Posts in the Travel Category

Back From Beantown

Published 22 years, 4 months past

Kat and I just got back from a week in Boston, where Molly and I presented at User Interface 7 East.  The gang at User Interface Engineering put on an amazing conference, and I’m really looking forward to the next one.

As usual I’m trying to catch up with my e-mail, but in a bid to make it worse, I have a question maybe some of you can answer.  If you pay for your site based on the bandwidth its traffic consumes, how much are you paying for that bandwidth?  I’m not interested in the monthly charge for flat-rate plans so much as I am the per-megabyte fee for large volume accounts, or what you pay for exceeding your monthly quota.  Please let me know.

Catching Up

Published 22 years, 4 months past

In all the head-pounding over learning XSLT last week, I let some things slide by without comment, so I’ll try to cover them all in a single post.  (And remember, if you have an RSS aggregator, you can syndicate these posts via my RSS feed!)

In early November, I’ll be appearing at Meet The Makers New York on a “standards mini-panel” with Jeffrey Zeldman, so I’d better get around to calling Moishe.  There will also be a San Francisco Meet The Makers where my co-worker Arun will be on a panel with Tantek Çelik of Microsoft.  You might be able to score a free VIP ticket to either event if you hurry (and are willing to fill out the questionnaire).

I’ve added more information to the upcoming events on my Speaking page, including promotional codes for events that have them.  I disclose when using a code will make me money, and have been thinking about ways to turn those into community-building exercises.  Maybe I’ll take everyone who used my code(s) to a group dinner, assuming I can come up with a way to verify code use.

Last week, we published a CSS2.1 Quick Reference sidebar tab for Gecko-based browsers, and French translations of the CSS2 and DOM2 sidebar tabs, to the Sidebars area of the DevEdge Toolbox.  I also published a technical note on fixing list-item marker size in the NS6.x series.

Over the weekend, I not only dug into more XSLT (which almost made me pound my head against a wall, again), but I wrote some Javascript bookmarklets to help manage the administration of css-discuss.  It’s been a while since I thought of myself as a programmer, and I certainly am no expert—but it’s been good to stretch those mental muscles again, after so long.  The neural paths needed for exploring and using CSS and structural markup aren’t the same as those needed for programming.  The sense of achievement I felt when I figured out how to do what I wanted to do was a welcome change of pace.

It’s really cold in our house right now, but at least the shaking and banging of workmen dismantling our 82-year-old boiler has stopped.  Kat and I are sort of sad to see the old beast go, but since it had suddenly started leaking enough carbon monoxide to form its own atmospheric system, we don’t exactly regret replacing it.  The replacement boiler is almost ridiculously smaller than our old boiler.  I have trouble believing that it can heat the basement, let alone the whole house.

Monday, 18 March 2002

Published 22 years, 11 months past

Kat wrote up a short account of our recent trip, which includes a detailed review of the resort where we stayed in case you’re thinking about heading for Cancun.  I marked it up and scanned in a few pictures to make it prettier.  It’s all in the “Miscellaneous” section.

Monday, 18 February 2002

Published 23 years, 5 days past

A big gap in writing means a big update.  I’ll try to keep it brief.  Wait, who am I kidding?  I’ll be as long-winded as usual.

Travel: Kat and I just spent a weekend together in New York City, after I met with various people within Time-Warner to introduce the Netscape Evangelism teamJeff’s head cold prevented us from seeing him and his gal for dinner (although I’d seen him earlier in the week), but we did get time to hang out with a variety of Kat’s friends.  On Saturday, we fought our way through packed masses of people to see the Chinese New Year parade in Chinatown.  It was there that I found a new definition of “pathetic.”  The parade turned out to be two very short dragons, a guy hitting a cymbal, and some local businessmen in suits.  Front to back, the entire parade was about twenty feet long.  Seriously.

We also got to see Kat’s parents for brunch on Sunday morning, which is always nice.  The Inn at Great Neck has a great buffet-style brunch, including oysters on the half-shell and some really amazing jumbo shrimp.

While coming in for a landing at Hopkins, I composed a blank-verse poem.  I’m not sure why.  It was as wretched as my other poetry, so I let it go, but what is it about recent months that has made me more poetic?  Or at least made me think I am?

The Written Word: People have been asking about my writing, and there are quite a few rumors floating around, so here’s the latest scoop straight from me.  (I’d just like to pause a moment to reflect on the fundamental oddity of there being rumors about me and my work.  Okay.  Let’s move on.)

The biggest news is that I’m writing a CSS book for New Riders; if you want to waste a few minutes for no good reason you can check out my author profile on their site.  This book will not, as some have speculated, be called “CSS Magic.”  This is entirely because I couldn’t live with the format restrictions that series places on its authors.  Instead, the book will preserve the spirit of the Magic books but be presented more like a narrative text that walks the reader through the creation of a design, or an important aspect of one.  The feeling the reader should (hopefully) get is of sitting next to me while I work through a project, seeing how the styles are built up and, when necessary, changed.  Every chapter will be a project, and labeled as such.  Code fragments will show what’s added or changed at every step.  The entire book will be in full color, and I’m aiming for an average of about one screenshot per page.  Code fragments will show what’s added or changed at every step.  Sidebar notes and warnings will point out other things to try, or certain caveats, and so on.  So in many ways, it will be very much like a Magic book.  But it won’t be called “CSS Magic.”

We’re aiming to have it on shelves this summer, with writing projected to be finished by the end of March.  It’s about two-thirds done already.  As a bit of a teaser, the book will incorporate at least three of the demos found in css/edge, in whole or in part.  I’ll leave you to guess which ones made it in.

As for Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide, there will not be a second edition before 2003 at the earliest.  The problem is that expanding the book to cover CSS2, as I would pretty obviously have to do, means I’d have to write a lot of “this is how things should work, but no browser gets this right yet” or “only one browser will handle this, the rest will gack up a hairball.”  Even in a book like CSS:TDG, which is concerned as much with theory as practice, I vastly prefer to cover theory that can actually be put into practice.  Who wants to read a 20-page chapter on generated content when it isn’t fully supported by any known browser?

So that’s a big factor in when the writing starts and when a second edition might hit the shelves.  The release of IE6/Win actually delayed this process, because it added so little in the way of new and correct CSS support.

There you have it: the latest writing information.  I should probably restructure my “Books” page so it has room for this sort of thing, and allow me to keep interested parties more up-to-date on what I’m doing.  Maybe when the New Riders book is done…

On a related note, Owen Briggs ( and Eric Costello ( are also finishing up a practical CSS book, and I believe it’s due out in April.  I don’t know much more about it, except that given the uniformly excellent work the both of them have published, I’m confident it will be a worthwhile addition to anyone’s library.

On another related note, Meryl K. Evans has posted a new article, Blast Sites with User CSS Sheets, which was written with some input from me and was apparently inspired in part by my presentation “User Stylesheets: A Tool for Design (and Destruction!)” last November at Web Design World 2001.  You can find the original Powerpoint files for that presentation on my Talks page, but read Meryl’s article for a much more friendly and thorough look at how user stylesheets can be a useful too in the hands of a savvy designer.

css-discuss:  Although the pace has slowed quite a bit, we’re still adding members; the count is now over 1500 subscribers to the list.  The ebb and flow of the list has been fascinating, and I think we’re starting to evolve the kind of community I’d hoped to create.  It will still take some shepherding, but I think people have caught on to what I’m about.  Word.

On yet another related note, Al Sparber, founder of Project VII and a highly respected Dreamweaver guru and real-world standards advocate, recently started up a CSS discussion newsgroup on the PVII NNTP server.  I presume the group will be primarily focused on using CSS in a Dreamweaver environment, and certainly in conjunction with Al’s DW extensions and design packs, but I bet it will also be a good place to get information about using CSS in general.  You can find it at news:// (Thanks to Shirley K. for reminding me, by dint of her blog entry, that I’d forgotten to post this before my trip to NYC.)

Sunday, 1 July 2001

Published 23 years, 7 months past

Hoo boy… life took over again.  Here’s what happened in the last month:

Kat and I went to her tenth college reunion at Brandeis University, where we met up with friends of hers (in some cases, also friends of mine) and had a lot of fun for three days.  Kat even convinced me to dance, which anyone will tell you is both a rare thing and an event to be avoided at all costs.  Still, I enjoyed myself.  The campus is quite beautiful, and the view from the top of The Rock is pretty nice too.

The day after we got back from the reunion, I went out to Mountain View for nine days to get to know my fellow team members better, and get myself up to speed on what’s going on with Netscape 6.1 and the future of the browser.  Despite what you may have heard, Netscape is not getting out of the browser market.  If nothing else, it would be kind of silly for them to hire someone like me if they weren’t going to be a browser company any more.  Anyway, my parents flew out a day after I did for a vacation, so we met up for dinner while they were on their way through town to the wine country north of the city.  That weekend, Peter Murray (good friend and library automation expert extraordinaire) was in town for a conference so we also met for dinner.  It was definitely odd meeting up in San Francisco with people I know who live (literally) thousands of miles from there, just as I do.

A few days after that, Kat flew out, my parents came back into San Francisco, and we all set off on a vacation which we’d had planned before Netscape first contacted me about the job.  We went—where else?—to Ragged Point for several days, and put relaxation on the top of our “To Do” list.  I’m hoping that my pictures come out okay, because if they did I got some beautiful shots.  We also saw a pod of (probably) humpback whales off the shore, which is unusual for that time of year.  And, of course, we dined like emperors on the incredible culinary creations of Roger Wall, genius chef at the Ragged Point Restaurant.  In short, a wonderful time was had by all.

Just as a side note—the more I think about it, the more I like the idea I proposed in my last update: U.S. federal income tax forms should allow taxpayers to vote for the programs on which they’d like to see their money be spent.  For example—and I’m being very hypothetical here—assume that Americans collectively indicated that they wanted most of their money to go to NASA, and very little of it to the Defense Department.  We’d know which one should get funding priority, wouldn’t we?  Of course, in the real world it would likely be the other way around, but that’s not my point.  What I’m trying to say is that when you ask people what they’re willing to pay for, you find out what they consider most important.  I think that’s worth knowing.

Tuesday, 8 May 2001

Published 23 years, 9 months past

Ah, three days in New York City.  Concrete and skyscrapers as far as the eye can see, the bustle and energy of several million people, the constant hum and the honking of taxis, blasts of pungent bus exhaust.  Isn’t it funny how the same things I find abhorrent, my wife can find so wonderful?  I could probably try stretching that observation into other areas of our life together, but that would be grossly unfair and (more importantly) not very funny.

The trip to NYC (which ended on Sunday) was undertaken so that I could speak at a conference along with Jeff Veen, Jeffrey Zeldman, and Eric Costello.  Unfortunately the conference was cancelled at the last minute, so no panel for us.  We got together anyway, along with Jeff’s wife Leslie (previously quoted on this very page), and spent a pleasant evening schmoozing and eating at The Noho Star.  I always like to hang with industry veterans in a social setting, because the conversation always takes interesting swings from shop talk to politics to gossip and back, wending a path through anything which takes the collective fancy.  These are smart people leading interesting lives.  What could be more compelling?

Kat and I also took the chance to visit with her parents, naturally, and to see some of Kat’s friends in the NYC area.  For the weekend, we drove up to Hartford, CT to see Peter and Celeste for the first time since their wedding last summer, and to admire their new house.  It’s funny how being fellow homeowners can provide all kinds of material for conversation, most of it the kind of thing we would have been horrified by not five years previously.  Yet there we all were chatting gaily about boring grown-up stuff like wall paint and hardwood floors.  I can only imagine what it will be like when we have children.

As for last week’s update… there is much to say, but not now.

Thursday, 29 March 2001

Published 23 years, 10 months past

Kat and I just returned from the company retreat to Curaçao, which was quite lovely and very warm but also lacked Internet access.  There was also a distinct lack of stuff for me to do besides sit around, read books, and swim.  Sounds like heaven, right?  Wrong.  My head was in danger of imploding, to reference Babylon 5 once more, and frankly the island pace doesn’t suit me.  I don’t care how relaxed life is down there: it should not take fifteen minutes to screw up an order for three scoops of ice cream in a bowl.  I expect that level of incompetence to consume no more than five minutes, tops.

On the other hand, I did at long last learn to snorkel and got relatively good at it, so I was able to enjoy gliding over coral formations, minor shipwrecks, and brightly colored fish while the sun warmed my (SPF45 and T-shirt protected) back.  So I can’t say the trip was a total loss.

Wednesday, 24 January 2001

Published 24 years, 1 month past

…aaaand we’re back.  So Kat and I made a snap decision to go to Disney World.  Okay, Kat made a snap decision, did a whole ton of research on prices and availability, laid all the groundwork, and then convinced Eric that a vacation was needed.  As usual, she was right.  Florida was sunny but cold, although since their low temperature was higher than Cleveland’s high temperatures, I wasn’t complaining too much.  The only real drawback was the difficulty in swimming in the pool.  The water was warm enough, but since it was off-season the pool had limited hours and we were always off doing stuff.  Lord knows, there’s more than enough stuff to do at the Magic Kingdom, Epcot, and so forth.  Being there in the off-season meant basically no lines at all, which was wonderful.  So was the food.  What is it about our vacations and food?  Maybe I should become a culinary critic, which would be some sort of über-dream job for me, now that I think about it:  eat great food, write about it, get paid.  Where do I sign up?

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