Posts from 2000

Friday, 29 September 2000

Published 24 years, 3 weeks past

It is often amazing how fast time flies past.  No news posts for the last month definitely doesn’t mean no news—it’s just that we’ve been too busy to do updates.  In brief: we moved into the house and had some work done, Kat had outpatient surgery, and Eric signed more contracts to speak and write on the topic of CSS.  That’s about it, but it’s certainly enough.

Friday, 25 August 2000

Published 24 years, 1 month past

Of course, work on the house and the attendant move continue to dominate our lives.  While we were away for a week, the nearly 2,000 square feet of hardwood floors were refinished, and they look great.  The yard’s been ripped apart until it’s something like what we want—not finished, by any stretch of the imagination, but much better than it was.  We still have some distance to go, but things are pulling together.  The actual move is looming ever closer now, and hopefully we’ll get everything lined up for departure on schedule.  In fact, we’ve been so fixated on the house and moving that I completely neglected to post the fact that Kat passed her certifying exams a week or two back.  I never doubted that she would, but of course the waiting for test results is always quite stressful for the person doing the waiting…

Friday, 4 August 2000

Published 24 years, 2 months past

Okay, the Big News:  we actually went and bought a house, and take possession of it today.  Pictures won’t be forthcoming any time soon, since we have a lot of work to do and furniture to buy, but at least our address and phone number will finally settle down into something permanent.

Friday, 28 July 2000

Published 24 years, 2 months past

Big news a-comin’—stay tuned.  In the meantime, enjoy the humor of, a new page on the site.

Friday, 14 July 2000

Published 24 years, 3 months past

Eric says: The site got a facelift today (thanks to Molly Holzschlag for letting me steal her ideas).  I hope you like it, and let me know if you see any major problems.  Note:  the reason the site looks so bad (but not totally unreadable) in Navigator 4.x is that I did my best to create standards-compliant markup and styles, and Nav4 doesn’t deal very well with that sort of thing.  If you’re using Navigator 4.x, please restrict any bug reports to pages where there is no text, or the layout is so mangled that it’s impossible to read the text.  As for the long silence since the last update—okay, so we’ve been a little busy lately.  I’ll try to be more forthcoming with news in the future.

Sunday, 28 May 2000

Published 24 years, 4 months past

Kat’s finally feeling better after a week of illness… which is why it took so long to post the notice about her graduation and update the text related to her.

Sunday, 21 May 2000

Published 24 years, 5 months past

Kat graduated from her midwifery program today.  She is now officially a midwife!

Saturday, 20 May 2000

Published 24 years, 5 months past

CSS:TDG will be entering a second print run soon, thanks to strong sales.  It’s had an sales ranking as high as 113, and there are rumors that it went higher when we weren’t looking.  On a related note, the recently published editorial review of CSS:TDG is very kind indeed.  Here are a few quotes:  “…enthusiasm for [CSS] spills out of the pages, making a strong case for even the most skeptical reader to give CSS a whirl and count on its future… attention to both detail and architecture helps readers build a well-rounded knowledge of CSS…  This fine guide delivers on its promise as an indispensable tool for CSS coders.”

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