Tour de Frantic
Published 16 years, 9 months past
I am, as ever, woefully behind on posting. (Then again, maybe it’s not just me: Greg Hoy recently tweeted that it’s happening all over.) I still want to follow up on line-height: normal
and also on a closely related topic that emerged in the comments. And I will. Eventually.
Right now, though, I want to mention a few pieces of news from the conference world. After that, it’s back to steeling myself to upgrade WordPress while stomping out the problems I have with my current install and also, I hope, finally getting it set up to do version-controlled upgrading henceforth.
Right. The news.
The early bird deadline for An Event Apart Boston 2008 is next Monday, so don’t wait much longer to register if you’re a fan of discounts. If not, that’s cool too. Maybe you like to pay more. We’re not here to judge.
If you’re on the opposite coast, there’s also An Event Apart San Francisco 2008, whose detailed schedule was announced this morning. It will be two days jam packed with greatness from Heather Champ, Kelly Goto, Jeremy Keith, Luke Wroblewski, Dan Cederholm, Tantek Çelik, Jeffrey Veen, Derek Featherstone, Liz Danzico, Jason Santa Maria, Jeffrey Zeldman, and your humble servant. You’ve still got some time to register with the early bird discount, but I wouldn’t put it off forever, because there’s no way to know when the last seat will be sold.
(And if you aren’t subscribed to our mailing list, then you’re already behind the times: subscribers got word of the detailed San Francisco schedule yesterday, ahead of everyone else. Because they’re on the ins, as the kids are known to say. Don’t let them have all the fun. Sign up today!)
At the beginning of June, I’ll be giving a keynote plus a bonus session to be named later at the Spring <br/> Conference in Athens, Ohio. For years they’ve been trying to get me to come down there, and every year I had some insurmountable scheduling conflict. It almost happened again this year, but they were really fantastic and actually worked the schedule to accommodate me, for which I can’t thank them enough. Come on down and take a
with us! -
Come mid-July, I’ll be in sunny Philadelphia for the Higher Education Web Symposium co-teaching a full-day workshop on “CSS Tips & Techniques” with the incomparable Stephanie Sullivan.
And in the realm of the not-absolutely-guaranteed-and-therefore-underspecified: come late September, it looks like I’ll be back in Destin, Florida; and I just might be making my way to Japan in early November.
Plus of course there’s An Event Apart Chicago 2008 in October, but you already knew about that. The detailed schedule will be published in mid-July, and with that lineup of speakers, I’m already shivering with anticipation.
Okay, that’s all I have for the moment. Hopefully that upgrade/fix/control thing will go less bumpily than I fear, and I can get another post out before all those shows have passed into memory.