Spam, Part Two
Published 19 years, 11 months pastI just got back from Search Engine Strategies New York—more on the conference later—and had a fascinating encounter there.
What happened was I decided to check out the exhibit halls (they had two). As I looped around a large booth, a well-dressed man standing in the aisle said, “Excuse me, sir. Are you a webmaster?”. He had the kind of smooth English-Australian accent so favored of infomercial hosts and lower-grade movie villains. I admitted that I was, and he informed me he represented an online casino firm that was looking for “revenue partners”. He was very keen to sign me up so I could start making money.
That’s right: I was being spammed in person.
I was so stunned, I could only tell him I wasn’t interested and walk away, shaking my head. It wasn’t until later that it occurred to me that I should have gotten his contact information and then passed it on to Jonas.