals in my schedule, I’ll be there—how about you?

Speaking of Eric Meyer on CSS, it appears to have sold out its initial print run of almost 7,000 copies, and a sizeable second print run should be done within a few weeks.  So if you’re on back-order waiting for a copy, your patience should soon be rewarded.

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